

Information Technology & Services

Ho Chi Minh City, HMC 2.532 người theo dõi

Less work for farmers, more fish for people.

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Tepbac started as an information website for the aquaculture industry and have since grown to become the largest of its kind in Vietnam. Our current vision is to innovate and transform Vietnam's aquaculture activities. The extensive suite of software and hardware solutions we are developing provides a platform that can make aquaculture farming easier and more transparent. Our mission is to push for and contribute to a future of sustainable fisheries, traceable seafood, and ultimately leave a positive lasting impact on our global environment.

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Information Technology & Services
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11-50 nhân viên
Trụ sở
Ho Chi Minh City, HMC
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  • Xem trang tổ chức của Tepbac, đồ họa

    2.532 người theo dõi

    #Farmext_Base Innovative Shrimp Farm Proudly Welcomes International Visitors 👋 At #Farmext_Base, we are redefining shrimp farming with the power of IoT technology and integrated farm management software. Our cutting-edge systems are designed to optimize farm operations and provide clear, measurable results—demonstrating the superior performance of Farmext (a Tepbac company)’s solutions across an entire farm ecosystem. 🌍 Recently, we’ve had the privilege of hosting visitors from Singapore, Thailand, the Netherlands, India, and many more. These groups often spend 2 days and 1 night exploring firsthand how our innovative technologies are shaping the future of shrimp farming. 🎓 We also welcome students and researchers from top universities and institutions for internships and hands-on learning opportunities. At Farmext Base, we’re dedicated to sharing our expertise and driving a technological revolution in Vietnam’s aquaculture industry. 🚀 Join us as we push the boundaries of aquaculture innovation and lead the way in a new era of sustainable shrimp farming. 🔗Contact us for more visit information! #Tepbac #IoT #SustainableFarming #TechForGood #GlobalCollaboration  

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  • Xem trang tổ chức của Tepbac, đồ họa

    2.532 người theo dõi

    Super Typhoon Yagi has wreaked havoc across Northern Vietnam, with reported damages estimated at #40_trillion_VND (~$1.6 billion USD). In Quang Ning province only, over 2,637 fish, shrimp and oyster cages destroyed or swept away. What remains of the aquaculture farms are fragments of broken woods and drifting plastic buoys, with some farmers unable to locate their lost facilities. Beyond the destruction of wooden cages, modern round fish cages have also been displaced by the storm. Quang Ninh province has reported 12 #“lost”_fish_cages, ranging from 10 to 30 meters in diameter, with nets and surrounding decking. Some of these cages are suspected to have been swept hundreds of kilometers from China to Vietnam’s shores. This disaster raises concerns about the safety and sustainability of the marine aquaculture industry, particularly for large-scale, offshore farms requiring significant investment. What measures can be taken to better prepare and protect Vietnam’s marine aquaculture sector in the future? We invite #suggestions and #discussions on how to address these challenges effectively. #SuperTyphoonYagi #Aquaculture #DisasterRecovery #Sustainability

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  • Xem trang tổ chức của Tepbac, đồ họa

    2.532 người theo dõi

    With the vast array of probiotic products available for aquaculture, what are the fundamental principles to ensure their effective use? Key factors include following proper dosage, timing, and environmental conditions. Explore the article to learn more about how to maximize the benefits of these beneficial microorganisms for your ponds! #fishfarming #shrimpfarming #Probiotics #Efficiency

    Key Considerations for Using Probiotics in Aquaculture

    Key Considerations for Using Probiotics in Aquaculture

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  • Xem trang tổ chức của Tepbac, đồ họa

    2.532 người theo dõi

    EHP: The Persistent Nightmare Haunting Vietnamese Shrimp Farm 💤💣💥 📊 One major factor driving up the cost of shrimp production in Vietnam is the low success rate due to rampant disease outbreaks. Currently, the survival rate for super-intensive white leg shrimp farming in the country is less than 40%, significantly lower than competitors like Ecuador at over 90%, India at over 60% , and Thailand at 55%. Small-scale shrimp farms in Vietnam are essentially gambling 🎲- high risk, high reward —an environment that's becoming increasingly challenging as conditions deteriorate. Within just 30-45 days of stocking, shrimp are often infected with EHP (Eusoridacris hermaphroditus), leading to stunted growth and early mortality. ☠ Even those that survive this phase are frequently hit by secondary diseases like white spot syndrome, white feces, or pancreatic necrosis after 60 days. These recurring outbreaks leave farmers disheartened and erode their trust in the farming cycle. Unlike before, EHP-infected shrimp, despite their poor growth, continue to eat voraciously. This behavior can mislead farmers and lead to increased feed costs. Often, treatment efforts fail to deliver the expected results, adding further financial strain. 💬 Technical solutions for the Vietnamese shrimp industry exist but are still insufficient! What the industry needs now are #revolutions: revolution in the farmers' attitude towards sustainable farming, revolution in investment thinking for long-term benefits, and revolution in the policies controlling the quality of aquaculture drugs and feed. At Tepbac, we are dedicated to driving change every day !! By providing objective information, effective IOTs products, and reliable testing services, Tepbac is steadily helping shrimp farmers enhance production efficiency and protect their farming environments. ✊ Let's work together to make a historic change in Aquaculture!!! photo: Araujo, Joao and Hughes (2016)

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  • Xem trang tổ chức của Tepbac, đồ họa

    2.532 người theo dõi

    Histamine Poisoning from Tuna 🍣🤢: What Need to Know and How to Prevent It Tuna, a popular ingredient in dishes like sashimi, sushi, and grilled tuna, can cause histamine poisoning if not properly handled. However, nothing can beat our passion for Tuna, that is why we need to educated ourselve with below knowledges: 🔍 Causes and Symptoms of Histamine Poisoning Histamine forms when bacteria break down protein histidine in tuna, especially if the fish is not chilled immediately after catching or is stored for too long. Symptoms of histamine poisoning include: Rash and itching  Headache and dizziness  Abdominal pain and diarrhea  Shortness of breath 📊 Toxic Levels of Histamine Histamine can be toxic when levels exceed 100 mg/100 g of fish. However, symptoms can occur even at lower levels depending on individual sensitivity. 💡 How to Prevent Histamine Poisoning Choose Reliable Sources: Purchase tuna from suppliers with strict handling and storage practices.  Check Storage Conditions: Tuna should be stored at temperatures between 0°C and 4°C or frozen immediately.  Inspect Smell: Fresh tuna should have a distinct sea-like smell, not a sour or off-putting odor.  Verify Expiry Date: Ensure the tuna is within its use-by date and has been properly stored. By paying attention to these factors, you can safely enjoy tuna and savor your favorite dishes without the risk of histamine poisoning ! #SeafoodSafety #HistaminePoisoning #Tuna #FoodQuality #HealthFirst #FoodSafety 

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  • Xem trang tổ chức của Tepbac, đồ họa

    2.532 người theo dõi

    Moving Towards Antibiotic-Free Shrimp Farming But Offering Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing Service – What Is Farmext Really Want To? 🤔 Farmext Base, renowned for its commitment to antibiotic-free shrimp farming, continues to lead with transparency and sustainability. However, with the recent introduction of Farmext Lab’s antibiotic sensitivity testing (AST) service, some might question if this aligns with their commitment. Farmext clarifies that different farms have varied techniques and market needs. Their AST service aims to: 🔑 Optimize Antibiotic Use: Helps farmers use antibiotics more effectively, reducing unnecessary usage and managing costs. ⚔ Combat Antibiotic Resistance: Promotes responsible use to tackle resistance and eliminate residues. 🛡 Protect the Environment: Prevents overuse that can lead to water and soil pollution. Farmext’s AST service represents a strategic move towards responsible antibiotic use and supports sustainable aquaculture for the environment and community! <Follow Tepbac to stay updated with useful information on aquaculture techniques and market trends>

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  • Xem trang tổ chức của Tepbac, đồ họa

    2.532 người theo dõi

    Have you ever read the ingredient list of a Microbial product and felt confused by the long Latin names and their functions? Based on the first part of their names, we might get an idea of their roles through the following groups: #Bacillus_and_Lactobacillus These are two of the most commonly used microbial genera in aquaculture. Hundreds of strains from these two genera have been proven to have diverse functions, such as breaking down organic matter, reducing toxic gases in water, and enhancing gut health for aquatic animals. #Nitrosomonas_and_Nitrobacter These two genera of bacteria play a key role in the nitrification process, converting NH₄+ into NO₃-, helping to reduce toxic ammonium and create a safer environment for aquatic animals. They are recommended for use in ponds with large biomass or ponds that are not frequently water-exchanged. #Pseudomonas Pseudomonas has the ability to break down oil and hard-to-decompose organic substances, helping to clean the water environment and prevent pollutants from negatively affecting the ecosystem. Additionally, many Pseudomonas strains can inhibit disease-causing bacteria like Vibrio by producing natural antibacterial substances like siderophores, which compete for iron and limit pathogen growth. #Saccharomyces This yeast species improves digestion and supports overall health by providing digestive enzymes, while also enhancing immunity and reducing stress for farmed animals. Saccharomyces is particularly effective at absorbing toxins like mycotoxins and heavy metals in ponds. #Rhodobacter Rhodobacter is a group of photosynthetic bacteria capable of converting harmful sulfur compounds like hydrogen sulfide into non-toxic forms such as sulfate salts, helping to reduce odors and improve water quality, especially in closed ponds or earthen ponds with limited siphoning or water exchange. #Thiobacillus Thiobacillus helps oxidize sulfur and iron in the water environment, contributing to improved water quality by removing harmful compounds and enhancing the living conditions for aquatic species. Understanding the functions of these common microbial species not only helps farmers choose the right microbial products for their purposes, optimizing effectiveness, but also prevents falling for exaggerated or false advertising claims, avoiding waste, and ensuring timely management of arising issues! #Aquaculture #Shrimpfarming #EfficientBacteria

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  • Xem trang tổ chức của Tepbac, đồ họa

    2.532 người theo dõi

    😲 Visiting the Water Treatment System at One of Vietnam Leading Hatcheries In SPF shrimp hatcheries, water treatment is crucial to ensure the shrimp are not infected by pathogens from the environment. At one of Vietnam’s leading hatcheries, the water treatment system is meticulously implemented with multiple filtration and treatment stages to remove bacteria, viruses, harmful algae, and protozoa. Let’s explore this process. 1. Coarse Sedimentation Pond Water from the natural environment, carrying organic debris and impurities, first flows through a channel into a large, deep pond. This pre-treatment step removes large suspended particles, reducing the amount of impurities that could affect later filtration stages. 2. Drum Filter After settling in the coarse pond, the water moves to a drum filter. This mechanical device removes smaller particles, such as remaining impurities from the sedimentation pond, making the water clearer before chemical treatment. 3. Chemical Treatment The water then passes through a cloth filter before entering the ready pond. Chemical treatment includes two main steps: Chlorine (for disinfection) and EDTA (for removing heavy metals). 4. Protein Skimmer To ensure the water is free of dissolved proteins and remaining organic matter, a Protein Skimmer is used. It generates tiny air bubbles that organic substances attach to, rise to the surface, and are then removed from the water. This helps eliminate small protein molecules, preventing bacterial and harmful algae growth. 5. Ozone Treatment Next, the water is disinfected with ozone, a powerful oxidizing agent that destroys any remaining microorganisms. 6. Ultrafiltration (UF) Finally, the water is passed through an UF system, using ultrafine membranes to remove all micro-sized impurities such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, ensuring the water meets SPF standards and is pathogen-free. Despite rigorous water treatment, pathogens can still enter through parent shrimp, natural feed, technicians, or the air. Should we tighten control over all risks or consider developing a diferent shrimp breeding model? photo source: fresh by designed, Tepbac

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  • Xem trang tổ chức của Tepbac, đồ họa

    2.532 người theo dõi

    ⚖ Comparison between Eyestalk Ablation and Non Ablation Methods in Shrimp Broodstock ✂ The Eyestalk Ablation method is a traditional technique applied to stimulate female shrimp to molt, quickly reach sexual maturity, and spawn. By removing part of the eyestalk, the production of reproductive inhibitory hormones is disrupted, thereby increasing the frequency of spawning. This method is technically simple and cost-effective, commonly used in medium and small hatcheries. However, it reduces the number of reproductive cycles in shrimp, leading to a gradual decline in egg quality and the health of the offspring over generations. Although accepted by certifications like ASC, BAP, etc., eyestalk ablation still raises animal welfare concerns in hatcheries. 🌱 The Natural Breeding method without eyestalk ablation is a new solution, allowing female shrimp to reproduce naturally by nutrition enhancing, thereby enhancing their resistance and extending their reproductive lifespan. Research shows that non-ablated shrimp can reproduce more frequently throughout their lifespan, producing healthier offspring with higher survival rates and lower disease incidence. Shrimp reared using this method yield more than 200 nauplii per mother, with shorter larval rearing times and stable, high-quality post-larvae with fewer deformities. Thus, transitioning to the natural breeding method without eyestalk ablation not only improves the quality of shrimp larvae but also contributes to the sustainable development of the shrimp farming industry. #eyestalk_ablation_method #natural_breeding_method

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