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Free CRM for Outlook

Work smarter with a free CRM for Outlook that connects all your favorite tools to your inbox.

  • Utilize your HubSpot CRM within your Outlook workspace

  • Save time with templates and personalization from your CRM

  • Know when a lead opens an email and performs other actions

  1. Save time with HubSpot’s Outlook integration.

    Keep track of all your sales productivity tools in one place with HubSpot’s Outlook integration. Instead of switching between multiple programs every time you write an email, now you can access everything in one platform.

    With HubSpot, you can access CRM data straight from Outlook, set up templates, and even track campaign performance without ever leaving your inbox. Best of all, you can get started for free today. 

  1. All the CRM data you need at your fingertips.

    You can connect HubSpot's Smart CRM to Outlook in minutes. Then, access all your data directly in your inbox. Find previous conversations, meeting notes, active deals, and relevant files. HubSpot even organizes everything into a timeline so you can reference data chronologically when drafting new emails.
  2. Save time using HubSpot templates within Outlook.

    With the CRM Outlook integration, you can access HubSpot’s email template library from within your inbox. Then, use sales templates to send custom sales outreach emails at scale.
  3. Track your email performance.

    No more guessing how your emails perform after you hit send. With HubSpot’s CRM integration for Outlook you can track email performance in real-time. Learn the moment a lead opens an email or when they engage with your CTAs and attachments, so you can create ultra-relevant follow ups every time.
  4. Boost meetings by syncing HubSpot with your Outlook calendar.

    Unlock the full potential of Outlook and HubSpot. Sync your calendar to HubSpot to create a booking link, allowing prospects to book meetings with ease. With the two-way integration, updates automatically sync between your calendar and CRM for ultimate convenience.

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

+1 888-482-7768

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A CRM for Outlook is a tool that helps you visualize, track, and organize information about customers and active deals within your inbox. HubSpot’s CRM for Outlook also offers powerful tools like the ability to utilize HubSpot's sales templates and meeting scheduling software within Outlook. 

  • You can get started with HubSpot’s Smart CRM for Outlook for free. Premium features are also available in paid editions of HubSpot.

  • Popular HubSpot Smart CRM for Outlook features include:
    • Template library accessible right from within Outlook
    • Automatically trigger email campaigns directly from your inbox
    • Built-in meeting scheduler to take the back and forth out of getting your following conversation going
    • Analytics to understand how your emails are performing and how much revenue they may generate
    • Customer contact records available directly inline next to your conversations
  • CRM for Outlook is plug-and-play, meaning set up is instantaneous. Connect HubSpot to your Outlook, and all of the information in your CRM will be automatically available right within Outlook.
