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Biofuture Platform

Biofuture Platform

Biomass Electric Power Generation

A 22-country effort to promote an advanced low-carbon bioeconomy that is sustainable, innovative and scalable.

About us

The Biofuture Platform is a 23-country Initiative under Clean Energy Ministerial, which aims to promote an advanced low-carbon bioeconomy that is sustainable, innovative and scalable. The Initiative includes a Campaign with multiple industry partners.

Biomass Electric Power Generation
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1 employee

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    Australian Renewable Fuels Week is just over four weeks away! We have a diverse range of amazing speakers ready to share their insights into low carbon liquid fuels and renewable gas at the State Library of NSW, Sydney. Here's the line-up for conference day two, with more speakers to be announced soon! Driving Australia’s Bioeconomy Wednesday 5 March, 8.30am – 5.30pm • Enabling sustainable feedstock growth and innovation Professor Mark Brown, Supply chain logistics - Overcoming the challenges of moving biomass Geoffrey Bell, CEO, MicroBioGen, Enhancing SAF Production in Australia Dr Allan Green, AGRENEW, How Australian grain growers can best help build the feedstock supply Jesse Scott, GrainCorp, Foundational role of canola in Australia’s low carbon liquid fuel industry Tom Woodlock, Argus Media, How Australian tallow is supporting the global biofuels industry and why it needs to be priced Paul Beastall, CEO, HutanBio, Bioenergy breakthrough: Unlocking Western Australia's potential with algae biofarms Christopher Wren, Ph.D., Australian Sugar Milling Council, Biofuel feedstocks – A future made in Australia? Rachel Palumbo, Nufarm, Accelerating the adoption of low carbon liquid fuels: Nufarm’s oilseed solutions James Hygate OBE, Firefly Green Fuels, SAF from sewage GHD, Biogenic CO2 – The next frontier in sustainable fuel production Dr. Md Jahirul Islam, Central Queensland University, Techno-economic assessment of converting municipal solid waste into standard automobile fuel • Financing the future bioeconomy Jason Cheng, Kerogen Capital, SAF – An international investor’s perspective Wesley Monteiro, S&P Global, Strategic SAF investment for an evolving industry Alex Grant, Director, ARENA Clean Energy Finance Corporation Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF), Supporting the development of projects in northern Australia • Enabling a wholistic energy system and maximising social license Gerard Ostheimer, Manager, Clean Energy Ministerial Biofuture Campaign Sabiene Heindl, The Energy Charter Jim Snow, Oakley Greenwood, Lessons from Australia's largest Net Zero gas “Greenwashing” Federal court case – An expert witness view Virpi Barrett, Sunshine Hydro, How can green fuel production and the power grid live in symbiosis? GHD, Low carbon liquid fuels vs battery electric vehicles • Carbon accounting, traceability and certification of bio products and feedstocks Emily Marthaler, Director of Global Policy, Growth Energy Anita Kapernick, Australian Government DCCEEW, Guarantee of Origin Scheme GHD, Navigating the Green Premium: Carbon price strategies for sustainable fuels, Steve Tan, Argus Media, The role of bioenergy in the Australian carbon market For the full preliminary program and tickets visit: Thank you to our sponsors: LanzaJet, bp, Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG), NSW Government, Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Licella, Neste, Argus Media, LMS ENERGY, Jemena, GreenPower

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  • The Report "Mapping and Synthesis of International Biomass Resource Assessment” is now available 🔗 The report consolidates information on sustainable biomass supplies in 62 nations. It represents a step toward providing citable data to address a common issue raised as a barrier to investment in bioenergy projects, “Is there enough biomass?”   Twelve member countries of the Biofuture Platform Initiative and three supporting organizations provided valuable inputs and feedback on the draft report that was distributed last year. The report identifies available sources of biomass that offer a foundation for a circular bioeconomy – a resilient system to produce fuels, chemicals, materials and other products and services. This final report includes an executive summary and improved analysis of the data received as of August 2024.   The Biofuture Platform Initiative team recognizes that more work is required to achieve goals for a comprehensive, global assessment. Thus, we welcome feedback and suggestions regarding priorities for continued improvements. Please send comments and suggestions on the report and data sharing portal to: 📧

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    📣 The IEA Bioenergy: Countries’ Report – update 2024 is out! The updated IEA Bioenergy Country Reports show the trends of bioenergy in the IEA Bioenergy member countries up to 2022, highlighting the role of bioenergy in their energy mix. The analysis is based on data from the 2024 IEA World Energy Balances and Renewables Information, combined with input provided by the IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee members. The individual country reports are available as separate reports and are available at 🔗 The summary report ‘IEA Bioenergy Countries’ Report – update 2024: Implementation of bioenergy in the IEA Bioenergy member countries’ presents a comparative overview of the results for the different countries. Main highlights of the summary report: –  Oil, natural gas and coal still play a dominating role in most countries. The share of renewable energy is growing; in many countries bioenergy still represents more than half of its renewable energy. –  Each country has specific characteristics impacting their potential for bioenergy and other renewables. –  Solid biomass remains the dominating type of biomass used for energy in all countries, but its level is stabilizing. Liquid biofuels and biogas/biomethane are on the rise. – Bioenergy plays a role in the three main energy sectors: electricity, heat consumption and transport energy consumption. Particularly for heat and transport, bioenergy/biofuels are the dominant renewable energy type. Find out more details and download the summary report on our website 🔗

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    View profile for Jim Spaeth

    U.S. DOE Bioenergy Technologies Office, Program Manager, Systems Development & Integration, Sustainable Aviation & International Engagement, Chair Biofuture Platform, IEA Bioenergy TCP Past Chair

    Tracking Progress for Sustainable Flights!    An interagency team led by the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration has released the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Grand Challenge 2021-2024 Progress Report! This report highlights Federal government accomplishments and actions from October 2021 through September 2024, to address the goals set forth in the SAF Grand Challenge - a government-wide strategy to scale up SAF that reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 50% to realize the ambitious goals of the SAF Grand Challenge to produce 3 billion gallons of SAF by 2030 and 100% of domestic aviation fuel demand by 2050.   Federal agencies have enabled major strides in expanding U.S. SAF production by releasing new funding opportunities and initiatives, providing expertise and technical assistance to industry, increasing interagency collaboration, and providing data, modeling, and analysis to decision makers. Learn more about the new 2021 – 2024 Progress Report that highlights progress to expand SAF production across the U.S. airline industry! #bioenergy

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    🌱 COUNTRY REPORT : Implementation of bioenergy in the United States 🇺🇸 – 2024 update The latest update from the IEA Bioenergy highlights the critical role of bioenergy in the U.S.'s journey to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Here are some key takeaways: ✅ Bioenergy represents half of renewables: In 2022, renewables made up 11.5% of final energy consumption, with 50% derived from biomass, mainly for industrial heat and transport fuels. Biobased electricity only has a modest role. ✅ Focus on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF): Major efforts are underway to scale SAF as part of the U.S. SAF Grand Challenge. ✅ Still high share of fossil oil and gas in the energy mix, energy import dependency very low: Domestic production of oil, gas and coal now covers U.S. fossil fuel needs, with exports of natural gas on the rise. Bioenergy also largely relies on domestic production and provides opportunities for the U.S. economy.  ✅ Room for Growth: The U.S. has significant untapped potential in solid biomass, biogas, and renewable municipal solid waste, as confirmed in the 2023 Billion-Ton Report.   Bioenergy will be indispensable to achieve the country’s ambitious climate goals, particularly for hard-to-decarbonize sectors like aviation. Access the full Country Report here 🔗 Edited by: Luc Pelkmans Country Contributions: Remy Biron, PMP, Jim Spaeth

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    Jim Spaeth from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that the country could reach a production of 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by 2030, based on planned production facilities. In the first half of 2024 alone, 50 million gallons of SAF were produced or imported, avoiding 300 thousand metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The long-term goal: replace all fossil jet fuels with sustainable alternatives by 2050, contributing to major emissions reductions and creating one million jobs in the U.S. To achieve this, eight U.S. agencies are working together to build a resilient SAF supply chain. Spaeth emphasized the need for global collaboration, particularly with partners like Brazil, to establish a sustainable aviation fuel ecosystem worldwide. Read more 🔗

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    I have returned to work after a refreshing vacation in Brazil alongside my friends and family! 😊   October began with the most significant project for me this year: the inaugural World Biogas Association BRAZIL Biogas Congress, which took place alongside the G20 Energy Transition Working Group and Clean Energy Ministerial meetings in my hometown, Foz do Iguaçu. The event proved to be a great success, thanks to everyone who contributed!  We landed in Brazil with 6 WBA delegates and brought together stakeholders from across Brazil and around the globe to join efforts on #MakingBiogasHappen. I sincerely thank our outstanding partners and every speaker and delegate who participated in either the site visit, cocktail reception or congress day. Your involvement was not only important but essential in making this congress a pivotal event! World Biogas Association ABiogás - Associação Brasileira do Biogás CIBiogás - Instituição de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação - Biogás e outras Energias Renováveis Biofuture Platform Itaipu Binacional Climate & Clean Air Coalition Mulheres do Biogás PRODEVAL

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    #CEM15 deliverable alert! 🌾 Last week at the CEM ministerial meeting in Foz do Iguacu, we launched the CEM Action Plan to Accelerate Future Fuels. Through this Action Plan, 9️⃣ CEM member countries who are leaders in 6️⃣ fuels-related CEM Initiatives pledged to promote:  ✅ Increased demand for, and use of, Future Fuels. ✅ Integrated global supply chains for Future Fuels. ✅ Common and transparent standards for lifecycle carbon accounting and  sustainability of fuels. Congrats to our signatories for taking this essential step in the transition to net-zero! And shout out to the CEM Biofuture Campaign, CEM Biofuture Platform Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Initiative, CEM Clean Energy Marine Hubs Initiative, CEM Hydrogen Initiative and CEM Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative for coming together to make accelerated deployment of future fuels a reality! Read the full Action Plan here:

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    View profile for Jim Spaeth

    U.S. DOE Bioenergy Technologies Office, Program Manager, Systems Development & Integration, Sustainable Aviation & International Engagement, Chair Biofuture Platform, IEA Bioenergy TCP Past Chair

    News from Foz do Iguaçu 🎉 Groundbreaking data from the new Global Biomass Resource Assessment on current and future international sustainable biomass resources was launched by the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Biofuture Platform Initiative during the 15th Annual G20 CEM and 9th Mission Innovation Forum (MIF) in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The CEM Biofuture Platform Initiative is a multi-country, government-led initiative dedicated to advancing the global transition to a sustainable, bio-based economy. The results from this new global sustainable supply assessment will allow scientists, policymakers, and industry leaders to explore potential sources of biomass as a foundation for a circular and sustainable global bioeconomy, supporting clean fuels, chemicals, materials, and other products. This data includes biomass resources available in many developing economies without advanced biomass industries and aims to address the need for internationally accepted benchmarks quantifying sustainable biomass feedstock supplies. The assessment, conducted by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and managed through DOE’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO), is available today on the BETO-funded Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework, a centralized data hub designed to accelerate bioenergy innovation and sustainable bioeconomy practices.

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    View profile for Viviane Franco

    Advocacy | Sustainability | International Relations | Government Relations

    Wrapping up the “energy week” in Foz! And what a week it was! As chair of the B20 Brasil Energy Transition and Climate Task Force, Raízen had the opportunity to host an event at the margins of the Clean Energy Ministerial and present our Policy Recommendations and discuss how we could deliver them and foster the cooperation between private and public sector. Full house, with lots of interesting takeaways and with the presence of Paula Pinho, Director-General of the Energy Committee of the European Commission and Thiago Barral, Secretary of Energy Transition of the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy. Thank you Miguel Castro and Francieli Covatti for the successful partnership! We also had the opportunity of speaking about the Policy Recommendations to the esteemed audience of the G20 Brasil 2024 Energy Transition Working Group. Once again, a great success! Also, we got together with Gerard Ostheimer and the colleagues from the Biofuture Platform Initiative to discuss the latest reports from International Energy Agency (IEA) on carbon accounting and sustainable criteria for biofuels, what we can do together to move the needle on COP 30 and several other actions. The future looks promising! Finally, to close the week, Ricardo Mussa, our CEO came to Foz with Paula Kovarsky to speak about liquid fuels and how Raízen is well positioned to contribute to the energy transitiob with its diverse portfolio of solutions. Looking forward to the B20 and G20 Summits!

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