Bridgend County Borough Council

Bridgend County Borough Council

Government Administration

About us

Bridgend County Borough Council delivers a range of key services to approximately 139,000 people, making the county borough a place where people want to live, work and visit. With its Bristol Channel coastline and mix of urban and rural communities, the county borough lies at the geographical heart of South Wales. Its land area of 28,500 hectares stretches 20km from east to west and occupies the Llynfi, Garw and Ogmore valleys. The county borough is an area of dynamic change located along the M4 corridor, encompassing the heritage coast to the south and picturesque valleys to the north. We have set up this account to engage with followers about council news, events and services. Read our social media policy, which explains how we will engage with our followers: Mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn darparu amrywiaeth o wasanaethau allweddol i oddeutu 139,000 o bobl, gan olygu bod y fwrdeistref sirol yn ardal lle y mae pobl yn dymuno byw, gweithio ac ymweld â hi. Gyda’i harfordir ar lan Môr Hafren a’i hamrywiaeth o gymunedau trefol a gwledig, mae’r Fwrdeistref Sirol wedi’i lleoli yng nghanol de Cymru. Mae ei harwynebedd tir o 28,500 hectar yn ymestyn 20 cilometr o’r dwyrain i’r gorllewin, ac yn cynnwys cymoedd Llynfi, Garw ac Ogwr. Mae’r fwrdeistref sirol yn ardal sy’n newid yn barhaus, ac wedi’i leoli ar hyd coridor yr M4, sy’n cynnwys yr arfordir treftadaeth i’r de, a’r cymoedd prydferth i’r gogledd. Rydym ni wedi sefydlu’r cyfrif hwn, i ymgysylltu â dilynwyr ynghylch newyddion, digwyddiadau a gwasanaethau’r cyngor. Darllenwch ein polisi cyfryngau cymdeithasol, sy’n esbonio sut y byddwn ni’n ymgysylltu â’n dilynwyr:

Government Administration
Company size
5,001-10,000 employees
Government Agency


Employees at Bridgend County Borough Council


  • ❗ PUBLIC NOTICE: ❗ Hybont planning application meeting postponed A special Development Control Committee meeting to consider the planning application for a hydrogen production facility and associated solar farm in the Brynmenyn and Bryncethin area, which was scheduled for Thursday 17 October at 2pm has had be postponed and will not go ahead as planned. This is due to further information received today from a statutory consultee. The Council will need to assess this new information and how it will affect the planning application and time must be allowed for the applicant to respond. A new date for the rescheduled special meeting of Development Control and the planned site visit will be announced soon. 

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  • 🤝 Meet The Funder 🤝 BAVO are hosting a Meet The Funder event for anyone looking for support and funding for upcoming projects! Confirmed funders attending include 👇 National Lottery Heritage Fund Sport Wales National Churches Trust Coalfields regeneration Trust Welsh Church Act Fund Lloyds Foundation Millenium Stadium Charity Trust Welsh Water Groundwork Wales Arts Council WCVA 20 minute slots are available to book with each funder. 🗓️ Wednesday 30 October ⏰ 12pm – 4.30pm 📍 Westward Community Centre, Cefn Glas Email to book your slot. 🤝 Cwrdd â’r Ariannwr 🤝   Mae BAVO yn cynnal digwyddiad Cwrdd â’r Ariannwr ar gyfer unrhyw un sy’n chwilio am gefnogaeth a chyllid ar gyfer prosiectau yn y dyfodol agos!   Dyma rai o’r cyllidwyr sydd wedi cadarnhau y byddant yn mynychu 👇    Y Loteri Genedlaethol Cronfa Treftadaeth Chwaraeon Cymru Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol yr Eglwysi Ymddiriedolaeth Adfywio’r Meysydd Glo Cronfa Deddf Eglwysi Cymru Sefydliad Lloyds Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol Stadiwm y Mileniwm Dŵr Cymru Groundwork Cymru Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru   Mae modd archebu slot o 20 munud gyda phob cyllidwr. 🗓️ Dydd Mercher 30 Hydref ⏰ 12pm – 4.30pm 📍 Canolfan Gymunedol Westward, Cefn-glas   Anfonwch e-bost at i archebu eich lle.

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  • Welsh Government has announced the launch of the Supply Chain Transition Flexible Fund. This initiative is designed to support businesses in the Tata Steel UK supply chain as they navigate the transition to electric arc steelmaking at Port Talbot. As Tata Steel UK ceases operations at blast furnace 4, this fund will provide crucial business advice and financial support to help affected companies overcome short-term challenges and prepare for new growth opportunities. With £80 million allocated by the UK Government through the cross-government transition board, we invite all eligible businesses to assess their options for support. You can use this tool to check your eligibility for the funding: For further information please select the following link: #TataSteel #BusinessWales #NeathPortTalbot #Sustainability #SteelIndustry #Funding Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi y bydd yn lansio Cronfa Hyblyg Pontio’r Gadwyn Gyflenwi. Bwriad y fenter hon yw cynorthwyo busnesau yng nghadwyn gyflenwi Tata Steel UK wrth iddynt droi at gynhyrchu dur gyda ffwrnais arc drydan ym Mhort Talbot. Wrth i Tata Steel UK roi’r gorau i ddefnyddio ffwrnais chwyth 4, bydd y gronfa hon yn cynnig cymorth ariannol a chyngor busnes hollbwysig er mwyn helpu cwmnïau i oresgyn heriau yn y tymor byr a pharatoi ar gyfer cyfleoedd twf newydd. Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi dyrannu £80 miliwn trwy’r bwrdd pontio traws-lywodraethol, felly rydym yn gwahodd yr holl fusnesau cymwys i asesu eu hopsiynau ar gyfer cymorth. Gallwch ddefnyddio’r adnodd gwirio hwn i weld a ydych yn gymwys ar gyfer yr arian: I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, dilynwch y ddolen ganlynol: #TataSteel #BusnesCymru #CastellNeddPortTalbot #Cynaliadwyedd #YDiwydiantDur #Cyllid

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  • As part of a master planning programme aiming to regenerate Bridgend town centre over the next ten years, the proposed Bridgend College development will be built on the former South Wales Police Station and Brackla One multi storey car park at Cheapside. The demolition of the police station took place in June last year, and the removal of the multi storey car park is set to begin at the end of October 2024, with Willmott Dixon chosen to build the £80m new town centre campus development. The forthcoming works will mean alterations to some of the roads in the area to ensure that visitors can still access local businesses, including Aldi and those in Brackla Shopping Centre. Roadworks will include: ⚠️Closure of the road in front of the car park - however, access to Aldi from Brackla Street will not be affected.  ⚠️The highway outside Aldi will become two way, and Aldi customers will need to turn right when leaving the store.  ⚠️The lower section of Cheapside, serving Brackla Shopping Centre and businesses at the rear, will also become two-way, with access to the businesses left unaffected.   ⚠️The existing bus stops at Cheapside will be relocated to Nolton Street by the Rhiw Shopping Centre. Please remember to plan your journeys and thank you for your patience. Fel rhan o’r uwch raglen gynllunio sydd â’r nod o adfywio canol tref Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr dros y deg mlynedd nesaf, bydd datblygiad arfaethedig Coleg Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn cael ei adeiladu ar gyn Orsaf Heddlu De Cymru a maes parcio aml-lawr Bracla Un yn Cheapside. Cafodd y maes parcio ei ddymchwel ym mis Mehefin y llynedd, ac mae disgwyl i’r maes parcio aml-lawr gael ei symud oddi yno ddiwedd mis Hydref 2024, gyda chwmni Willmott Dixon wedi’i ddewis i adeiladu’r datblygiad campws canol y dref newydd £80m. Bydd y gwaith sydd i ddod yn golygu newidiadau i rai o’r ffyrdd yn yr ardal er mwyn sicrhau y gall ymwelwyr barhau i gael mynediad at fusnesau lleol, gan gynnwys Aldi a’r rhai sydd yng Nghanolfan Siopa Bracla. Bydd y gwaith ar y ffordd yn cynnwys: ⚠️Cau’r ffordd o flaen y maes parcio – fodd bynnag ni fydd mynediad i Aldi o Stryd Bracla yn cael ei effeithio.  ⚠️Bydd y ffordd fawr y tu allan i Aldi yn dod yn ffordd ddwy ffordd, a bydd cwsmeriaid Aldi angen troi i’r dde pan fyddant yn gadael y siop.  ⚠️Bydd rhan isaf Cheapside, sy’n gwasanaethu Canolfan Siopa Bracla a’r busnesau yn y cefn hefyd yn dod yn ffordd ddwy ffordd, gyda mynediad i’r busnesau yn parhau heb ei effeithio.   ⚠️Bydd y gorsafoedd bysiau presennol ar Cheapside yn cael eu hail-leoli ar Nolton Street ger Canolfan Siopa y Rhiw. Cofiwch gynllunio eich teithiau a diolch am eich amynedd.

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  • Today is #ShwmaeSumae – why not take the opportunity to celebrate the Welsh language by starting your conversations in Welsh – give it a go! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 We’d like to remind residents across #Bridgend County Borough that you are always welcome to contact us in Welsh over the phone and online. All of our online platforms are also available in both English and Welsh 👇 •       Our website 👉 •       Facebook 👉 •       X 👉 •       LinkedIn 👉  •       YouTube 👉 •       Instagram 👉 Whether you’re a fluent Welsh speaker, or learning the language, make sure to check out and follow our Welsh platforms ✅ Find out more at the Shwmae Day website 🔗 Mae hi’n ddiwrnod #ShwmaeSumae – beth am fanteisio ar y cyfle i ddathlu’r iaith Gymraeg drwy ddechrau sgwrs yn Gymraeg – rhowch gynnig arni! 🏴 Hoffem atgoffa trigolion ledled Bwrdeistref Sirol #PenybontarOgwr bod croeso ichi gysylltu â ni yn Gymraeg dros y ffôn ac ar-lein. Mae ein holl lwyfannau ar-lein hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg 👇 •       Ein gwefan 👉 •       Facebook 👉 •       X 👉 •       LinkedIn 👉  •       YouTube 👉 •       Instagram 👉 P'un a ydych yn rhugl yn y Gymraeg, neu'n dysgu'r iaith, cofiwch fynd ati i daro golwg ar ein llwyfannau Cymraeg, a'u dilyn ✅ Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar wefan Diwrnod Shwmae Sumae 🔗

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  • Looking for work in #Bridgend County Borough? Quickstart Bridgend can help you to get a paid work placement, which could lead to a permanent job role at the end of the placement! The project will 👉 provide valuable paid experience 👉 enhance employability skills 👉 offer opportunities to gain new qualifications through training 👉 increase chances of securing permanent employment Find out more and sign up today! Email This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and is being delivered in partnership with Whitehead Ross Education, Employability Bridgend and the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). Chwilio am waith yn #Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr?   Gall Quickstart Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr eich helpu i gael lleoliad gwaith cyflogedig, a all arwain at swydd barhaol ar ddiwedd eich lleoliad gwaith!   Bydd y prosiect yn:   👉 darparu profiad cyflogedig gwerthfawr 👉 gwella sgiliau cyflogadwyedd 👉 cynnig cyfleoedd i ennill cymwysterau newydd drwy hyfforddiant 👉 cynyddu’r siawns o sicrhau cyflogaeth barhaol    Darganfyddwch fwy a chofrestrwch heddiw! E-bostiwch   Ariennir y prosiect gan Lywodraeth y DU drwy Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y DU, mewn partneriaeth â White Ross Education, Cyflogadwyedd Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr a'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau (DWP).

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  • Wales are second in the world at recycling, let's make it our mighty mission to get to number 1 🥇 Take Sunday’s roast chicken leftovers and fight food waste with a fajita! Don't forget to recycle the bones to create renewable energy to power Welsh homes. 🦴⚡ Take the pledge on the @WalesRecycles website to save food waste from the bin and for a chance to win an epic Bluestone holiday or mighty Welsh adventure! #BeMightyRecycle Mae Cymru’n ail yn y byd am ailgylchu, amdani ar ein hymgyrch gwych i gyrraedd rhif 1 🥇 Defnyddia’r cyw iâr rhost dros ben a brwydro gwastraff bwyd gyda fajita! Cofia ailgylchu’r esgyrn i greu ynni adnewyddadwy i bweru cartrefi Cymru. 🦴⚡ Gwna’r addewid ar wefan @CymruYnAilgylchu i gael Cymru i rif 1 ac am gyfle i ennill gwyliau epig i Bluestone neu antur wych yng Nghymru: #ByddWychAilgylcha

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  • 🚨Job Opportunity🚨Senior Practitioner - Kinship and Permanence We have an exciting fulltime role for an experienced Senior Practitioner to join our Kinship and Permanence team here at Bridgend County Borough Council. Join us and become part of a well-established, supportive staff team who assess and support Kinship Foster Carers and Special Guardians, whilst working in a rewarding, learning environment where staff feel valued. 💷 Salary: £44,428 - £46,464 per annum 🗓Closing date: 23 October 2024 🌟 Benefits include: •Up to 8k relocation expenses  •Flexible working hours and hybrid working opportunities. •Excellent company pension scheme •Generous annual leave entitlement •Health and wellbeing support •High quality, regular supervision, as well as having access to training and career opportunities. •Regular training and support for all staff using the Signs of Safety model (no prior experience needed in this model)  ⏩ Apply Now: For further information please contact: Alex Fitzpatrick ( Group Manager Provider Services. #SocialWork #JobOpportunity #Careers #ChilldrensSocialWork #FosterCare 🚨Cyfle am Swydd🚨 Ymarferydd Hŷn - Carennydd a Sefydlogrwydd Mae gennym rôl gyffrous, amser llawn ar gyfer Ymarferydd Hŷn i ymuno â’n tîm Carennydd a Sefydlogrwydd yma yng Nghyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Dewch yn rhan o dîm staff cefnogol, sefydledig sy’n asesu a chynorthwyo Gofalwyr Maeth Carennydd a Gwarcheidwaid Arbennig, tra'n gweithio mewn amgylchedd sy'n rhoi boddhad, ac sy'n rhoi cyfle i chi ddysgu, a lle mae staff yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi. 💷 Cyflog: £44,428 - £46,464 y flwyddyn 🗓Dyddiad cau: 23 Hydref 2024 🌟 Mae'r buddion yn cynnwys: •Hyd at £8,000 o gostau adleoli  •Oriau gwaith hyblyg a chyfleoedd i weithio'n hybrid. •Cynllun pensiwn cwmni rhagorol •Hawl i wyliau blynyddol hael •Cefnogaeth iechyd a llesiant •Goruchwyliaeth reolaidd, o safon uchel, yn ogystal â chael mynediad i gyfleoedd o ran hyfforddiant a gyrfa. •Hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth reolaidd i'r holl staff gan ddefnyddio'r model Arwyddion Diogelwch (does dim angen profiad blaenorol yn y model hwn)  ⏩ Ymgeisiwch Nawr:                                                                                                                                                  Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â: Alex Fitzpatrick ( Rheolwr Grŵp Darparu Gwasanaethau. #GwaithCymdeithasol #CyfleGwaith #Gyrfaoedd #GwaithCymdeithasolPlant #GofalMaethu

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  • How is your council funded?   Your council is funded in the following ways: Welsh Government through the Revenue Support Grant and a share of Non-Domestic Rates (NDR) - £206m Government grants – specific grants from Welsh Government to fund local services - £85m Other grants and contributions - £12m Business rates / non-domestic rates – a property tax levied on business premises - £53m Fees, charges and other income - £52m Council tax – a property tax levied on residential properties - £102m The total of these funds the council’s net budget: £510m 28% of the council’s overall net budget is funded through council tax collection. #Timetotalkbudget #gettoknowyourcouncil’sbudget Sut mae eich cyngor chi yn cael ei ariannu? Mae eich cyngor yn cael ei ariannu yn y ffyrdd canlynol: Llywodraeth Cymru drwy’r Grant Cefnogi Refeniw a rhannu Cyfraddau Annomestig (NDR) - £206m Grantiau’r Llywodraeth - grantiau penodol gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ariannu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus - £85m Grantiau a chyfraniadau eraill - £12m Cyfraddau busnes / cyfraddau annomestig - treth ar eiddo a godir ar eiddo busnes - £53m Ffïoedd, taliadau ac incwm arall - £52m Treth Gyngor - treth ar eiddo a godir ar eiddo preswyl - £102m Cyfanswm yr arian hwn o gyllideb net y cyngor: £510m Mae 28% o gyfanswm cyllideb net y cyngor yn cael ei ariannu drwy gasglu’r dreth gyngor.

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  • 🚨 Last chance to sign up our new social care course! 🚨 It’s not too late to join our Pathways to Care training course starting on 14 October, for two weeks. Spend time with likeminded individuals, learning from some of our most experienced social care team, and meet the individuals they work with. If you are a compassionate and thoughtful individual who is interested in pursuing a rewarding and meaningful career in care, then this course will be ideal for you. What does this programme involve? 📍FREE Dementia Training 📍FREE Emergency First Aid 📍FREE Introduction to Medication Skills Training 📍FREE Introduction to Care Training 📍Interview Experience with real service managers 📍Wellbeing support and advice 📍Meet, hear from, and chat to those already working in the service. 📍Meet some of the amazing individuals you could support. ⏩Follow the link to sign apply: 🚨Cyfle olaf i gofrestru ar gyfer ein cwrs gofal cymdeithasol newydd! 🚨 Dyw hi ddim yn rhy hwyr i ymuno gyda’n cwrs hyfforddiant Llwybrau at Ofal sy’n dechrau ar 14 Hydref, am bythefnos. Treuliwch amser gydag unigolion o’r un anian â chi, gan ddysgu gan ein tîm gofal cymdeithasol mwyaf profiadol, a chwrdd ag unigolion maent yn gweithio gyda nhw. Os ydych chi’n unigolyn gofalgar a meddylgar ac sydd â diddordeb i ddilyn gyrfa ystyrlon, gwerth chweil o fewn gofal yna bydd y cwrs hwn yn ddelfrydol i chi. Beth mae’r rhaglen hon yn ei olygu? 📍Hyfforddiant Dementia RHAD AC AM DDIM 📍Cymorth Cyntaf RHAD AC AM DDIM 📍Cyflwyniad RHAD AC AM DDIM i Hyfforddiant Sgiliau Meddyginiaeth 📍Hyfforddiant Cyflwyniad i Ofal RHAD AC AM DDIM 📍Profiad Cyfweld gyda rheolwyr gwasanaeth go iawn 📍Cefnogaeth a chyngor Llesiant 📍Cwrdd â rhai sydd eisoes yn gweithio i’r gwasanaeth, a chael cyfle i glywed ganddynt. 📍Cwrdd â rhai o’r unigolion anhygoel y gallech chi fod yn eu cefnogi. ⏩Dilynwch y ddolen i wneud cais:

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