Join us with the Royal Town Planning Institute to celebrate International Women's Day. Together, we will be hosting a free event on Gender Informed Planning Practice on 11th March, kindly hosted by Westminster City Council and sponsored by WSP in the UK. Learn about what is happening practice and network with others passionate/ interested in this area of work #iwd #whm #genderinformedplanning
Join us for an International Women's Day event with Women in Planning on how planning is, can and should take account of gender dynamics in planning places and spaces. Hear from practitioners on gender-informed approaches being tested, and broader stakeholders on how it can be more inclusive and intersectional. 📅 Tuesday 11 March 🕑 2pm-6:30pm 📍 Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street/ All Bar One Victoria This is a free event for RTPI members only. Spaces are limited. Book your place now: