Centre on African Public Spaces’ Post

A call to all urban stakeholders (local and national government representatives, private sector, non-governmental organizations, research and academic institutions, community groups, creatives and urban professionals) to organise a side event at #AFUF2025. All side events must fall within the framework of the 2nd regional forum on Urban Forests and its subthemes of climate proofing African cities; equitable access, health and wellbeing and; making the business case for urban forests. In addition side events can focus on the cross-cutting themes of gender, youth, governance, and peace. These nexus areas are integral to building resilient, inclusive, and sustainable African cities. Possible formats for side events include but are not limited to workshops/ training session, information sharing/ presentations, discussion/dialogue, task group meetings. Proposals can be submitted in English, French or Portuguese. PThe organising committee will review all applications and make contact via email by mid-January to confirm proposal acceptance and provide you with further information to support the organisation of the side event. Where feasible or relevant, the committee will encourage organisers with similar events to combine their side events. The deadline for submission of proposals is January 3, 2025. Please note that the rooms in which the side events will be held are in the main venue of the forum and will be made available free of charge. Interpreting services in and from English, French, Portuguese, and Arabic will also be provided free of charge. All other costs related to the organisation of the side events (e.g., travel costs for invited speakers, any coffee breaks, devices not available in the rooms) will be the responsibility of the applicants. If you have any questions, please contact: noreply@afuf.co.za #AFUF2025 #urbanforests #urbanafrica #africanpublicspaces #greeningAfrica #greencities #climatecrisis #climateaction #cities4all #youthled #cities4children #informalsettlements #communityaction #resilience HealthBridge Foundation of Canada Gehl - Making Cities for People Dreamtown.ngo FAO Public Space Network Hivos Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB) RUAF SDI. (Slum Dwellers International) Shared City Foundation Kounkuey Design Initiative Block by Block Foundation

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