Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council’s cover photo
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Government Administration

Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot 10,061 followers

Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot

About us

Neath Port Talbot County Borough is in central South Wales on the M4 corridor. Located between Swansea in the West, Brecon Beacons National Park in the North and the Glamorgan Heritage Coast in the East, the borough has a very central location with a mix of rural and industrial wards. The Council delivers a range of public services to a population of around 141,000 people and our priorities for improvement include: • Improving housing; • Improving services for older people and vulnerable adults; • Improving services for vulnerable children and their families; • Improving the way the Council does its business; • Improving the environment; • Improving education; and • Improving local prosperity. Follow us on

Government Administration
Company size
5,001-10,000 employees
Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot
Government Agency


Employees at Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council


  • If you’ve been made redundant from Tata Steel or from a company affected by changes at the steelworks, then support is available. The UK Government's Employment and Skills Fund can help support you to secure future employment, as it has done for Martyn Wagstaff.    Ex-Tata Steel UK employee Martyn contacted Neath Port Talbot Council’s Employability team after being made redundant at the end of last year.     The team helped Martyn to access the Employment and Skills Fund so he could retrain and take the next steps in his career.    If you are eligible, the grants for individuals can help you cover costs such as:  🔹 training costs  🔹 exam fees  🔹 work related certificates and licences  🔹 tools and equipment  🔹 public liability insurance for self-employment    Call in to meet the NPT Employability team face-to-face at:  🔹 The Workstation, Water Street, #PortTalbot, SA12 6LF  🔹 The Opportunity Hub, Aberafan Shopping Centre, Port Talbot, SA13 1PB  🔹 Community Union Support Centre, Aberafan Shopping Centre   Or you can email to arrange to meet with an NPT Employability mentor to check your eligibility. #TataSteelTransition #CareersSupport Wales Office/Swyddfa Cymru Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government NPT Business

  • Pleidleisiwch dros Keri Warren i ennill Gwobr Arweinyddiaeth Ysbrydoledig #Gwobrau2025! Mae'n bleser gennym gyhoeddi bod Keri Warren, Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Plant a Phobl Ifanc Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot, wedi cael ei henwebu ar gyfer gwobr fawreddog Arweinyddiaeth Ysbrydoledig 2025 Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru / Social Care Wales. Mae Keri wedi bod yn rhan o'n huwch-dîm rheoli ers 2012, pan ddechreuodd yn ei rôl fel Prif Swyddog cyn esgyn i swydd Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Plant a Phobl Ifanc yn 2018. Nid yw ei harweinyddiaeth “yn ddim llai nag eithriadol” yn ôl ei chydweithwyr, sy'n canmol ei natur garedig a'i hymroddiad i lesiant staff. Dan arweiniad Keri, mae ein tîm wedi sicrhau canlyniadau cadarnhaol i deuluoedd, diolch i'w phwyslais ar arferion da ym maes gwaith cymdeithasol, creu amgylchedd dysgu iach a diogel, ac annog trafodaethau agored a rheoli risg ar y cyd. Mae Keri'n sicrhau bod y systemau a'r prosesau cywir ar waith, gan wneud i'r staff deimlo'n ddiogel, hyd yn oed mewn sefyllfaoedd heriol. Mae adborth gan ein staff yn tynnu sylw at ei natur agos-atoch a chefnogol. Dywedodd un aelod o staff, “Mae Keri'n gefnogol ac yn annog cydbwysedd rhwng bywyd a gwaith er mwyn i ni allu delio â bywyd y tu allan i'r gwaith heb deimlo'n euog.” Ychwanegodd uwch-reolwr, “Mae Keri'n gosod safon uchel drwy esiampl ac mae bob amser yn chwilio am ffyrdd o roi cyfleoedd i weithwyr ddatblygu a thyfu fel ymarferwyr. Mae llais y plentyn a'r teulu yn hollbwysig iddi.” Mae ffocws Keri ar lesiant staff, datblygiad proffesiynol, a ffordd o weithredu sy'n canolbwyntio ar y plentyn wedi creu amgylchedd cefnogol. Gallwch bleidleisio dros Keri yma: #Arweinyddiaeth #WythnosGwaithCymdeithasol #GwaithCymdeithasol #GweithiwrCymdeithasol #GofalCymdeithasol #CastellneddPortTalbot

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  • Vote for Keri Warren for the #2025Accolades Inspirational Leadership Award! We are pleased to announce that Keri Warren, Head of Children and Young People's Services at Neath Port Talbot Council, has been nominated for the prestigious Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru / Social Care Wales 2025 Inspirational Leadership Award. Keri has been a part of our senior management team since 2012, starting as a Principal Officer and rising to Head of Children and Young People's Services in 2018. Her leadership has been described as "nothing short of extraordinary" by her colleagues, who commend her kind-natured approach and dedication to staff well-being. Under Keri's guidance, our team has achieved positive outcomes for families, thanks to her emphasis on good social work practice, creating a healthy and safe learning environment, and encouraging open discussions and collective risk management. Keri ensures that the right systems and processes are in place, making staff feel safe even in challenging situations. Feedback from our staff highlights Keri's approachable and supportive nature. One staff member shared, "Keri is supportive and encourages a work-life balance so we can deal with life outside of work without feeling guilty." A senior manager added, "Keri sets a high standard by example and is always looking at ways to give workers opportunities to develop and grow as practitioners. The voice of the child and family is of the utmost importance to her." Keri's focus on staff well-being, professional development, and a child-centred approach has created a supportive environment. You can vote for Keri here 👇 (voting closes on the 31st March) #SocialCare #Leadership #SocialWork #SocialWorker #SocialWorkWeek #NeathPortTalbot

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  • Taith Astudio Datgarboneiddio Diwydiannol DU Kazakhstan  Ddydd Iau 6 Mawrth, croesawodd Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot ymwelwyr o Kazakhstan yn ystod eu taith astudio datgarboneiddio diwydiannol, gan archwilio polisïau, technolegau ac arferion gorau arloesol ym maes datgarboneiddio diwydiannol. Aeth cynrychiolwyr o weinidogaethau, sefydliadau a phrifysgolion Kazakhstan ar daith dywys o amgylch Canolfan Dechnoleg Bae Castell-nedd Port Talbot, y Ganolfan Hydrogen a’r Ganolfan Ymchwil Gweithgynhyrchu Peilot ym Maglan i ddysgu mwy am ein profiad gyda thechnolegau ynni adnewyddadwy a’u gweithredu. 

    Kazakhstan's Industrial Decarbonisation UK Study Tour On Thursday 6th March, Neath Port Talbot Council hosted visitors from Kazakhstan during their industrial #decarbonisation study tour, exploring cutting-edge policies, technologies, and best practices in industrial decarbonisation. Representatives from Kazakhstan’s ministries, institutions and universities took a guided tour of Neath Port Talbot’s Bay Technology Centre, Hydrogen Centre & Pilot Manufacturing Research Centre in Baglan to learn more about our experience with renewable energy technologies and implementation. #KazakhstanUK #AcademicPartnership #SustainableFuture #GreenInnovation #HydrogenTechnology #BayTechnologyCentre #DECC #SILCG #H2Wales SPECIFIC IKC Swansea University University of South Wales RWE Switch Net Zero Wales NPT Business

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  • Kazakhstan's Industrial Decarbonisation UK Study Tour On Thursday 6th March, Neath Port Talbot Council hosted visitors from Kazakhstan during their industrial #decarbonisation study tour, exploring cutting-edge policies, technologies, and best practices in industrial decarbonisation. Representatives from Kazakhstan’s ministries, institutions and universities took a guided tour of Neath Port Talbot’s Bay Technology Centre, Hydrogen Centre & Pilot Manufacturing Research Centre in Baglan to learn more about our experience with renewable energy technologies and implementation. #KazakhstanUK #AcademicPartnership #SustainableFuture #GreenInnovation #HydrogenTechnology #BayTechnologyCentre #DECC #SILCG #H2Wales SPECIFIC IKC Swansea University University of South Wales RWE Switch Net Zero Wales NPT Business

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  • Os ydych chi wedi colli eich swydd gyda Tata Steel, neu gwmni a effeithiwyd gan newidiadau yn y gwaith dur, yna mae cefnogaeth ar gael. Gall Cronfa Gyflogaeth a Sgiliau Llywodraeth y DU eich helpu i sicrhau cyflogaeth yn y dyfodol, fel y gwnaeth i Martyn Wagstaff. Cysylltodd Martyn a arferai weithio yn Tata Steel UK, â thîm Cyflogadwyedd Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot ar ôl colli’i swydd ar ddiwedd llynedd. Helpodd y tîm Martyn i gael mynediad i’r Gronfa Gyflogaeth a Sgiliau er mwyn iddo ailhyfforddi a chymryd y camau nesaf yn ei yrfa. Os ydych chi’n gymwys, gall y grantiau ar gyfer unigolion eich helpu i dalu costau pethau fel: 🔹 Costau hyfforddi 🔹 Ffioedd arholiadau 🔹 Tystysgrifau a thrwyddedau sy’n ymwneud â gwaith 🔹 Yswiriant Atebolrwydd Cyhoeddus ar gyfer hunan-gyflogaeth Galwch i gwrdd â’r tîm Cyflogadwyedd wyneb yn wyneb yn: 🔹 Yr Orsaf Waith, Stryd y Dŵr, #PortTalbot, SA12 6LF  🔹 Yr Hyb Cyfleoedd, Canolfan Siopa Aberafan, Port Talbot, SA13 1PB  🔹 Canolfan Gefnogi’r Gymuned, Canolfan Siopa Aberafan Neu gallwch e-bostio i drefnu i gwrdd â mentor Cyflogadwyedd CnPT i wirio a ydych chi’n gymwys. #PontioTataSteel Wales Office/Swyddfa Cymru Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government NPT Business

  • 🌟 Darganfod Wynebau Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot! 🌟   Rydym wrth ein bodd yn rhannu ein fideo diweddaraf yn arddangos yr amrywiaeth anhygoel o bobl a swyddi o fewn ein gweithlu. O weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol ymroddedig i addysgwyr angerddol, a phawb yn y canol, ein tîm sy'n gwneud ein bwrdeistref sirol yn wirioneddol arbennig. 🌈✨   Ymunwch â ni a byddwch yn rhan o gymuned fywiog, ddeinamig trwy archwilio ystod eang o gyfleoedd gwaith ledled Castell-nedd Port Talbot.   👀 Gwyliwch y fideo i weld ein tîm anhygoel ar waith a dysgu mwy am y rolau sydd ar gael.

  • 🌟 Discover the Faces of Neath Port Talbot Council! 🌟 We're thrilled to share our latest video showcasing the incredible variety of people and jobs within our workforce. From dedicated social care workers to passionate educators, and everyone in between, our team is what makes our county borough truly special. 🌈💫 Join us and be part of a vibrant, dynamic team by exploring a wide range of job opportunities in the council that help support our communities. 👀 Watch the video to see our amazing team in action and learn more about what we do. 🔗 Ready to take the next step in your career? Apply now at and start your journey with us!

  • 🎉 Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer 10k Parc Margam ar Fawrth 16eg! 🏃♂️🏃♀️ Eleni, rydym yn gyffrous i gefnogi Elusen Iechyd Bae Abertawe yn ystod y digwyddiad anhygoel hwn! 🏥✨ Dyma Lewis Bradley, Rheolwr Cymorth Elusennol i esbonio sut y bydd eich cyfranogiad y mis nesaf yn helpu i gefnogi prosiectau iechyd hanfodol yn ein cymuned. 👟 Ydych chi'n barod i ymuno â'r cannoedd sydd eisoes wedi cofrestru? Peidiwch ag anghofio y byddwch yn mynd heibio i dri o lynnoedd y parc cyn ymdroelli drwy ei lwybrau coetir a heibio’r caeau sy’n gartref i fuches geirw enwog Margam. Cofrestrwch nawr yn a byddwch yn rhan o rywbeth arbennig. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth, a welwn ni chi ar y llinell gychwyn! 💪💚 #ParcMargam10k #ElusenIechydBaeAbertawe #CymorthCymunedol #Margam #10k #5k

  • 🎉 Join Us for the Margam Park 10k on March 16th! 🏃♂️🏃♀️ This year, we're excited to support the Swansea Bay Health Charity during this incredible event! 🏥✨ Here’s Lewis Bradley, a Charity Support Manager to explain how your participation next month will help support vital health projects in our community. 👟 Are you ready to join the hundreds already registered? Don’t forget you’ll pass alongside three of the park’s lakes before meandering through its woodland trails and past the fields which are home to the famous Margam deer herd. Sign up now at and be part of something special. Thank you for your support, and see you at the starting line! 💪💚 #MargamPark10k #SwanseaBayHealthCharity #CommunitySupport #Margam #10k #5k

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