About this mod

Adds new objects around the Khajiit Caravan Camps for some exotic flair.

Permissions and credits
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Find what is lost, trade what is found, and leave what has no purpose.
The Way of the Baandari

In lore, Khajiit caravans trade across the continent, bringing exotic wares along with them. In Skyrim these wares are… all packed in crates? Missing? Limited to some rolled up rugs? Not only that, but their camps are just kind of boring: nothing for them to do but tan leather and sit on the cold, hard ground.

Khajiit Has Wares aims to add some of the spice and Baandari flair the camps lack. Now each of the six caravan campsites you visit will have displays full of exotic and truly unique wares from all across Tamriel. Not only that, it also adds more idle markers to the camps themselves, so the NPCs will hopefully appear a little more lively.  Now Khajiit camps look a little more like the vagabond bazaars they’re supposed to be!

The camps carry wares inspired by the various peoples of Tamriel (and possibly beyond…) They also have more common wares on display. Each camp has some unique decorations as well to really give them some individuality.

Please Note: this mod adds no player-usable items- it’s solely a decoration mod. Check out the Credits/Resources sections for the mods used.



Q: Why is it so big?
that's what she said  Make it more vanilla or something?
It' so big because it is chock full of actually, honest-to-Todd, unique models that don't look like they're from Skyrim (the country.) To me, that's the whole essence of this mod, so I won't be making a lite or 'vanilla' version. You might look into Khajiit Caravan Clutter,  Khajiit Caravan Kittens, and/or take a look at XilaMonstrr's excellent collection of Khajiit caravan mods for a lighter, vanilla plus experience.
Alternatively, I have all the individual files available for download in the Miscellaneous Files section, so don't complain to me that the FOMOD is too big.

Q: My barrels are purple!
You need the Non-SMIM patch. It's in the FOMOD.

Q: Floating objects?!? Grass sticking out of stuff?!?
A: You've got an incompatible mod winning the conflict. If a mod overwrites the Landscape/NavMesh changes from this mod, it
could lead to floating objects, grass in stuff, and/or NPCs walking into objects. You can try loading this mod lower in your load order, but the best practice would be to patch them in the Creation Kit. I've provided some, but since the amount of mods that conflict in this way are basically endless, there's not way I can cover them all. If you use a grass mod, you can try No Grassias, but YMMV.

Q: Will everything explode when I load in a cell?

A: No, everything is static: I refuse to play into the Havok gods’ chaotic hands with an offering of flingable objects.

Q: Does this edit Khajiit NPCs/add outfits?!
A: No, it’s a mod that adds static objects to their camps. That’s it.The mod in the screenshots is Project ja-Kha’jay, with my own personal outfit edits. If you want new outfits, you can try my other mod, Khajiit Has Wears.

Q: Will you ever add the wares for the Khajiit to actually sell?

A: No. I'm not interested in making that kind of mod.

Q: This conflicts with a mod! Fix it!!
A: I hate patching. If I happen to make a patch for a mod, I’ll share it, but I’m not going to make them otherwise. Feel free to comment about incompatibilities, though: maybe someone else will want to make a patch. Please don't put incompatibility reports in the bugs section, they're NOT bugs!

Please note:
I will never accept payment for patches. If you want to commission someone else, though, I’m fine with it as long as the patch requires my mod to use AND is published freely on the Nexus.

Q: Argonians when?
Why are you asking this on a clutter mod?

This mod pairs well with:


Will conflict with other mods that edit Khajiit caravan locations (like Khajiit Caravan Kittens).
Will more than likely conflict with mods that edit the cells this mod edits. This mod contains both Landscape and NavMesh edits.

Patches Provided:

  • 4K Textures Patch - most included textures are 2k or lower, this makes a select few of the larger, more detailed pieces 4k.
  • Alternate Start - Live Another Life - moves tent at Markarth so it doesn't clip.
  • Carriage Drivers Are Alive - makes landscape edits from both mods play nice together
  • Cities of the North- Dawnstar - makes the NavMesh edits from both mods play nice together
  • Cloth Mannequins- adjusts UV maps for one female mannequin head to work better with Cloth Mannequins. Kind of just works, but could be done better.
  • Embers XD - tweaks the positions of some campfire clutter
  • Great City of Dawnstar (standalone) - makes the NavMesh edits from both mods play nice together
  • Immersive Caravan Mules - moves mules and hay at the Solitude camp
  • JK's Skyrim - forwards KHW's small navmesh changes
  • Non-SMIM Users - adds barrel textures for people NOT using the Static Mesh Improvement Mod. You will have purple barrels otherwise!
  • Northern Roads - forwards NR's landscape edits and makes it play nice with KHW's edits
  • Peltapalooza - uses Peltapalooza's meshes for the new hide rugs
  • Peltapalooza - Lux Addon - uses Lux's meshes from Lux's Peltapalooza patch
  • Pilgrim - A Religion Overhaul
    moves shrines to prevent clipping and to keep a good flow in camp layouts; adds cushions and NPC idles to some spots; replaces Riften’s and Windhelm's movable statics to prevent Havok issues; makes the stone cairns stay (it doesn't make sense for the Khajiit to pack them up or dissemble them, imo); marks the lootable statics as belonging to the Khajiit Caravan Factions (stealing offerings isn't very nice, the Khajiit won't appreciate it if they catch you)
  • Skyland AIO / Skyland Tents - moves the clutter to fit the new mesh included in that mod a little better
  • KHW - AWG's Big Dawnstar Patch - one big patch for multiple mods I use:
(yes, it does require all those mods; no, I will not be making individual patches)

Separate Patches:
Thanks for your work! If you publish a patch for this mod (or find one not listed here), please send me a message so I can link to it!

New! Xbox One version ported by Herr_Valkyr is out!


  • Do not publish this mod on other sites.
  • If you want to use a resource from this mod please seek out the original mod author’s permissions/source.
  • If you want to use a resource I edited, DM me (mostly to make sure the right people get credited/asked for permission.)
  • As always, permissions to patch and make translations are 100% open, as long as they require this mod.

Resources and Credits:

3D Junipers - Trees and Berries by wSkeever
Additional Hearthfire Dolls by Kelretu
Alchemy Clutter Resource by Blary
Animated Armoury by NickaNak
Another Weapon Resource by standalone09
Argonian (Saxhleel) Weapon pack by MetalMonsterFNV
Basic Shapes - Lego for Skyrim by jasperthegnome
Baltimore Weapons by billyro
Beasts of Tamriel by SpikeDragonLord, jboyd4, and opusGlass
Bone Dagger Collection by tarll
Bunting - Modders Resource by EvilEyedKyo
Cathedral - 3D Dragons Tongue by DrJacapo
Cathedral - 3D Snow Berries by DrJacapo
Cathedral - Armory by The Community  and DrJacopo
Cathedralized TMD Jars - A Modder's Resource by Nodiel
Darkfox127 Resource Collection by Darkfox127
Deathbell HD by fadingsignal
DLC Colored Lanterns by SpectralDragon
Dressed Hearthfire Doll by UNI00SL
DX Druid Armor - UNP by Deserter X - dianka33
EEKs Resource Repository  by EvilEyedKyo, Blary, and Brumbek
Elven Alternative Armor and weapons by L3st4t
Epoch Weapon Pack by Billyro
Femmequins - Female Mannequins SE by CyborgArmGun
Forgotten Retex Project 4K-2K by JDAnchor - XilaMonstrr
Fruits and veggies - modder's resource by PraedythXVI
Fulcimentum - More Staves and Wands of Skyrim by takozawa
GKB Green Trees - by Ga-Knomboe Boy
Griffon Fortress Resource by mr_siika and Kraeten
Hallgarth's Resource Dump by Hallgarth
HDT-SMP Traveler's Backpack by Fuse00
High Poly Amulets of the Divines by SaevaVeritas
High Poly Pearls (But Not Too High) by Nodiel
High Resolution Horker Tusk by Jokerine
HQ Frames and Canvas by BetterBecause
Hypn0sef Resource Pack by Hypn0sef
Insanity's Lanterns by InsanitySorrow
Insanity's Pillows by InsanitySorrow
Interior Decorations by RoboBirdie
Jokerine's Misc Resources by Jokerine
JS Armored Circlets SE by johnskyrim
Kanjs - Jester And Carnival Mask by Kanjs
Kelretu's Modders Resources by Kelretu
Landscaping Resource by RoboBirdie
Lazy Weapon Pack by billyro
Liam's Clutter Resource by LWatson95
Lolicept Resources by lolikyonyu
Lunar Guard Armor by Deydranos
Mathy's Repository by mathy79
Mealtime by aviform
Mihail's Cliffracers by MihailMods
Modder's Resource Pack by Oaristys and Tony67
Modder's Resource Pack - The Witcher Extension by Oaristys
Modular Clothing System - 1.0.0 - Vanilla Bodies by TheDalbak18
Mundane Crate Overhaul by d34dun1t
Mysterious Akavir Journey to the East 3D Assets by Mysterious Akavir Team
Orient Set by flintone
Phitt's Sheogorad Resource - Part Two by Phitt and Tamira
Reb's Moon Amulet Replacer by Bersark93
Redguard Noble Armor by sepharis
Retexture for Soup by quilb
Rugs Of Antiquity HD 4k by lukilla
Ships and boats of Tamriel by DeviantKaled
Simple Sacks by DarShonDo
Skeleton Replacer HD - SE by PraedythXVI
Skyrim Objects SMIMed - Glazed and Nordic Pottery by wSkeever
Slaughterfish Eggs are Fish Eggs by FrankBlack
SMIM Barrel Expansion by wSkeever
Solitude Objects SMIMED- Festival Ropes by wSkeever
Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM by Brumbek
Statue of Tiber Septim (Modders Resource) by Minerman, ft. Andrea di Pietro di Marco Ferrucci
Strotis Kitchen Tools by Stroti and Tamira
Stroti Resource Pack II by Stroti and Tamira
Tamrielic Coffee and Tea by MrD518
Tapestries by RoboBirdie
Tcz's Modders Resources by Tcz
TDN Bosmer Skull Headdresses by TheDNightshade
TMD Jars of Skyrim by TheMilkDrinker
Unique Skulls HD - SE by PraedythXVI
UNP Patterned Leggings by auburnsred and Petrovich
Velothi Warscythe by Billyro
VickusDickus' Khajiiti Apex Armory by VickusDickus
Weapons of the Third Era by 747823
Wearable Horns by PraedythXVI
Winter Holiday Resource - Christmas in Skyrim by jasperthegnome

(If I missed crediting something, please DM me and I'll add it!)

Other Resources and Tools Used:

Arkane Studios
Bethesda Software
ESGRAN (with thanks to Kartoffels)
Free 3D Textures HD
@ja-khajay (thanks for the help translating 'coffee' to Ta'agra :) )
Outfit Studio
SSE Creation Kit Fixes
SSE NifOptimizer
Ta'agra Project
Topaz Simplify (Photoshop plugin version)
The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages
Zenimax Studios

Thanks for your awesome mods and generously allowing me to use them!
The Elsweyr icon can be found at UESP.com. The Ta'agra font and translation provided by The Ta'agra Project.
Forever Free Stamp in Wax by Destero
