A terrific experience
It’s been on my mind for over ten years. Two years ago I entered as a tourist. And finally this year, I passed through The Gate as an enrolled participant at Harvard Negotiation Institute’s summer workshop on Negotiation: Strategies, Tools and Skills for Success. I have come full circle, the experience has met every expectation and now each piece in the mosaic has found its right place, equipping me to go forward.
My colleague and friend, Elisabetta Valentini, embarked on this adventure with me, making it even more meaningful and memorable. On the way, we met and shared laughs and more with Isa Ghivarelli, a member of the Italian Delegation to the OSCE in Vienna.
There were many engaging exchanges with the other almost 50 participants, of a variety of professional backgrounds, who had a wealth of ideas and insights from the 13 different countries they represented.
And last but not least, Professor Robert Bordone, and his team of assistants, expertly brought negotiation to life in the classroom, engaging us all, through a multitude of practical cases, within a theoretical framework.
A terrific experience on all counts.
Avvocato collaborativo, formatrice AIADC
5yGrande Carla! E’ incredibile pensare a che orizzonti ci si siano aperti solo uscendo dalla nostra zona di confort, tu poi sei instancabile, hai tutta la mia ammirazione....
Commercialista, Revisore Legale, Mediatore Civile e Commerciale, Formatore, Responsabile Scientifico presso Organismi di Mediazione, Enti di Formazione
5yChe bello leggere e "sentire" l'entusiasmo e la passione che traspaiono da queste parole! Non la conosco, Carla, ma è un piacere parlare la stessa lingua: quella del dialogo, dell'ascolto attivo, della collaborazione. Tutte doti che ci consentono di trasformare il "cum-fligere" in "cum-fluire", come sempre cerco di trasmettere ai colleghi che frequentano i nostri corsi. Complimenti !