Bristol City Council Planning Committee approved a major outline planning application for mixed-use redevelopment of the Galleries Shopping Centre on 3 February 2025. The masterplan retains the existing basement structure and works with the changes in levels across the site to create a new public realm, with a series of lanes and courts that connect into the surrounding streets and Castle Park. It also creates a new, enhanced setting for the Grade II* listed Merchant Taylors’ Almshouses. The mixed-use development will include new homes, student housing, offices and a possible hotel – all with retail, food and drink and other active ground floor uses. Tibbalds, with Lindsey Wilkinson, acted as BCC’s urban and landscape design advisors throughout the planning application process for this significant site. Our role was to make sure that the masterplan and illustrative proposals met the City’s design ambition to transform a failing shopping centre into a vibrant mixed-use City Centre neighbourhood for people to enjoy. Allford Hall Monaghan Morris led the design team, with LT Studio as landscape architects.
Architecture and Planning
London, England 2,186 followers
Bringing Planning and Design together to make good places happen
About us
We are an experienced, award-winning team who bring together planning, urban design, architecture and communities to deliver people-friendly places. We believe that good placemaking is the product of effective planning, policy, design and collaboration. Our expertise lies in these key areas, supported by a range of services, which we provide across the UK for clients in the public, private and third sectors. Established by Francis Tibbalds in 1978 and now, as an employee-owned business celebrating 20 years, we have a longstanding reputation for delivering social value with an emphasis on sustainability, wellbeing and inclusion. Most importantly, we find joy in the opportunity for creativity. And whilst every project we deliver is unique, each is underpinned by the same rigorous strategic approach, grounded in solid professional practice and commercial awareness. We listen to what’s needed – and we care.
- Website
External link for Tibbalds
- Industry
- Architecture and Planning
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- London, England
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2003
- Specialties
- Urban Design, Town Planning, Masterplanning, and Project leadership
30 King's Bench Street
London, England SE1 0QX, GB
Employees at Tibbalds
Released today, a new set of guidelines released today sets out a means of addressing health inequalities, improving health and wellbeing and improving long-term sustainability through design codes. Published by the Quality of Life Foundation, Tibbalds, the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), TRUUD (Tackling Root causes upstream of Unhealthy Urban Development) and Henley Business School, the guidance offers practical recommendations for tackling local health and wellbeing priorities. It is aimed at those involved in commissioning, approving, and delivering new housing, as well as broader placemaking and development. Katja Stille, Director at Tibbalds said: “Given the renewed focus on addressing the country’s housing shortage at speed, it is crucial that these new homes are places people want to live and that they meet high standards for design quality, including health and wellbeing factors. The guidance is available to download from the Quality of Life Foundation website from Monday 10 March and has been supported by Urban Design Learning." On 25 March 2025, the Quality of Life Foundation is running a free webinar for local authorities and other professionals on putting this report into use. Read more about the guidelines and find links to webinars and more here:
We have an exciting opportunity for town planners at the start of their career to join our award winning, interdisciplinary team of planners, urban designers and masterplanners. Check out our website for more information and how to apply: #jobvacancy #tibbalds #townplanner #opportunities #jobopenings #vacancies
Lizzie Le Mare, Director at Tibbalds will be speaking at this year's Housing Finance Conference in Liverpool on 19th and 20th March. She will be part of a session exploring tenure types in today's social housing sector, specifically focusing on some of the challenges when negotiating tenure through the planning system. #NHFFinance
The Marshmoor SPD for a new Hatfield Innovation Campus is out for consultation! Tibbalds work developing and producing a draft Supplementary Planning Document for Gascoyne Estates and Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council is now out for consultation. The Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan allocates the Marshmoor Site for high quality employment uses and linked housing. Over the past year we have worked with the technical team to understand the site’s technical constraints and qualities and to put forward a clear vision for high quality place-led employment uses. The site is well located next to the village of Welham Green and is right next to the railway station. Gascoyne Estates as the principal landowner have a strong vision for a new innovation campus on the site and the SPD is a key next step in bringing this to life. The SPD sets out a vision and framework for the site structured around five principles: 1. A new nationally recognised innovation and technology campus 2. A rich, biodiverse and climate responsive landscape at the heart of the new development 3. A well connected neighbourhood supporting active and sustainable travel 4. A well integrated and sensitive neighbour 5. An exemplar of high quality design and sustainability As part of the development of the SPD the team has worked with a liaison group made up of officers, landowners, Ward Councillors, County Councillors and Parish Councillors. The emerging strategy was also presented to the Hertfordshire Design Review Panel. Last week we met with residents, neighbours and the wider community to talk them through the SPD proposals and to answer their questions. This feedback and responses to the consultation will be reviewed and will feed into a final version of the document for adoption by the Council. The consultation is open until the 21st March and further details can be accessed here:
Carpenters Estate Masterplan shortlisted for Pineapple Award! We are delighted to announce that the Carpenters Estate Masterplan project has been shortlisted in the Pineapple for #FuturePlaceCategory of the #PineappleAwards2025! The Pineapples awards for place recognise built and future projects and initiatives that make a positive impact on places and people. The Carpenters Masterplan project involves the creation of a resident-led masterplan for up to 2,022 new and replacement mixed tenure homes (inc 50% affordable); new park and green spaces; a new home for the Building Crafts college; new retail, workspace and commercial uses; a hotel and a re-provided pub. Working collaboratively for the London Borough of Newham’s wholly owned Housing Company Populo Living, Tibbalds led and managed the design team through the masterplan stages as well as providing strategic placemaking and planning advice to the project. The masterplan was developed by joint masterplan leads Proctor & Matthews Architects and Metropolitan Workshop LLP, closely supported by LDA Design on public realm and landscape, XCO2 on energy and environment, CampbellReith on environmental assessment and transport, and Mott MacDonald as project manager and cost consultant. make:good led on the engagement for the project including setting up and running the Dovetail as a hub for collaborating with the local community and running a programme of events and training including a particular focus on listening to the views of young people and providing them with skills and training in the built environment. Other members of the team included ECD Architects Ltd, PJA, PRD and Elementa. Good luck to all of the team! We are looking forward to the live-streamed awards assessments, which will run 25th – 27th February. More information about the awards and shortlisted projects can be found on #carpentersestate #masterplanning #FuturePlace #pineappleawards #festivalofplace #Pineapples2025 #development #communities #tibbalds #placemaking #shortlisted
In today’s EG magazine, Tibbalds Director, Katja Stille, looks at how good masterplanning, including phasing and delivery consideration from the outset, can unlock issues. With big plans ahead in 2025 for the #NewTownsTaskforce, it’s imperative that new communities are set up for success. You can read the article here: #masterplanning #housing #NationalPlanningPolicyFramework #newtowns #newsettlement #communities #phasing #delivery
Tibbalds is delighted to announce that Lizzie Le Mare is joining the NLA Expert Panel on Housing 2025 exploring the quality and quantity of housing Londoners need and how it remains the biggest challenge for London #NLAHousing Read more on our website:
One of the key challenges for government in 2025 will be to bring forward housing delivery, and New Towns have an important role to play here. Writing for TheMJ, Tibbalds Director, Katja Stille, sets out the key opportunities for Local Authorities when planning New Towns #NewTowns #opportunities #housing #LocalAuthorities #housingdelivery #NPPF
Neil McKenna has just published his first academic research paper, which explores the evolution of community-led housing in Leeds, a front-running city for community-led housing in England. Alongside his work as Senior Planner at Tibbalds, he has been doing a part-time PhD research project looking at the transformative potential of community-led housing. Neil moved to Leeds in 2019 to make this both his new home and research case study, and has got involved with various projects and networks. Five years later, Neil is delighted to have his first stand-alone paper published from the wider PhD project. #phd #planning #Leeds #community #housing #research