
Diana Schnetgöke


There’s always plenty going on at Telekom Technik GmbH

Technical professions are often considered a male domain – a preconception also confirmed by a McKinsey study. In the EU, only 22 percent of technology-related roles are held by women. But behind these numbers are individual stories, such as that of Tamara Rehmer, a Telekom Technik GmbH employee who has been working in the field of technology for 18 years and is still just as enthusiastic as she was at the beginning.

A young woman works on her laptop

From secretary to Chapter Lead, what a career.

Tamara, what excites you about your job at Telekom Technik?

Tamara: For me, it’s not about cables and complex systems. It’s the people who surround me that fascinate me. Our solidarity, honesty, and the relevance of our work are the things that motivate me every day. I started as a secretary. Since then, I have kept progressing, taking on roles such as the head of three technical teams and I now work as a Chapter Lead for Squad Leads – also in a technical area that challenges and inspires me.

18 years is a long time. Did you encounter any obstacles on your journey?

Tamara: In the past, women in technology often encountered prejudices and obstacles. Right from the very beginning of my career, I have had to overcome reservations against me. But times change. In recent years, I have noticed and experienced significant improvements at Deutsche Telekom. Openness and support are now typical characteristics of my working environment. This just shows that our corporate culture, inspired by the Guiding Principles, is developing in a really positive way in terms of appreciation and respect.

A woman with a headset works on her computer

I particularly enjoy seeing potential in other people, bringing it to the fore and developing it.

What can you tell us about your pilot project? 

Tamara: From my own experience, it was important to me to find ways to recognize and discard stereotypical, male role models if they don’t fit my personality. After all, I believe if we promote individual diversity, we will find new personal strengths and new potential in our employees. As a result, I launched the “Führungskraft für einen Monat” (Leader for a Month) project, which offered employees the chance to simply try out being a leader. This initiative gave everyone involved valuable experience and new perspectives.

Why is communication so important for you?

Tamara: Looking back, I’m glad I focused on my strengths. My advice to other women in technology would be to dare to leave your comfort zone, speak up about your own ideas, and actively represent them. After all, it’s important to clearly communicate your own wishes and goals if you want to them to be noticed.

In conclusion: Tamara Rehmer’s story is one of many that show that women working in the field of technology are more than just a minority. It is individual experiences that shape the image of the world of technology and drive change. Do you want to start your career with us? Click here for jobs at Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH. We look forward to meeting you.
