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  • Sales Hub
  • Sales Reporting & Performance Management Software

Sales Reporting & Performance Management Software

Track your sales team’s progress and performance with easy-to-access and accurate data insights.

  • Choose from dozens of pre-built reports or customize your own

  • Report on pipeline revenue and track target attainment

  • Monitor your team’s sales activities and unlock additional rep performance with deep coaching insights

  1. Meet and exceed your goals with real-time sales reports.

    Sales managers are expected to make convincing strategic decisions. That’s a tall order when your data is hiding in a spreadsheet somewhere — or worse, requires you to consult an admin or analyst just to make sense of it.

    With HubSpot’s sales reporting software, insights are always at your fingertips. Easily and quickly create customizable and visual reports with deep sales analytics for real-time updates on your pipeline, team performance, deal status, prospecting touches and conversions, and more. AI-powered sales tools also help you generate report descriptions faster.

  1. Gain total visibility into sales performance at the click of a button.

    Is your team on track to hit its targets? When you work out of cobbled-together systems, it can be difficult to figure out if you’re on track to hit your sales goal. With dozens of free pre-built sales reports that come standard with HubSpot’s sales reporting software, getting started with sales reporting is easy. Use the out-of-the-box reports to track deal forecasts, prospecting, and sales activities.
  2. Leverage easy-to-build custom reports.

    As your business grows, so will your reporting needs. While other tools may require an admin to collect and analyze data, HubSpot’s reporting tools come out of the box, so there’s no delay or fuss. Use the custom report builder to report on any single-object and cross-object data within your CRM. Easily visualize reports and create AI-generated descriptions about anything relevant to your business, such as lead funnels, target account engagement, and custom objects.
  3. Demystify your sales performance.

    Having all the data you need is one thing. Understanding the why behind your results is another. HubSpot’s easy-to-use interface makes light work of extracting insights so you can spend more time figuring out your next move. Whether it's prioritizing your sales team’s efforts with real-time deal data or identifying opportunity areas with waterfall reporting, HubSpot’s sales reporting software is powerful enough for an analyst but accessible enough for everyone.
  4. Coach reps based on best practices.

    With reps out on the road or working from home it can be hard to understand why some reps hit their targets and others don’t. Knowing what works and what doesn’t is crucial to ensure your reps keep hitting their numbers. With HubSpot’s sales analytics tool, you get immediate access to the performance insights of your team so you quickly learn from top performers what success looks like and then coach reps who need an extra push to get on track.

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

+1 857-829-5060

We’re getting greater insights into prospects and their behavior, which helps us prepare for meetings and get ahead of any issues that might be developing.

Colum Lundt


Sandler Training

Frequently Asked Questions

  • HubSpot’s sales reporting software provides sales teams with real-time performance metrics and customizable reports to track and analyze their sales processes. Because it’s deeply integrated into the HubSpot customer platform, it helps sales managers gain insight into their team's performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

  • Because of HubSpot’s unified and centralized Smart CRM, HubSpot’s reporting software makes generating accurate sales reports really simple and fast as it prevents sales teams from having to spend time manually collecting data from different sources.

  • Yes, there are many sales tools listed in the HubSpot App Marketplace that can integrate with the HubSpot customer platform. If their data is shared with HubSpot, our sales reporting software will empower sales teams to create reports with it.

  • Both the sales analytics tool and the report builder are essential parts of HubSpot’s reporting software. The sales analytics tool provides sales professionals with a one-stop shop for out-of-the-box sales reports. The report builder on the other hand lets sales professionals easily create their own reports from scratch. 
