GML are delighted to announce a fabulous success at Barnet Planning Committee for a major PBSA scheme we have designed with and for Astir Living. The site lies next to the new Brent Cross West Station at the intersection of the Brent Cross West (Staples Corner) Growth area and the rapidly developing Brent Cross Cricklewood regeneration area. The scheme includes 844 student rooms – with commercial and café units at the ground designed in an S-shaped plan form that enables landscaped amenity podiums above the commercial units and rises to a 28-storey tower next to the station. The development is designed as an ensemble of complimentary architectural elements and to be the first phase of the emerging Brent Cross West Growth Area. Communal student areas and external amenity are provided at multiple levels, with the whole of the top floor conceived as a sky lounge with 360-degree views and a wrap-around terrace set within a double-height open frame that in turn will act as a key way-finder to the adjacent station. The design has benefitted from regular and positive dialogue with an engaged planning and design team at Barnet; an enlightened and hands-on client; a great set of consultants and a proactive and forward-thinking planning team at Iceni. The application was submitted in June 2024. Project Team: Planning consultant | Iceni Projects Townscape, EIA, FRA, Sustainability | Iceni Projects Transport Consultants | Transport Planning Practice Fire Consultants | BB7 PBSA Consultant | Homes for Students Daylight & Sunlight | eb7 ltd Wind Mitigation Assessment | GIA Surveyors Mep Consultants | FHP Landscape Architect | Studio Bosk Ltd Arboricultural | fabrik Noise & Vibration | Ian Sharland Limited Air Quality | Southdown Surveyors Ltd Structural & Geotechnical | Iesis Group Ecology | DEREK FINNIE ASSOCIATES LTD GML Team: Nick Makasis Peter Case Maciej Gutowski MIRKO NAVARRA Michael Taylor