Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Government Administration

Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot 9,006 followers

Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot

About us

Neath Port Talbot County Borough is in central South Wales on the M4 corridor. Located between Swansea in the West, Brecon Beacons National Park in the North and the Glamorgan Heritage Coast in the East, the borough has a very central location with a mix of rural and industrial wards. The Council delivers a range of public services to a population of around 141,000 people and our priorities for improvement include: • Improving housing; • Improving services for older people and vulnerable adults; • Improving services for vulnerable children and their families; • Improving the way the Council does its business; • Improving the environment; • Improving education; and • Improving local prosperity. Follow us on

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5,001-10,000 employees
Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot
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  • Are you or your business affected by Tata Steel UK’s transition plans? On behalf of the Tata Steel / Port Talbot Transition Board we have developed a new online resource to help workers, families, and businesses who may be affected by the proposed changes. The Tata Steel Transition Information Hub brings together support and advice on a range of topics, including: ✅ Retraining opportunities ✅ Careers advice ✅ Help with Household bills ✅ Advice & support for starting a business ✅ How existing businesses can offer or receive support The online hub is part of a range of support coordinated by the Tata Steel / Port Talbot Transition Board and delivered by partner organisations across the region. This includes in-person events and drop-in sessions for businesses and people affected. NPT Employability NPT Business Grŵp Colegau NPTC Group of Colleges Llywodraeth Cymru Economi | Welsh Government Economy Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Working Wales UK Government Wales/Llywodraeth DU Cymru Busnes Cymru / Business Wales Careers Wales 🔗 👇

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  • Mae gwaith ar fin dechrau ar brosiect uchelgeisiol sy’n werth £12m i foderneiddio cyfleusterau i ymwelwyr ac adfer nodweddion hanesyddol yn atyniad Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Parc Gwledig Ystâd Gnoll, sydd mor agos at galon cynifer. Cynlluniwyd y gwaith, y rhagwelir y bydd hi’n cymryd tua blwyddyn i’w gwblhau, i wella cyfleusterau yn y parc ar gyfer ymwelwyr rheolaidd, amlygu arwyddocâd hanesyddol y parc, a denu ymwelwyr o fannau pellach i ffwrdd. Bydd yr arian ar gyfer y gwaith yn dod o gyllid Llywodraeth Prydain ar gyfer Cwm Nedd, a bydd yn talu am: 🔹Dymchwel y ganolfan ymwelwyr bresennol sy’n dangos ei oed 🔹Canolfan ymwelwyr newydd sbon, deulawr, hollol hygyrch, fydd yn cynnwys caffi modern, balcon bendigedig fydd yn wynebu tua’r de gan roi golygfeydd dros y llyn; cyfleusterau cyfarfod, digwyddiadau a chynadledda, ac ardal chwarae meddal benodol i blant. 🔹Cyflwyno maes chwarae antur cyffrous newydd yn y goedwig a gynlluniwyd i fod yn atyniad cyrchfan i blant a theuluoedd. 🔹Atgyweirio bwthyn y pwll dŵr er mwyn dechrau’i ailddefnyddio 🔹Gwaith sefydlu a thrwsio ar adfeilion Tŷ Gnoll. 🔹Gwaith adfer ar Raeadrau syfrdanol a hanesyddol y parc. 🔹Gosod gwybodaeth a dehongliadau ar draws y safle fydd yn rhoi manylion am hanes y parc a’i bwysigrwydd diwylliannol a hanesyddol i’r ardal. 🔹Estyniadau i’r ardal ble ceir llwybrau hamddena a cherdded drwy gyfrwng pont newydd fydd yn cysylltu’r parc â Fferm Brynau gerllaw, hafan i fywyd gwyllt ar 57 hectar o dir Coed Cadw a leolir yn ddelfrydol ar fryniau tonnog wrth ochr Parc Gwledig Ystâd Gnoll. Bydd y prosiect trawsnewidiol hwn yn dechrau ddiwedd y mis hwn / ddechrau Awst a bydd hefyd yn cynnwys gwaith tirlunio, creu maes parcio a gwelliannau eraill. Tra bo’r gwaith yn digwydd, bydd cyfleusterau arlwyo a thoiledau dros dro ar gael i groesawu ymwelwyr. Bydd digwyddiad Parkrun poblogaidd a gynhelir yn y parc ar Sadyrnau’n parhau i ddigwydd gan ddefnyddio llwybr amgen, a gosodir llwybr dros dro i sicrhau y gall cerddwyr barhau i fwynhau llwybr cylchol o gwmpas llyn deniadol y parc. Bydd Bwthyn y Pwll yn cael ei uwchraddio’n sylweddol, er mwyn darparu llety i ymwelwyr a fydd yn gallu cysgu hyd at chwe pherson dros nos mewn tair ystafell wely ddwbl chwaethus â golygfeydd trawiadol dros y parc. UK Government Wales/Llywodraeth DU Cymru NPT Business #CastellneddPortTalbot

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  • Work is about to start on an ambitious £12m project to modernise visitor facilities and restore historic features at Neath Port Talbot Council’s much loved Gnoll Estate Country Park attraction. The work, which will take approximately a year to complete, is designed to enhance facilities within the park for regular visitors, bring out the historic significance of the park and attract visitors from further afield. Paid for by UK Government funding for the Vale of Neath, the work at the park will see: 🔹 The demolition of the current ageing visitor centre 🔹 A new fully accessible two storey visitor centre encompassing a modern café, stunning south facing balcony views across the lake, event, meeting and conference facilities and a dedicated children’s soft play space. 🔹 The introduction of an exciting new woodland adventure playground designed to be a destination attraction for children and families. 🔹 Pond cottage repaired and brought back into use. 🔹 Consolidation and repair works to the Gnoll House ruins. 🔹 Restoration work on the park’s spectacular and historic Cascades. 🔹 The installation of information and interpretation across the site detailing the history of the park and its cultural and historical importance to the area. 🔹 Extensions to the recreation and walking routes area via a new bridge linking the park with the adjacent Brynau Farm, a wildlife haven of 57 hectares of The Woodland Trust land that is perfectly placed on rolling hills next to Gnoll Estate Country Park. The transformational project will begin at the end of this month/beginning of August and will also involve landscaping, parking and other improvements. While the work goes ahead, temporary catering facilities and temporary toilets will be in place to welcome visitors. A popular Parkrun event held at the park on Saturdays will continue using an alternative route and a temporary path will be put in place to ensure walkers can continue to enjoy a circular route around the park’s picturesque lake. Pond cottage will undergo a significant upgrade, providing visitor accommodation which will have capacity for up to six people staying overnight in three tastefully decorated double bedrooms enjoying stunning views over the park. UK Government Wales/Llywodraeth DU Cymru NPT Business #NeathPortTalbot

The image depicts a computer-generated rendering of a modern, two-story building situated in a lush, green park. The structure features a mix of brick and wood materials, with extensive use of glass for natural lighting. The upper floor has an open, airy design with large windows and an outdoor terrace where people are seen enjoying the space. The lower level includes a covered area with tables and chairs, providing a shaded area for relaxation. The building is surrounded by landscaped pathways, flowering plants, and trees, creating a harmonious blend with the natural environment. People are walking, sitting, and biking, indicating a lively and welcoming community space.
  • 🏆 Mae ecolegydd gyda Chyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot wedi ennill gwobr nodedig am ei waith pwysig ar brosiect Mawndiroedd Coll De Cymru. Enillodd Joey Pickard wobr Ecolegydd Ifanc y Flwyddyn yng Ngwobrau Ecoleg Llywodraeth Leol, a gynhelir gan Verna a Chymdeithas Ecolegwyr Llywodraeth Leol. Mae’r gwobrau’n dathlu effaith gadarnhaol ecolegwyr mewn llywodraeth leol. Roedd y panel beirniaid annibynnol yn cynnwys arweinwyr ar draws sbectrwm eang o waith ecolegol. Dyma’r beirniaid: ▪ Dr Helen Fearnley, Adran Amgylcheddol, Defra (Adran Amgylchedd, Bwyd a Materion Gwledig Llywodraeth y DU). ▪ Liz Milne, Cadeirydd, Cymdeithas Ecolegwyr Llywodraeth Leol. ▪ Richard Blyth, Pennaeth Polisi, Ymarfer ac Ymchwil, Sefydliad Brenhinol Cynllunio Trefi. ▪ Sally Hayns, Prif Weithredwr, Sefydliad Siartredig Ecoleg a Rheoli Amgylcheddol; a ▪ Dr Tim Hill, Prif Wyddonydd, Natural England. Cynlluniwyd prosiect Mawndiroedd Coll De Cymru, a gefnogir gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol, i adfer tirwedd ucheldirol cymoedd Afan a Rhondda, ac ar yr un pryd helpu cymunedau lleol i ddarganfod a mwynhau’r dirwedd ddramatig sydd ar garreg eu drws. Mae’r ecolegydd Joey wedi cyd-gynllunio a darparu gwaith adfer mawndiroedd yng nghymoedd Afan a Rhondda fel rhan o’i waith ar y prosiect ar gyfer Cyngor #CastellneddPortTalbot. Mae e hefyd yn arwain teithiau cerdded i aelodau’r gymuned leol, i’w helpu i ddysgu mwy am ecoleg ac i ymgysylltu â’u hamgylchedd lleol. Dywedodd Rebecca Sharp, Arweinydd Tîm Cefn Gwlad a Bywyd Gwyllt Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot: “Mae Joey'n yn ased amhrisiadwy. Er gwaetha’r ffaith fod ganddo eisoes wybodaeth eithriadol am ecoleg mawndiroedd, dyw e byth yn rhoi’r gorau i fod eisiau dysgu mwy, gan sicrhau fod ein prosiect ar flaen y gad o ran adfer mawndiroedd.” Ychwanegodd Joey: “Mae popeth yr ydw i wedi’i gyflawni drwy gyfrwng fy ngwaith fan hyn wedi bo do ganlyniad i gydweithio â chydweithwyr rhagorol, a phartneriaeth gefnogol o sefydliadau.” Meddai’r Cynghorydd Wyndham Griffiths, Aelod Cabinet Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot dros Gynllunio Strategol, Trafnidiaeth a Chysylltedd (y mae’i bortffolio’n cynnwys bioamrywiaeth): “Llongyfarchiadau i Joey am ennill y wobr genedlaethol hon. “Drwy adfer cynefinoedd a rheoli adnodd y Mawndiroedd Coll yn well, gwaith y mae Joey a’i gydweithwyr yn ei wneud, ein nod yw adfer y dirwedd anhygoel hon, creu argraff gadarnhaol ar newid hinsawdd, a chynyddu bioamrywiaeth yr ardal."

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  • 🏆 A Neath Port Talbot Council ecologist has won a UK-wide award for his important work on the #LostPeatlands of South Wales project. Joey Pickard has won the Young Ecologist of the Year prize in the Local Government Ecology Awards run by Verna and the Association of Local Government Ecologists. The awards celebrate the positive impact of ecologists in local government across Britain. The independent judging panel was comprised of leaders across a broad spectrum of #ecology work. The judges were: ▪ Dr Helen Fearnley, Environment Division, Defra (Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). ▪ Liz Milne, Chair, Association of Local Government Ecologists. ▪ Richard Blyth, Head of Policy, Practice and Research, Royal Town Planning Institute. ▪ Sally Hayns, CEO, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM); and ▪ Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist, Natural England. The Lost Peatlands of South #Wales project, supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, is designed to restore the upland landscape of the Afan and Rhondda valleys and at the same time help local communities explore and enjoy the dramatic landscape on their doorsteps. Ecologist Joey has co-designed and delivered #PeatlandRestoration in the Afan and Rhondda valleys as part of his work on the project. He also leads guided walks for members of the local community to help them learn more about ecology and engage with their local environment. Rebecca Sharp, #NeathPortTalbot Council’s Countryside and Wildlife Team Leader said: “Joey is an invaluable asset. Despite his already outstanding knowledge on peatland ecology, he never stops wanting to learn more, ensuring our project is at the cutting edge of peatland restoration”. Joey added : “Everything I have achieved through my work here has been the result of collaboration with fantastic colleagues and a supportive partnership of organisations”. Cllr Wyndham Griffiths, Neath Port Talbot Council’s Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Transport and Connectivity (whose portfolio includes biodiversity) said: “Well done to Joey for winning this national award. “Through habitat restoration and better management of the Lost Peatland resource which Joey and his colleagues are carrying out, we aim to recover this amazing landscape, make a positive impact on climate change, and increase the area’s biodiversity.”

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    𝗪𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗮 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲-𝗼𝗳-𝘁𝗵𝗲-𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰 𝗔𝗿𝗰 𝗙𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗮𝗰𝗲 The proposed £1.25 billion investment would secure steelmaking in Port Talbot for decades to come, preserving 5,000+ steelmaking jobs whilst improving local air quality and cutting the site’s CO2 emissions by about 90% - equivalent to 20% of Wales’ emissions. Find out more about the proposals and provide your feedback by attending a community drop-in event or visiting our website: 🔵 6-7 pm, Wednesday 31st July – webinar. Please register to attend at the project website. 🔵 3-7pm, Thursday 1st August, Drop in event at Taibach Community Centre, Duke Street, Taibach, Port Talbot SA13 1NA                 🔵 3-7pm, Wednesday 7th August, Drop in event at St Paul’s Centre, Gerald St, Port Talbot SA12 6DQ  ·                🔵 3-7pm, Monday 12th August, Drop in event at Aberavon Green Rugby Club, Darwin Rd, Port Talbot SA12 6BS #TataSteel | #PortTalbot | #UKMFG | #UKSteel | #UKMFG

  • Mae’r wythnos hon yn nodi Wythnos Dwristiaeth Cymru, ac mae Calon Ddramatig Cymru’n cyhoeddi’r cerrig milltir allweddol a gyrhaeddwyd yn ei ymgyrch i ddenu mwy o ymwelwyr i aros dros nos yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot. 🖤 Nod ymgyrch #CalonDdramatigCymru yw denu mwy o dwristiaid domestig i’r rhanbarth a gynrychiolir ganddi, sef pum dyffryn a chwm CnPT, ei pharciau gwledig, glan môr, afonydd a threfi. Gyda diolch i gyllid oddi wrth Lywodraeth y DU drwy gyfrwng y Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin (#UKSPF), mae’r ymgyrch wedi cyfrannu at godi proffil yr ardal drwy greu mwy o sylw yn y cyfryngau ac ar sianelau digidol. Y targed gwreiddiol oedd cyrraedd at 250,000 o bobl drwy waith hyrwyddo ar lein ac oddi ar lein, ond erbyn hyn mae ymgyrch dwristiaeth Calon Ddramatig #Cymru wedi cyrraedd dros 2.4 miliwn o bobl yn barod. Mae’r ymgyrch, sy’n cynnwys ffilmiau byrion i arddangos y gwrthgyferbyniadau dramatig a’r gemau cudd sydd yn y rhanbarth, law yn llaw ag ymweliadau cyfryngol â’r ardal a hysbysebu digidol tactegol a dargedwyd, wedi llwyddo i godi proffil Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn llwyddiannus drwy ddangos yr ystod eang iawn o weithgareddau twristaidd sydd ar gael yno. Yn ôl Karleigh Davies, Rheolwr Economi Ymwelwyr Cyngor CnPT: “Ers rhai blynyddoedd, cafodd Castell-nedd Port Talbot ei gamddeall, ac ni chafodd y gydnabyddiaeth haeddiannol am y profiadau anhygoel a’r dirwedd ddramatig sydd gan yr ardal i’w chynnig i ymwelwyr. Gyda’r ymgyrch hwn, rydyn ni’n dangos sut y gall ein tirwedd eiconig o wrthgyferbyniadau gynnig maes chwarae antur i ymwelwyr sy’n ceisio gwyliau llesol yn llawn gweithgaredd, neu ddihangfa ddiwylliannol. “Mae’r canlyniadau’n llafar, ac rydyn ni wrth ein bodd i allu parhau i hybu’r ardal er mwyn helpu mwy o ymwelwyr i ddarganfod ein gemau cudd. Mae Castell-nedd Port Talbot wir yn cynnig microcosm o dwristiaeth Cymru, gyda’i arfordir, mynydd-dir, parciau gwledig, bywyd gwyllt, trefi deniadol a safleoedd treftadaeth ddiwylliannol. Edrychwn ymlaen at groesawu mwy o ymwelwyr i ddarganfod ein hardal.” Daw’r cyhoeddiad hwn wedi i’r Cyngor lansio Cynllun Strategaeth Ddiwylliant, Strategaeth Dreftadaeth a Rheoli Cyrchfannau CnPT – y cyfan wedi’u datblygu o ganlyniad i ymgysylltu helaeth â chymunedau, rhanddeiliaid a phartneriaid. Y gobaith yw y bydd y cynlluniau’n darparu trawsnewidiad diwylliannol yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot erbyn 2030 drwy gyfrwng buddsoddiad a gweithio mewn partneriaeth i ddarparu amcanion diwylliannol, treftadaeth a thwristiaeth preswylwyr yr ardal hon. Meddai’r Cynghorydd Cen Phillips, Aelod Cabinet dros Natur, Twristiaeth a Llesiant: “Rydyn ni’n falch iawn o rannu’r newyddion fod ein hymgyrch dwristiaeth yn darparu canlyniadau rhagorol ac yn peri fod mwy o ymwelwyr yn ymwybodol o’n sir hardd. “Mae twristiaeth gynaliadwy’n dod â manteision mawr i’n hardal, gan helpu i gefnogi busnesau lleol, a galluogi ein cymunedau i ffynnu."

  • This week marks #WalesTourismWeek, and the Dramatic Heart of Wales is announcing the key milestones reached in its campaign to draw more overnight visitors to Neath Port Talbot. 🖤 The #DramaticHeartofWales campaign has aimed to attract more domestic tourists to the region it represents, spanning Neath Port Talbot’s five valleys and vales, its country parks, seafront, rivers and towns. With thanks to funding from the UK Government via the Shared Prosperity Fund (#UKSPF), the campaign has contributed to raising the profile of the area by generating greater coverage in the media and on digital channels. Originally aiming to reach 250,000 people through online and offline promotion, the #DramaticHeart of Wales’ tourism campaign has reached over 2.4 million people to date. Featuring short films to showcase the dramatic contrasts and undiscovered gems of the region, alongside media visits to the area and targeted, tactical digital advertising – the campaign has successfully raised the profile of Neath Port Talbot by demonstrating the vast range of tourism activities available. Karleigh Davies, Visitor Economy Manager for #NeathPortTalbot Council, said: “For many years, Neath Port Talbot has been misunderstood and not recognised rightfully for the amazing experiences and dramatic landscape that the area offers visitors. With this campaign, we are showcasing how our iconic landscape of contrasts can offer an adventure playground for visitors seeking active holidays or cultural escapes.” “The results speak for themselves, and we are delighted to continue promoting the area to help more visitors discover our hidden gems. Neath Port Talbot truly offers a microcosm of Welsh tourism with its coastline, mountains, country parks, wildlife, quaint towns and cultural heritage sites. We look forward to welcoming more visitors to discover our area.” This announcement comes after the Council launches the new NPT Culture Strategy, Heritage Strategy, and Destination Management Plan which have all been developed following extensive engagement with communities, stakeholders, and partners. It is hoped the plans will deliver a cultural transformation in NPT by 2030 through investment and partnership working to deliver the culture, heritage and tourism aims of residents in the area. Cllr Cen Phillips, Cabinet Member for Nature, Tourism and Wellbeing, said: “We are proud to share the news that our tourism campaign is delivering excellent results and making more visitors aware of our beautiful county.” “Sustainable tourism brings great benefit to our area and helps to support local business, allowing our communities to thrive. By attracting more visitors to Neath Port Talbot, we are also supporting Visit Wales’ wider tourism strategy to encourage the spread of visitors throughout Wales as we can accommodate visitors on day trips and overnight stays who are seeking to get ‘off the beaten track’ away from the more saturated Welsh tourist spots.

  • Rydym am gael eich barn ynghylch dyfodol trafnidiaeth yn Ne-orllewin #Cymru. 🚌 🚉   Mae achos dros newid a ddatblygwyd ar gyfer cynllun trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol a fydd yn gwasanaethu Sir Gaerfyrddin, Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Sir Benfro ac Abertawe bellach ar agor ar gyfer adborth gan y cyhoedd tan 26 Awst.   Mae'r achos dros newid yn dangos sut mae'r cynllun yn hanfodol i gefnogi datblygiad economaidd parhaus yn y rhanbarth, wrth gydnabod ei gymunedau amrywiol a'i anghenion trafnidiaeth amrywiol.   Mae nodau'r cynllun yn cynnwys gwella llwybrau cerdded a beicio i wasanaethau lleol, yn ogystal â symud oddi wrth ddefnyddio ceir preifat i fathau mwy cynaliadwy o drafnidiaeth. Bydd fforddadwyedd wrth wraidd y cynllun i sicrhau bod mynediad at drafnidiaeth ar gael i bawb.   Bydd sylwadau am yr achos ar gyfer newid yn helpu i lywio cynllun trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol drafft yr ymgynghorir arno hefyd pan fydd yn barod ar gyfer adborth.   Bydd cynlluniau Metro Bae Abertawe a Gorllewin Cymru ar gyfer rhwydwaith bysus a threnau integredig yn parhau i gael eu datblygu ochr yn ochr â chyflwyno’r cynllun #trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol yn y dyfodol.   Disgwylir i'r elfennau rheilffordd a metro ychwanegu dros filiwn o deithiau at y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd, gan helpu i annog mwy o bobl i ddefnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus yn hytrach na cheir yn fwy nag unrhyw gynllun arall yng Nghymru.

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  • Views are wanted on the future of transport in South West #Wales 🚌 🚉 Covering Carmarthenshire County Council, Neath Port Talbot, Pembrokeshire County Council and City & County of Swansea, a case for change that’s been developed for a regional transport plan is now open for public feedback until Monday August 26.   The case for change shows how the plan is essential to support the ongoing economic development of the region, while recognising its diverse communities and varying #transport needs.    Aims of the plan include improving walking and cycling routes to local services, as well as achieving a shift away from private car usage to more sustainable forms of transport. Affordability will be at the centre of the plan to ensure access to transport is available to all.    Comments on the case for change will help inform a draft regional transport plan that will also be consulted on when it’s ready for feedback.    Swansea Bay and West Wales Metro plans for an integrated bus and rail network will continue to be developed alongside the regional transport plan’s delivery in future.    The rail metro elements are projected to add over a million journeys to the rail network, helping move more people out of cars and onto public transport than any other scheme in Wales. #Transportation

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