About this mod

General overhaul aimed at steering FO4 in a more "immersive sim" direction. Sister mod to WARS.

Permissions and credits

PEACE is the sister mod of WARS. WARS for weapons, ammo and combat. PEACE for everything else. They can be used separately, but are designed to be used together. Between them, they make up a small constellation of core mods and patches, so here's a useful summary, with links:


WARS Main - WARS itself.
Files -> Main Files.

WARS - FIS - Custom Item Sorter INI - Config file for generating a sorting patch for FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorter, so that all WARS items get appropriate sorting tags.
Files -> Optional files.

WARS - NPC HP/DR/ER Normalisation Tutorial - FO4Edit scripts for normalising NPC HP/DR/ER across your installed mods, plus a short tutorial on how to use them. This is to stop NPCs and creatures from other mods from being bullet-sponges.
Files -> Optional files.

WARS - Third-party Weapon Support Tutorial - Illustrated pdf tutorial on how to add WARS support for a third-party weapon mod.
Files -> Optional files.

The War Room - Repository of WARS compatibility patches I've made myself.


PEACE Main - PEACE itself.
Files -> Main Files.

PEACE - FIS - Custom Item Sorter INI - Config file for generating a sorting patch for FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorter, so that all PEACE items get appropriate sorting tags.
Files -> Optional files.

PEACE - Third-party Mod Support Tutorial - Illustrated pdf tutorial on how to add PEACE support for a third-party (typically armour) mod.
Files -> Optional files.

Peace In Our Time - Repository of PEACE compatibility patches I've made myself.

War and Peace

War and Peace - WARS-PEACE Patch: Compatibility patch for using WARS and PEACE together.

PEACE - Project Extend And Change Everything

Version: 1.0.3
Date: 26-09-2023
Author: Antistar (Joseph Lollback)
E-mail: [email protected]

1. Description
2. Requirements and Recommendations
3. Installation/Uninstallation
4. Mod Features
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
6. Save games
7. Conflicts/Known Issues
8. Credits
9. Modder's Resource and Permissions Info
10. Contact Information
11. Legal Stuff/Disclaimer
12. Version History


Is the struggle of this world merely a pleasant game for you? Do you long for a more brutal take on a life lived post apocalypse?

If you answered "Yes and yes!", then Survival difficulty is for you! If you instead answered "What? No, the idea that 'survival mechanics' actually means 'arbitrary difficulty' is a fundamental misapprehension of what makes features like this fun, and it should actually be about immersion and interesting interactions between various game systems!", then that's funny, because that's exactly what I think too.

While vanilla Survival "upends many of the rules of [vanilla] life in the Commonwealth for maximum challenge", PEACE does so with the aim of making you feel more like you're playing a human, and not a robot.

As mentioned, PEACE is WARS' sister mod - WAR(S) and PEACE, as it were. The two mods can be used separately, but they are designed to be used together.

Where WARS is an overhaul targeting Fallout 4's weaponry and combat mechanics, PEACE is an overhaul targeting everything else that I think needed attention. The general aim is to steer the game in more of an "immersive sim" direction. As that implies, this involves changing things to be more believable (realism is a reference point but not necessarily the end-goal), as well as adding/expanding mechanics in an attempt at improved immersion.

(Project Extend And Change Everything (PEACE) doesn't set out to change everything - it's just an awkward backronym.)

The Mod Features section below contains an exhaustive list of changes and additions in PEACE, but here's a brief summary:

- Encumbrance overhaul: Strength is still important, but now you need Load-Bearing Equipment (LBE) like backpacks, pockets and pouches to be able to carry much of anything.
--- A character's STR value determines how much of a Carry Weight (CW) bonus is provided by any given piece of LBE.
--- A range of backpacks were added; found worn by NPCs, at vendors, etc.
--- Existing clothes now act as LBE via their pockets, pouches, etc (and some can be upgraded).
--- "Pocketed" and "Deep Pocketed" armour mods now provide STR-based CW bonuses.
--- Power armour now has its own set of LBE mods, attached to new "Storage" mod slots on arm, leg and torso armour pieces.
--- Armour/clothing weighs less when equipped. 50% less by default, down to nothing at all with successive ranks in the Strong Back perk.
--- Equipped weapons compensate for their own weight plus a full load of ammo. If it's in your hands, it's not in your pack.
--- Strength requirements for armour (and penalties if they're not met). Certain armour mods can reduce and even negate these requirements, however.

- Medical Treatment and Chems
--- Stimpaks no longer heal injured limbs.
--- HP and limb condition restoration per hour of sleep (in Survival Mode) is drastically reduced (by default - configurable in the MCM menu) and is now influenced by Endurance.
--- New items:
----- Healing Powder. Returning from Fallout: New Vegas (and Fallout 2 and Tactics), this is less effective than a Stimpak and has a temporary Perception penalty, but is easier to find and craft.
----- Hydra. Also returning from New Vegas, this rapidly heals injured limbs but has an addiction chance.
----- Medical Braces. Equipped like armour pieces, these slowly heal injured limbs, but are cumbersome.
----- Power Armour Medical Braces. Function like regular medical braces, but are not cumbersome. They do take up the "Misc" mod slot, however.
--- New settlement objects:
----- My First Infirmary. Returning from Fallout 3, with some tweaks. Can restore HP and limb condition, remove Rads, and cure addictions and diseases - though these things take resources.
----- Auto-Doc. Also returning from earlier Fallout games. Can do everything the My First Infirmary can, but all at once, without requiring resources. High perk requirements to build and needs power, though.
--- Survival Mode chems were changed to make somewhat more sense.

- These Things Take Time: Many actions that logically should take time now advance in-game time.
--- E.g. Crafting, item modification, settlement construction.
--- Settlement construction actions take less time the more settlers you have.
--- Can be configured or disabled via the PEACE MCM menu.

- Food Spoilage System
--- Perishable food can spoil, being replaced by Moldy Food.
--- Works on food in your inventory and in containers.
--- Lightweight, event-based system. (Simple by necessity.)
--- Can be configured or disabled via the MCM menu.
--- Store food in powered refrigerators to prevent it spoiling.
--- Produce packaged and preserved food using the expanded Contraptions Food Processor machines.

- Butchery System
--- Animals no longer have meat and other body parts in their inventory on death. Instead, you need to butcher them.
--- Requires an equipped knife/machete/etc.
--- Takes time (and more time the larger the animal is), may pose a disease risk, and the smell of blood may attract a predator...
--- ... But you'll gain MUCH more meat, bones, hides, etc than in the base game.

- Sleep Ambush System
--- The risk that you may be ambushed by hostiles when sleeping.
----- Risk can be reduced/negated by sleeping inside/in a tent, being in a safe location like an established town, a settlement's Defense value, and Luck.
--- Can be configured or disabled via the MCM menu.

- Bottle Cap Banking System
--- Deposit and withdraw caps at Cap ATMs located around the wasteland.
--- Gain interest.
--- Build ATMs at settlements.

- Portable Camping Items
--- Several camping-related items were added that can be deployed anywhere.
--- E.g. bedrolls, tents, cooking pots, storage.

- Magical effects removed (and replaced where possible): This is Fallout, not The Elder Scrolls.
--- Clothes are not enchanted robes, and food and drink are not magic potions.
--- Legendary Armour effects that would require magic to function have been removed and replaced.
----- (Limited to armour because WARS handles Legendary weapon effects.)

- Plus many more changes and new additions across the game. See the Mod Features section below for more information.

Requirements and Recommendations


- Official
--- Fallout 4
--- Automatron
--- Contraptions Workshop
--- Far Harbor
--- Nuka-World
--- Vault-Tec Workshop
--- Wasteland Workshop

- Mods
--- Mod Configuration Menu (MCM)
----- Technically optional, but required if you want to tweak some settings.

--- Settlement Menu Manager (SMM)
----- PEACE uses SMM to safely add a new Workshop menu category.

***Recommended Mods***

- WARS - Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite
--- WARS is PEACE's sister mod. They can be used separately, but are designed to be used together.

- Unlimited Survival Mode
--- PEACE is designed to be played in Survival Mode - notably interacting with the need to eat/drink/sleep/etc - but several aspects of Survival Mode (e.g. Sleep To Save) are actively hostile to immersion in my opinion, and Unlimited Survival Mode lets you disable things like that.

- Mods that provide immersive means of carrying more with you, since carry weight logistics are important in PEACE. Some suggestions are:
--- K-9 Harness -- Tactical Body Armor and Backpack for Dogmeat
--- Brahmin Companion - A Pack Brahmin - or similar pack animal mod.
----- Note that for this mod specifically, I'd recommend setting BFBrahminFollowerCathy's STR to 296 (for a CW of 350 lb, taking into account PEACE's changes to how CW is derived from STR), down from a STR of 500 (for a CW of 554 lb, with PEACE's changes).
--- Robots as Secondary Companions - so that you can bring along a cargo-bot in addition to your regular companion.
----- The cargo carrier robot parts added by PEACE were made with this kind of usage in mind.

- Better Manufacturing and Manufacturing Extended
--- In combination with the "PEACE - Better Manufacturing Extended" patch, which makes them play nicely with PEACE.

- QuickTrade Redux
--- An increased focus on inventory management makes it very useful to be able to quickly access the inventory of companions, settlers, etc.

- Stash Those Caps (Or apparently now from the author's Discord, here.)
--- Allows you to stash bottle caps, as in earlier Fallout games.
--- To fit in with PEACE balancing, it is recommended to use the "weighted" version of Stash Those Caps, but to use FO4Edit to change the weight of the "CapCurrency" Misc. Item in it from 0.01 to 0.005.
--- Real-world bottle caps weigh 0.005 lb each. (So 200 caps will weigh 1 lb.)

- Magic Effect and Spell Engine Fixes - F4SE
--- May prevent potential issues with followers and other NPCs reporting that they can't carry any more when they should be able to.
--- See the Conflicts/Known Issues section for more info.

***Recommended Gameplay Settings***

- Starting a new game is VERY strongly recommended, so that everything is initialised correctly.
--- Not doing so is unsupported.

- PEACE is designed to be played in Survival Mode.
--- Not doing so is unsupported.
--- I'd recommend using a mod that allows you to toggle the various Survival Mode features on and off as you desire, however - e.g. Unlimited Survival Mode, above.
----- PEACE assumes that all items have weight and that carry weight maximums have been reduced, however.
--- Note also that PEACE changes some Survival features to be... better. (In my opinion, of course. More detail in the Mod Features section.)

***Supported But Not Required***

- Canary Save File Monitor

Installation instructions

01) Setup

- If you haven't already, follow the "How To Enable Fallout 4 Mods" section here to prepare your game for using mods: Fallout 4 Mod Installation

- If you already have an established list/load order of mods that you play FO4 with - and a mod manager that supports multiple mod list profiles - you may want to add a new profile for playing the game with PEACE. (And WARS, if you're using that.) PEACE requires support patches for certain third-party mods (notably armour/clothing mods), and a separate profile should make it easier to keep these things organised.

02) Install prerequisites for PEACE
(Do this before installing PEACE)

***Mod Configuration Menu (MCM)***

- Download and install from FO4 Nexus: Mod Configuration Menu (MCM)
--- Only the main file needs to be installed.

***Settlement Menu Manager (SMM)***

- Download and install from FO4 Nexus: Settlement Menu Manager (SMM)
--- You only need to install the main file: "SettlementMenuManagerMainFile".

03) Install PEACE

- Download and install from the PEACE Nexus page.

04) Install any required PEACE add-ons and patches

- E.g. from the "Peace In Our Time" library of patches for PEACE.

- Third-party clothing/armour and power armour mods will usually require a patch to work well with PEACE.

05) Load order info:
(Not an exhaustive list.)

- Load these mods before PEACE:
--- Mods that edit vanilla consumable, clothing, armour and power armour items.

- Load these mods after PEACE:
--- Mods that contain precombine data. (Typically mods that make changes to exterior areas.)
--- Mods that edit Cell records. E.g. Interiors Enhanced.)

06) Final steps

- Generate any required automatic patches, such as:
--- M8r98a4f2's Complex Sorter for FIS/FallUI.
----- Recommended to install the "PEACE-FIS-CustomItemSorterINI" custom processing rules config file for PEACE - found in the Misc section under the Files tab on the main PEACE Nexus page.

07) Ready to go

- Start a new game. Loading an existing save after first installing PEACE is unsupported.

- Once in-game, configure your desired hotkeys and settings in the PEACE MCM menu.

Uninstallation instructions

- Do not uninstall PEACE if you intend to keep using a save file made with PEACE installed. Wait until you're finished with that character before uninstalling.

- Disable/delete PEACE as usual using your mod manager.

- You can also uninstall other required mods that you installed when installing PEACE if you like, though these typically don't do much on their own, and caution is advised since they may be in use by other mods you have installed.

Mod Features

This is the exhaustive list of changes and additions made by PEACE. If you're wondering how a particular part of the mod works, look here.

There is a huge amount to cover here, so this section was separated out into its own article:

Mod Features
(Middle-click to open in a new tab - or use Right-click -> Open Link in New Tab.)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q) Is there something I should do before reporting a bug with PEACE?
A) Yes, there are a couple of things. First, read through the PEACE documentation to see if your issue has already been addressed somewhere. You'll be saving yourself (and me) some time. Second, open your entire load order in FO4Edit and look at PEACE-ProjectExtendAndChangeEverything.esp to see if any of its records are overriding other plugins or being overriden by other plugins. This may help you identify the cause of a problem you're seeing. The FO4Edit page links to documentation on how to use that program.

Q) So... I heard that this mod conflicts with a lot of other mods. Aren't conflicts, like... bad?
A) A mod that conflicts with another mod is "bad" in the same way that one pair of shoes is "bad" because you can't wear them at the same time as another pair of shoes. PEACE is a general overhaul; changing a lot of things is the whole point. This will conflict with other mods that change the same things; it's the nature of the beast and quite expected when dealing with general overhauls.

Q) I didn't start a new game upon installing PEACE and now I'm experiencing some issues. Why is that?
A) As mentioned in both the Requirements and Recommendations section and the Installation Instructions section, starting a new game is strongly recommended, or a number of things won't be initialised correctly. If you still want to try PEACE with an existing save then you can, but expect to see some weirdness. Please don't bother reporting any issues you encounter if you didn't start a new game after installing PEACE; doing so is unsupported.

Q) Could you release an alternative version of PEACE [for x reason]?
A) Not if I can possibly avoid it. "Hell is alternate versions" is something I've been known to say. It's rarely just a one-off bit of extra work. It multiplies your workload going forward into later updates; suddenly you're doing the same work over and over again for the sake of alternate versions that you don't like and don't use yourself. It's a good way to slow progress and damage the quality of a mod overall.

Q) But there's something in PEACE that I don't like! Maybe you could make an add-on patch that changes it for me?
A) I'm afraid I don't have time to make patches that I won't use myself. However, I encourage people to make and release add-on patches that change things in PEACE to be more to their tastes. Just check out the Permissions section before releasing anything.

Q) Could you make a compatibility patch for PEACE and [mod name]?
A) As above, I don't have time to do this for mods I don't want to use myself - but if it's something I do want to use myself, then it it's a possibility. I will already know which mods I want to do this for, though; I don't have time for requests, in other words. However, I've written a tutorial on how to add PEACE support for certain things that you can follow to make your own patches, and I encourage this too (see above).

Q) Could you make a compatibility patch for your general overhaul to make it all work with this other general overhaul I'm really accustomed to using?
A) NOPE. At the risk of stating the obvious, overhauls made by different people will almost always be absolutely rife with conflicts - both direct and in terms of their design goals - so making them work together is usually a monumental effort. I'm not saying it's always impossible (though often it is going to be like the shoe analogy I used earlier), but it is something I definitely don't have time for myself.

Q) Why do all these general clothing items look like Legendary items in the UI?
A) The only way to get descriptive text on weapons and armour is to use the Description text on an attached Object Mod that has the "Legendary Mod" flag enabled. (This is something that BGS did themselves in some cases; e.g. with the Tesla Rifle.) This doesn't make them Legendary items in the usual sense, and I avoided doing this on items that could appear as Legendary items, in order to avoid any clashes there.

Q) Why does PEACE edit levelled lists directly rather than using script injection?
A) Script injection makes sense for a small mod that is only adding new items to existing levelled lists. In the case of PEACE, it's a relatively complex mod that isn't just adding new items to existing levelled lists; it also makes sweeping changes to levelled lists. Script injection isn't really practical (and is potentially not even possible) for PEACE. Other mods can still use script injection for levelled lists when used with PEACE, though.

Save games

- Start a new game upon installing PEACE. Not doing so is unsupported.

- Do not uninstall PEACE if you intend to keep using a save file made with PEACE installed. Wait until you're finished with that character before uninstalling.

Conflicts/Known Issues


As mentioned in the FAQ, PEACE is a general overhaul and so will conflict with a number of other mods. You can get an idea of what might conflict with PEACE by using FO4Edit to identify exactly which records it edits, but here are a few points that may help too:

- Any compatible changes from the following mods that would otherwise be overridden by PEACE were brought forward into PEACE:
- Note 1: Only changes that didn't require making the mod an explicit requirement were brought forward.
- Note 2: Load PEACE after these mods.
--- Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (UFO4P)

- PEACE edits the "HC_Manager" quest and script that controls Survival Mode. Other mods that also edit those things will conflict, obviously. PEACE does incorporate the fixes made to that script by UFO4P and VATS Freeze Fix, however - so it won't conflict there, at least.
--- (Load PEACE after those mods.)

- Any vanilla Workshop menu recipes (i.e. settlement construction recipes) edited by PEACE (e.g. to change perk requirements) will be pointing at their original vanilla Workshop menu categories. If you're using a mod that removes these categories, those items will not show up in the Workshop menu. A compatibility patch will be required in these cases.

***Known Issues***

- If you updated from a version of PEACE prior to v1.0.2, the HP and AP regen effects from your character being Fed and Hydrated respectively (effects which were removed in PEACE v1.0.2) may be stuck on your character, regardless of whether your character is currently Fed and/or Hydrated or not. I haven't been able to find a way to get this to update properly; it seems to get baked into your save.

If you're starting a new game with PEACE v1.0.2 or later, you won't be affected by this issue.

If you are affected, you can use the console commands below to set the values to what they should be.

The old effects were increased "HealRate" for being Fed, and increased "ActionPointsRate" for being Hydrated. "ActionPointsRate" requires you to use its FormID in the console for some reason, which is "2D8". So, to check what the values currently are, use these commands:

player.getav HealRate
player.getav 2D8

And to change the values, use these commands:

player.modav HealRate -0.05
player.modav 2D8 -2

Those will cancel out the values that the earlier version of PEACE used. If you find that HealRate has a higher value than 0.05 (perhaps from a perk that was also changed to no longer have HP regen in the PEACE v1.0.2 update), you'll probably want to adjust the value you use accordingly.

After you've done this, you can use the "getav" commands again to check what the values are after your changes. (Typically you'll want HealRate to be zero.)

- Visuals for the new power armour storage mods (e.g. pouches) may not always update/display correctly - e.g. while using a power armour station. The player character or an NPC hopping into the affected power armour should "refresh" its appearance and have it display correctly, however.
--- In rare cases (I've only seen it happen once), reloading a save will be required to fix this.

- "You're carrying too much and can't run!" - You'll likely see this message upon loading a save, even when it's not true. My guess is that the game kicks up the message before it's had a chance to calculate maximum carry weight bonuses from equipment. (And/or current carry weight reductions due to equipped clothing/armour.) Purely cosmetic, anyway.

- The game will sometimes erroneously claim that an NPC can't carry any more, and prevent you from giving items to them. In this case (i.e. assuming that it is an error), this can be fixed by unequipping/re-equipping an item of clothing/armour they're currently wearing that provides a carry weight bonus - like a backpack - then exiting and re-entering their trade items menu.
--- Similarly, if an NPC is refusing to enter power armour - saying they can't get to it - unequip and re-equip an LBE item on them, and it will often solve the problem. (For whatever reason.)
--- The Magic Effect and Spell Engine Fixes - F4SE mod may prevent this issue from occurring.
----- Unconfirmed at the time of writing as I haven't been able to reliably reproduce this issue.

- If you spot an NPC moving very slowly, they probably don't meet the Strength Requirement (STR REQ) for their equipped armour. I did my best to make NPCs spawn with a high enough STR value to meet the requirement for armour they're likely to spawn with (e.g. by editing NPC "classes" to have appropriate STR values), but sometimes NPCs seem to spawn with a STR of 1 even when it should be higher, according to the CK. Not sure what's going on there. (Also it's possible that I simply missed NPCs that were set up in odd/unique ways.)

- The weapon racks will accept anything considered by the game to be a pistol, rifle, one-handed melee weapon or two-handed melee weapon - but you should expect some floating or clipping with some weapons, obviously.

- Moving a weapon rack that currently has a weapon mounted in it will cause the weapon to rotate oddly. Taking the weapon and re-mounting it will fix this.

- The Sleep Ambush message-box will show up awkwardly on top of the FallUI sleep menu, if you're using that. Mostly just a cosmetic issue.



- Armoury Posters
--- Textures by Antistar.
--- Based on several military training aids that are all in the public domain as far as I'm aware.

- Camping Hatchet
--- Hatchet mesh by Yogensia.
--- Textures by Antistar.

- Fabrication Benches
--- Based on assets by Bethesda Game Studios.
--- Mesh edits by jimmygitto, from Simple Immersive Chem Benches for Crafting.

- Healing Powder
--- Small Sack by Thunder.

- Hiking and Canvas Backpacks (AKA the Mercenary and Rebel Backpacks) from The Mercenary - Pack by L0rd0fWar.

- Institute Nutrition Bar
--- Based on assets by Bethesda Game Studios.
--- Retex by Antistar.

- M12 Weapon Rack
--- Meshes and textures by Antistar.

- M14 Pistol Rack
--- Meshes and textures by Antistar.

- Modular Shelf
--- Based on assets by Bethesda Game Studios.
--- Mesh edits by Antistar.

- MRE and contents
--- Meshes and textures by Antistar.

- Plastic Bowl Containers
--- Meshes and textures by Antistar.

- Power Armour Cargo Carriers
--- Meshes and textures by Antistar.

- Pre-War Food
--- Recreated by Antistar, based on assets by Bethesda Game Studios. (Also using some public domain or no-attribution-required creative commons images.)
--- Have a Fishy Stick! is a truly ancient Elder Scrolls meme, and this image has been used in countless forum posts and mods over the decades without issue, as far as I know.
--- Pre-War Yum Yum Deviled Eggs box based on textures in Cooked prewar food by benitoite.
----- Minor edits by Antistar.

- Processed Food
--- Meshes and textures by Antistar.

- Satchel Bag
--- Mesh from Shoulder Bag for ALL by marcmorr6, based on assets from FO4.
--- Retexes by Antistar.

- UHT Milk
--- Based on assets by Bethesda Game Studios.
--- Mesh edits and retex by Antistar.

- Water Purification Tablets pill bottle
--- Based on assets by Bethesda Game Studios.
--- Retex by Antistar.

- Wooden Rifle and Pistol Racks
--- Meshes and textures by Antistar.


- PEACE general design, implementation, etc is by Antistar. Basically if it's not explicitly mentioned somewhere in these credits, you can assume that it's something I did myself.

- Fixes from Armor clipping overhaul by Sakura9 were incorporated into PEACE.

- Script fixes from these mods were merged into PEACE in order to prevent conflicts between the two mods:
--- Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (UFO4P) by Arthmoor
--- VATS Freeze Fix by JacobBruce

- Better Armor and Weapon naming and sorting by Ruddy88 and Bottletopman was used as a starting point for the dynamic naming changes in PEACE.

- Better Mod Descriptions by TakaruMinari was used as a starting point for the changes to object mod descriptions in PEACE.
--- Better Mod Descriptions - Nuka-World Items by Leonionin was additionally used as a starting point for Nuka-World related object mods.


A big thankyou to those who helped test the mod during its closed beta:


Modder's Resource and Permissions Info

You can release something based on PEACE without first asking for my permission, provided it meets the conditions I've laid out below. If you're unsure about something after reading this, feel free to contact me to ask about it. I may refine these conditions over time to make it easier on myself and the end-user - and with that in mind I retain the right to do so if necessary. It probably won't be necessary to change anything drastically... but just in case.

***If you want to redistribute PEACE somewhere:***

This is something I don't give permission for, so please don't.

I do like to help people that have some kind of problem using my mods, and this is made much more difficult if they happen to be using a version of the mod from some undisclosed third-party location that may be outdated and/or modified without my knowledge.

I will add an exception here: If - in some distant, dystopian future - Nexus Mods and anywhere else I personally have uploaded PEACE to has ceased to exist, AND I'm not around to re-upload PEACE somewhere else... then you can upload PEACE somewhere so that people can continue to access it. Contact me first and give me time to respond, though. My e-mail address is right there. It's pretty easy.

***If you want to release something that adds to - or alters - PEACE:***

This is fine as long as it doesn't break or otherwise invalidate PEACE itself. What this amounts to is:

- No straight-up replacements for the plugin (PEACE-ProjectExtendAndChangeEverything.esp). Don't just open the plugin up, change something and then redistribute it. This will break - or be broken by - any updates to PEACE, or by anyone else who decided to do the same thing as you.

- No merging of PEACE into another plugin. This will make an unholy mess if run at the same time as PEACE itself.

- In other words it must be dependent on PEACE, and cannot have PEACE itself bundled with it. Your users will need to download PEACE to use your add-on.
--- If you've performed some wizardry and made a mod that can interact with PEACE without needing it as an explicit master (and again it doesn't break or invalidate PEACE), that's also fine.

***If you want to translate PEACE into another language:***

I'd prefer this to NOT be a straight-up replacement for the PEACE plugin if possible, for the reasons laid out above. If there's a good reason that means it HAS to be a replacement, it'd be great if you could contact me to talk about it first.

(Note that I don't consider "I don't know how to use FO4Edit" to be a good reason.)

***If you want to release something based on art assets from PEACE:***

PEACE is a modder's resource - for Fallout 4 mods. (See below if you want to use assets from PEACE in something other than a mod for Fallout 4.)

You do need to provide credit for what you use, though. Something like "MRE meshes and textures from PEACE, by Antistar" for example, ideally with a link to the PEACE Nexus page.

Note that a small number of assets used in PEACE that were graciously provided by other authors have additional permissions requirements (such as needing to ask the original author for permission to use them). This is noted in the Credits section whenever it's the case, so be sure to read the Credits section closely before using anything.

If you want to use assets from PEACE in something other than a Fallout 4 mod, this is only possible for the assets that were not themselves derived from base Fallout 4 assets. That's not my stipulation; that's up to Bethsoft, not me. But hey, if you can back up whatever you're doing with a letter from a Bethsoft lawyer saying that it's okay, go for your life. Like I said, it's not up to me. Just - y'know - be classy and provide credit for what you've used.

In any case, if you're unsure what is and isn't based on original Fallout 4 assets, feel free to ask me.

Finally, resources from PEACE can only be used in non-commercial projects.

Legal Stuff/Disclaimer

The mod is provided "as is", with all faults, defects and errors, and without warranty of any kind.

By downloading and using this modification, you agree that the author of the modification cannot be held responsible for any damage to software or hardware directly or indirectly caused by the aforementioned modification. Use at your own risk, basically.

Version History

Version 1.0.3 (26-09-23)
- Life Giver Rank 3 perk description updated to reflect changes made in PEACE v1.0.2.

Version 1.0.2 (12-09-23)
- Slow HP regen for being "Fed" replaced with +1 STR.
- Increased AP regen for being Hydrated replaced with +1 END.
- Food found in loot (including sitting out in the open) is now much more likely to be Moldy Food, rather than something more edible.
- Astoundingly Awesome 1 magazine perk now gives +10 max HP, instead of HP regen.
- Life Giver Rank 3 HP regen removed.
- Solar Powered perk effects edited to match those in WARS. See Perks section for details.
- Fixed incorrect movement speed bonuses from the Lone Wanderer perk.
- Reduced HP restoration magnitude or time on several plant/animal ingestibles.

Version 1.0.1 (14-08-23)
- Increased base Carry Weight for power armour frame from ~20 to ~50.
- Removed dirty edit to cell DLC03Vault118.

Version 1.0 (02-08-23)
- Initial public release.