What does it take to deliver an integrated electronic medical record (ieMR) across rural and regional health facilities in Queensland? Look at some of the stats involved in delivering our ieMR Hub and Spoke Project 👇 The project is partnering with Hospital and Health Services to implement ieMR functionality at peripheral sites (spokes) where their main hospital (hub) is already live with the system. Last month, Collinsville, Charters Towers and Moranbah hospitals went live with the ieMR, marking the 19th, 20th and 21st spoke sites for the project. Cairns Hospital also went live with advanced ieMR functionality, a significant achievement for the health service which will enable the region's spoke sites to go live with ieMR in 2025. A big thank you to everyone involved in the latest go-lives 👏 The project was also recognised at last month’s eHealth Queensland Staff Excellence Awards, where the team received the Deputy Director-General Award.
Such an amazing body of work and privileged to part of it. We all knew this would bring benefits to the rural facilities and their communities but can say that to see it the ieMR live in these facilities and the difference it makes for the health service, the community including staff and patients is such a reward. Thanks to the amazing work that the teams across the health services and eHealth have done, truly shows what can be accomplished with such a positive goal and great collaboration. Congratulations to all, and looking forward to the last roll outs in Cairns HHSs rural facilities!
Some great learning here from those involved Melanie Strachan Brendan Docherty Joe McDonald Fiona Lieutier APM the pre readiness activities a key success factor. Well done eHealth Team 👏
I liked the "1 barge for device delivery". Where was that from and to? :-)
We know this effort will improve outcomes. Well done EHQ🤩
Congratulations to all involved in reducing the triniary of distance across Queensland
Amazing work well done to all involved 👏
Great work Helen and teams 👏
Such a privilege to have been part of this experience. Our rural and remote sites have been the star. Putting patient care front and centre through the upheaval of the infrastructure upgrade - why aren’t there Comms Rooms in 100 year old hospitals :), more devices needing storing, unpacking and testing then people and then participating in exhaustive training and simulation exercises. Kudos to these sites, their people and leadership, our HHSs and the EHealth teams. What a ride with more to do in 2025.