A message from our CEO Chris Glennie about ‘Intelligent Guidance’ 👀
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have have noticed a new headline on Morrisby's website: “Intelligent Guidance”. Here's why: To start with, “Guidance” is the essence of Morrisby’s business, founded on our core belief that everyone should have the opportunity to realise a fulfilling future. The guidance that we offer - via our online platform and our Matrix-accredited careers interview service - is not unduly influenced by an individual’s social, educational or cultural background. It is therefore not just independent and unbiased but, more importantly, personalised, based on a real understanding of individual strengths and potential, and can’t be “gamed”. (It could, in fact, be a real engine for social mobility, but that’s for another post.) Which brings us to “Intelligent”. Our guidance flows from the series of assessments collectively known as the “Morrisby Profile”. The science behind these assessments (not “quizzes”!) goes back to the work done by our founder, John Morrisby, in the 1940s. This means that they are proven: tried and tested over many decades with millions of (predominantly young) people in over 50 countries. The results from the assessments mean we really understand what makes people tick. Only on that basis can we offer good guidance - and only on that basis can individuals themselves make informed (intelligent) choices about their future pathways, from both a career and an educational perspective. And our guidance will continue to be intelligent as we embrace generative artificial intelligence (AI). As I have said in other venues - not least at the launch of our whitepaper “Careers 2025: What does AI mean for the future of career guidance?” - we believe that AI (in the guise primarily of large language models, LLMs) will allow us to scale the delivery of personalised guidance in a way that is currently challenging. During 2025, we’ll be exploring this in more detail, and sharing some of our findings. Morrisby has always been a by-word for quality in the careers guidance world; this guidance has always been intelligent. In many ways, we’re now just calling it what it is. #CEIAG #careerguidance #guidance #careers #destinations #AI #LLMs