Mimicrete’s cover photo


Research Services

Advanced Materials for the Future of Infrastructure

About us

Powering the smart infrastructure of Tomorrow. Our purpose is to enable smart concrete through self-healing technologies, which will be a critical component of long-term growth and will power the next generation of value for our offerings by: - Durable & High Performance Materials - Carbon Emission Reduction - Automatic Damage Detecting & Healing - Lifecycle Maintenance Mimicrete is an advanced materials science startup developing novel self-healing concrete. The technology was developed via a doctorate within the University of Cambridge's Geotechnical and Environmental Research Group in the Department of Engineering. Civil engineers know that there is a fundamental problem in construction and infrastructure: concrete cracks. No matter how carefully it is installed or reinforced, it will degrade over time. Governments must maintain or replace critical infrastructure: dams, bridges, roads, and tunnels, regularly and at great expense. In the UK alone we spend 40 billion pounds per year maintaining and replacing damaged structures. Mimicrete has developed self-healing concrete to both increase the strength and extend the lifespan of our built environment. Our technology requires no manual intervention post-installation. It increases the strength of the concrete on day one and more than doubles its lifespan. The need to monitor and maintain infrastructure is reduced. The extension in lifespan reduces the volume of concrete utilised in the overall built environment, in turn reducing the negative environmental impact of construction itself. Mimicrete helps the “world's most destructive material” to become significantly more sustainable, without total reinvention of the product or supply chain. Mimicrete: Powering the smart infrastructure of Tomorrow

Research Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
Advanced Materials, Construction Technology, Sustainability, Self-Healing Concrete, CleanTech, Infrastructure, and Building Materials


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Mimicrete 3 total rounds

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US$ 432.4K

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