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  • Sales Hub
  • Lead Management & Prospecting Software

Lead Management & Prospecting Software

Manage sales activities on one personalized prospecting workspace to turn more leads into deals.

  • Stay on top of your outstanding prospecting activities

  • Create, manage, and keep track of your leads with ease

  • Set priorities, stay focused, and optimize your schedule

  1. Manage lead and prospecting activities in one place.

    Don’t make your sales reps stitch together information from disconnected systems. Maximize their speed and productivity with a personalized prospecting workspace that gives your reps access to all the relevant data and tools they need to qualify their leads without distractions.

    HubSpot’s prospecting software is crafted for ease of use and helps your salespeople stay focused throughout their workday. With a single view into all their work, turning leads into deals is no big deal.

  1. Connect with the human behind the lead.

    Successful sales teams know that prospecting is as much about quality as it is about quantity. Empower your reps with the tools to turn up the volume without affecting the value. With the prospecting workspace, your teams have all the relevant context they need to create more authentic and engaging buyer experiences.
  2. Lead management made simple.

    Never let grunt work distract your reps from working their leads. HubSpot’s leads tool takes the pain out of lead management. Leads automatically move through your pipeline as your reps engage them so your sellers can keep selling and managers can confidently report using up-to-date information.
  3. Prospect at scale.

    Don’t make your reps face an endless queue of tasks and activities. Keep your reps motivated from start to finish with a personal summary and progress bar of their daily to-dos that lets them jump into work without delay.
  4. Prioritize staying top of mind.

    Let HubSpot keep tabs on your leads so you don’t have to. Reps so often struggle to properly prioritize their leads and can miss out on opportunities as a result. The prospecting workspace surfaces leads that require attention and increases your odds by reminding reps to send a reply, plan their next step, and even update past meeting outcomes.

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

+1 888-482-7768

Frequently Asked Questions

The prospecting workspace is a personalized workspace in HubSpot that allows sales reps to manage their leads and upcoming sales activities in one place. It helps them stay organized, prioritize tasks, and optimize their schedule.

It also makes it easy for managers and team leads to understand the health of each sales rep’s book of business, schedule ongoing training, and visually see how leads are progressing through the customer journey.

Popular features of HubSpot’s prospecting tool include:

  • A personalized workspace that helps sales reps manage their leads and sales activities efficiently.
  • Its ease of use makes the time it takes for sales teams to adopt and utilize it effectively quick.
  • Comprehensive lead management capabilities empower reps to effortlessly create, manage, and track leads throughout the sales process.

HubSpot’s prospecting software is part of Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise.

Setting up prospecting software is quick and easy. You only need to grant access to your team. Within seconds, you'll be up and running, empowering your team to gather prospect data efficiently and speed up the deal-closing process.

Yes, HubSpot has a vast ecosystem of over 1,500 ready-to-use integrations on its app marketplace that do not require any middleware, including many essential sales tools.

By connecting your sales tech stack to HubSpot, you’ll get the benefit of having all of your data in one place, which makes it even easier to create relevant, contextual experiences for your customers — without the cost or complexity.
