Today, The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood has announced the expansion of the trial of a tool, known internationally as the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB), used by health visitors to promote infant wellbeing. The Princess of Wales first saw the tool in action in Denmark in 2022 and The Centre for Early Childhood then worked with the Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) and Oxford University to test it in the UK. The expansion of the trial means that thousands more families will benefit from health visitors specially trained in this area, laying the strongest possible foundations for infant wellbeing in the earliest weeks, months and years of their lives.
After lots of work behind the scenes with the wonderful Institute of Health Visiting (iHV), we are delighted to confirm the expansion of the trial of a tool used by health visitors within routine checks to promote infant wellbeing. The tool, known internationally as the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB), focuses on a baby’s social behaviours such as eye contact, facial expression, vocalisation, and activity levels to help practitioners and families better understand the ways babies express their feelings. Last year we funded the first phase of the trial in two NHS Trusts. Following the overwhelmingly positive results of that phase, we are now expanding the trial of the modified version of the tool to eight more NHS sites, which will benefit thousands more families across the UK. The second phase will build upon the findings of the first and will focus on the impact of the tool, and how it is experienced by parents.