International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) reposted this
#joinus for our meetings this week! see the link below to watch the discussions live. #qualitycounts International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)
📢 The agenda papers for our upcoming meeting are now available on our website! These documents shape our discussions and decisions—here’s what to look out for: 🔹 Revisions to ISA 240 on Fraud – Up for approval following discussions. 🔹 Audit Evidence and Risk Response project – An update on initial progress. 🔹 Narrow Scope Amendments related to Using the Work of Experts – A draft project proposal and exposure draft for these narrow-scope amendments that respond to the new Using the Work of Experts standard from (tag) IESBA. 🔹 Revisions to ISRE 2410 (Review of Interim Financial Information by an Independent Auditor) – An issues analysis and draft project proposal, developed in partnership with the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and the New Zealand External Reporting Board. AUASB and XRB are members of our Jurisdictional and National Standard Setters group, which provides key insights on standards implementation in their jurisdictions. 📄 Read the agenda papers here: 🎥 Follow the discussions live on YouTube: #Audit #Assurance #Standards #IAASB #ISRE2410 #ISA240 #IESBA