The democracy the Citizens want ----Citizens Development Agenda Group :-'for development only no politics'

Citizens Development Agenda Group- non political group which seeks to harness the collective intellect of citizens and translate this into a development agenda to progress the country from developing to developed in Five years.

  • Common sense approach to development-most intelligent people were scared from participating in development of the country due to knobkerrie/handcuff management system.
  • The role of professionals in development
  • The citizen as the key player in development
  • SMART performance targets for Ministers,parastatal CEOs, Hospital CEOs,Town clerks,Chief Justice, Central Bank governor,Registrar General, Chief Inspector VID,Police Commissioner, University Vice Chancellors .Performance to be published on ministry of information website
  • MPs,Senators, Mayors, councillors to have minimum Degree-
  • Citizens to rate/appraise service quality of all organisations/ministries on a 0-1-2-3-4-5 fit for purpose scale,5 being excellent.
  • A systems approach to development- To be a developed country in FIVE years.
  • Citizens in diaspora to be allowed to vote.
  • Each province should have A Production and Marketing Plan of the the resources in the province
  • Solutions based leadership approach:-
  1. Management- maintaining order.
  2. Leadership -maintaining order and motivating others to a higher level.
  3. Solutions based leadership approach:-maintaining order,motivating others and optimising the collective intellect of all citizens to progress the country from developing to developed in FIVE years.

The politicians are always the minority in any country and they dictate what the majority,Citizens, should get and this is why there is minimal development in the global village. A developing country with 15 million citizens has 300 career politicians.Its mathematically silly to have 300 politicians determine the fate of 15million people plus the unborn children. They design systems and processes which are self rewarding. There are as many 'politicians scandals' in developing world as there are in developed countries the DIFFERENCE is that in developed countries the politicians resign while in other settings they justify why they should remain in office, its like a long service award.

All former colonies have adopted the former master's system of governance without carrying out any due diligence. Its being colonised beyond decolonisation.The former colonial masters did not develop to the present level because they are efficient but because they got cheap raw materials and labour. Thats the very reason why negotiations were not very successful without the bullet. Those who were educated then , read having a degree of some sort or Junior certificate or Ordinary level, became leaders because it was assummed they would be in a position to understand the complex world and help the fellow citizens to realise their dreams.The Citizens are still dreaming of the promised land.

  • In 2004 there was a circular which stated that all positions now required 5 o levels including mathematics and english that means a cleaner who earns $300 or less a month required mathematics and english to be employed.
  • How come we have MPs and Senators who get 4*4 Ford Rangers which cost $35 000 plus sitting allowances( and sleeping too after a three course meal) and have ZERO 'O' levels? What does the MP ask the minister who has a degree in law or economics ? We have more than 6 000 students graduating every year from 2004 so there is a total of 78 000. I have deliberately ignored those who graduated before 2004.
  • The minimum qualification of an MP, Senator,Provincial Minister ,councillor and mayor should be a degree. This will help us progress towards a developed country in FIVE years.
  • Citizens target-- To be a developed country in FIVE years.

Lets fail to meet the target but we will be facing in the right direction

Political party A, political party B, political party this and that. Hold, this is the colonial system way of government where all citizens should vote for the political parties. How does this system cater for those who want to participate in development without the politics? The Citizens want you to take them to a developed country in five years time.The metrics of a developed country are readily available on the internet. Every country in the global village is tightening its border controls with the view of keeping out all foreigners. The only logical framework is to to democratise own country and stop the belief that politicians are the most intelligent citizens in a country, they are not.

Proof that they are not , they have no clue of solving simple problems citizens have. Violence start were logic fails-- they use knobkerrie( or handcuff) management systems to suppress common sense or alternative views.

  • QUESTIONS TIME FOR MINISTERS , MPs CEOs of parastatals and Hospitals from Citizens Development Agenda Group

General questions for ministers.The major reasons for asking these questions are

  • To constructively and collectively find solutions to society problems.
  • Everyone's contribution counts, irrespective of one's political persuasion.
  • To ethusiase the citizens towards a common target-------To become a developed country in FIVE years time. This is the Citizens Development Agenda Group promised land.
  • To upgrade the software between the ears of our Ministers from ' knobkerrie/handcuff /tear gas' driven to 'engagement/debate/persuasion' as default setting.
  • To remind Ministers that at any given time ,there can only be one minister ,it should not be interpretated to mean that they are the ONLY ones qualified to hold those offices.
  • To acknowledge that the former colonial masters's 'democracy' was adopted without due diligence and to replace it with a fit for purpose system which includes all Citizens(Citizen-cracy)
  • Externalisation should practically include ' Anyone who goes out to be treated outside the country,at the public expense, when there are hospitals which can offer the same service in the country'. The loan should be recovered from the individual at 20 per cent interest rate.Anyone who 'takes from the public purse without authority' shall payback same at 20 percent interest rate. Imprisoning the individual and incur extra costs of looking after the individual is not fit for purpose response.
  • ]
  1. What are the key performance targets for your ministry.
  2. What are the shortcomings of the Acts which you administer and what sections are illegal.
  3. The auditor general has unearthed a number of irregularities in various ministries can you please publish the actions which you have taken to comply with the aduit findings.
  4. If you have not complied with the audit findings can you please give ten reasons why this has not been acted upon.
  5. What measures have you taken to ensure that service delivery by your officers meet the citizens expectations?
  6. Companies publish financial year end statement . Is it possible for you to publish how you used your budget allocation to the nearest cent.This is public money and the citizens have the constitutional right to information on how the tax collected was used by each ministry minus security ministries.
  7. Does your ministry have a complaints handling procedure and can all complaints raised and resolved in a month be published up to the lowest administrative level . Can you please publish the complaints on the ministry of information website so that the performance can be easily compared.
  8. How many cases of corruption are being investigated Anti-Cooperation agencies.
  9. If the President term is limited to 10 years why is the ministers terms not limited to ten years as well?
  10. Do you think its a good idea for the Citizens to ask you questions and you respond in the newspapers and on the Ministry of information website? The present system leaves out those citizens who do not want to get involved in politics but still want to get involved in developmental projects.
  11. There are a lot of educated professionals within and without the country ,How is your ministry capturing the intellectual capital resident in these professonals to improve service delivery and progress your quality of service to that of a developed country.
  12. Why is it that government departments take each other to court before ministers can resolve them.How much has been spend for interdepartmental litigation from 1990
  13. Give five reasons why citizens in the diaspora are not allowed to participate in national elections while citizes of other countries like Kenya, Nigeria can actually go and vote at their respective embassies?
  14. Under freedom of information can you disclose how much was spent by each ministry,minus sensitive ministries, for travel outside the country.
  15. Citizens Agenda Development Group fail to understand why cash shortage has not been resolved.We have whole faculties of finance related departments manned by professors - have they been approached for help?.All countries have no shortage of cash.The financial sector is the greatest threat to progress towards the developed country status in five years.Banking anf finance is not rocket science.We kindly ask the central bank governor to publish ten good reasons why there is cash shortage and timed action plans to resolve same.
  16. What are we importing chicken when we have massive unemployment?
  • This approach of supervising all parastatal CEOs can yield positive results overnight. This can be extended to CEOs of Hospitals,Town clerks, CEOs of district councils.The greatest threat to development or good service is THE UNSUPERVISED PROFESSIONALS AND MINISTERS. The auditor general has published cases of maladministration involving millions so our problem is not that we do not have money as a country but we are not accounting for it properly. In the case where a CEO fails to achieve set targets and sites lack of resources then the MINISTER concerned should explain why those resources could not be provided.The constitution needs to be changed and ministers have to be accountable to the President as the appointing authority AND the citizens for the quality of service provided.If a ministry is failing to provide the required service then Citizens should constitutionally petition the President to set up a commission of enquiry made up of four judges.The Minister should be investigated.

A country should have a target eg

'To progress from developing to developed country in FIVE years.'

All systems and processes should then be configured to align with this objective.Any President who comes in should swear to fulfill this Citizens' aspiration.

  • MPs should also be subjected to this citizens supervision.A constituency can petition a non -performing MP to be investigated by a commission made up of judges. The MP was voted by the citizens and when they fail, its the same citizens who should have the power to remove them. The same applies to the President ,the Citizens can recall him by signing a petition.A President who wins an election via intimidation and violence can be assured of being recalled by the citizens. This way the aspiring presidential candidates will never promote violence. Its not intelligent to wait for five years to remove a non performing MP. By extension, a government is made up of MPs etc so by removing non performing MPs the citizens can change government on an ongoing basis on a performance based criteria. All citizens above 18 years and on the voter's role can sign the petition. With our rich country , high collective intellect we will be a developed country in FIVE years.Yes FIVE years. Its reverse democracy to allow politicicians ,who are always in the minority, to dictate what the majority citizens should get.We want the developed countries to come and copy from us.This system will effectively 'kill ' inefficiency and corruption. MPs ,Senators and Ministers should not serve for more than ten years. This way the new people will unearth corruption and introduce new ideas. The minimum qualification for an MP shoukd be a degree There is no need to privatise the parastatals just let the citizens supervise the CEOs and the Ministers concerned. This is a new method of supervision called ' Dynamic Citizens Supervision Approach'

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