This is like Faust selling his soul to win a demolition derby or Paris absconding to Troy with one of the Kardashians. A man at the peak of power & career, choosing to write just another mindless missive brimming with empty cliches.
I’ve often joked that United States Army Reserve PME beyond BOLC for officers should be replaced with studying literature, philosophy & history beyond just bickering & arguing about who killed who in what battle.
But now I seriously think we should get rid of CCC, ILE, and close the The United States Army War College, or at least rename it “Carlisle Barracks Community College”. All they seems to be doing is cramming the minds of our uniformed bureaucrats with a bunch of data, without imparting any useful knowledge, much less wisdon.
Like the coin on No Country for Old Men, which travelled 22 years to get to BFE Texas for a coin toss between Chigurh & the gas station attendant; this dude has been traveling through a 30-year career in the US Army to arrive at the apex of his career. For what? To babble a bunch of empty platitudes that literally could have been written better by ChatGPT?
Really? That's all I get for my tax dollars?
Did his journey to arrive at the apex of his career teach him anything besides how to ingratiate himself to his boss to summit the greased pole? Apparently not. Based on this lame missive, he'd probably learn more about #Leadership & motivating humans by reading The Iliad & The Odyssey, than whatever education he attended.
We are in extraordinarily dangerous times not seen since WWII, requiring actual leadership from intellectually engaged #Leaders who are willing to confront old problems in new ways. Yet it seems we're just getting a bunch of wanker bozos, who think leadership consists of making your boss happy so you get promoted. Then when they become the top boss, they have no idea what to do. So they do what they've always done: just make up nice sounding BS.
Soldiers who deserve quality leadership, seem to be having mediocracy thrust upon them, no different than Major Major Major Major in Catch-22.
I sincerely hope I'm wrong & that the new CAR is the best CAR to ever grace Ft. Liberty. If so, I'll be happy to admit that I was wrong. But so far, it seems he's just another boring general, who mistakes the sycophantic groveling of their subordinates, as a sign of their awesomeness.
Steven Gambichler, you certainly were right that the #Army has lost any sort of serious intellectual engagement.
Letter to the Force from the Chief of Army Reserve and Commanding General, U.S. Army Reserve Command.
Our Nation faces a complex national security environment in a rapidly changing world. Capable adversaries present growing challenges at home and abroad. We must be ready. Never forget why the Army and Army Reserve exist: to fight and win our Nation’s wars.
To that end, we will focus on four priorities:
- Build and deliver Combat Ready Soldiers and formations
- Mobilize and deploy on time and at scale
- Adapt, Transform and Modernize
- Invest in our Soldiers, Civilians, and Families
Let’s lace ‘em up and get to work. Twice the Citizen, Combat Ready!
Cloud Marketplace Program Manager & Solutions Architect @ Juniper Networks | Specializing in building cloud marketplace solutions that drive customer success and ARR | Army Veteran | Government Security Clearance.
1wBeen there, packed that, and jumped it! #Airborne #Rigger