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A growing number of Local authorities have introduced Net Zero Carbon new building policies in their Local Plans based on energy metrics. These policies are based on robust technical and cost evidence. However, at the end of 2023 a Written Ministerial Statement (WMS) challenged this approach and put into question whether local authorities could set higher environmental standards with different metrics than those used in Part L. At Etude we have been working with many local authorities on net zero local policy and thus have investigated this further and sought legal advice on this matter. We have found that local authorities can still bring forward Net Zero Carbon new building policies based on energy metrics. We wanted to share access to this open legal advice here on LinkedIn, as it may be useful for other Local authorities that we are not currently working with, so please do repost and share with Local Authority contacts that you know! For more information see Note: The legal advice was commissioned specifically related to our Delivering Net Zero study, a technical and cost evidence base undertaken for 18 London boroughs, which looked at two policy options. Hence the legal advice refers to Option 1, policy using the part L framework and Option 2, policy using energy based metrics.