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Transactional Email Software


Send relationship-based emails like account updates and system messages, and track the performance of your transactional emails.

  • Send transactional emails without switching systems.

  • Use custom tokens to insert personalized information.

  • Send emails from a dedicated IP address.

  1. Engage and inform customers with transactional emails.

    Your business is growing. You’ve expanded and segmented your email list. Now, how do you engage and build lasting relationships with your customers? 

    With transactional email, marketers can send personalized emails to customers. You can save time by using a single solution for automated receipts, account updates, and system messages.

  1. Create transactional emails and workflows fast.

    With HubSpot's transactional email add-on, you can send transactional emails quickly and integrate them easily with SMTP and single-send transactional APIs. Automatically send commerce receipts, account updates, and other system emails.
  2. Send and track emails with one tool.

    Use one platform to send both marketing and transactional emails. Track the effectiveness of these emails with essential metrics such as clicks, opens, and bounces.
  3. Use a dedicated IP.

    Boost your email delivery rate and reputation by using a dedicated IP for your transactional emails.

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

+1 857-829-5060

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Transactional email is an optional add-on available to purchase for Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise, and it includes a dedicated IP specifically for sending transactional emails. To buy the transactional email add-on, contact your account manager or sales representative. To learn more about connecting a dedicated IP address to use for your transactional emails, read our knowledge base documentation.

  • No. Transactional email IP addresses do not go through HubSpot’s automated IP warm-up. Transactional emails are typically higher-quality, one-to-one emails that are triggered by a user’s behavior or interaction with a company. Because of this, and the high level of engagement that transactional messages receive, transactional IP addresses do not need to go through the same deliberate IP warming process as marketing IPs.

    In some cases, you may need to manually warm up a new transactional IP if you plan to send a high volume of transactional messages right away that aren't triggered by a contact's actions, such as a privacy policy update. For advice on manual warm-up, please partner with your customer success manager.

  • During the dedicated IP setup, you can customize your new IP with your company's domain, so the recipient servers recognize the emails as coming from your company's domain rather than from HubSpot’s domain.

  • No. The dedicated IP will only send transactional emails. Marketing emails will continue to be sent from the shared infrastructure unless the dedicated IP add-on is also purchased.

  • To preserve the sending reputation of your transactional email IP, it’s a best practice to have a dedicated IP for transactional message streams. Many major email platforms automatically filter messages sent from a marketing-first IP. Having a dedicated IP for your transactional emails can help you avoid this hurdle and ensure deliverability. 
