Mentors, meetings, and workshops
Allow experienced mentors to accompany you during your parental leave. And there are also our tandem meetings and workshops, in which you can talk to your colleagues about various scenarios in daily work and management life as well as your personal further development and gain new inspiration. All in order to implement your goals. At a pace set by you.
“Stay in contacT” network
You can stay in contact with your team at all times during your maternity or parental leave. To ensure this is possible, we established the “Stay in contacT” network, which organizes personalized consulting services as well as regular events and conference calls. This means you’re not only informed, you’re also inspired. Focus topics include work-life balance, career paths, and your reintegration into daily working life.
Fathers' network to exchange experiences
These days, many fathers take on an equal amount of childcare responsibility as mothers. And the number of fathers on parental leave is rising. Combining professional stability and family presence is particularly important to fathers today. That’s why our fathers’ network encourages the discussion and open exchange of experiences between fathers and provides support with information and tips to become more family friendly.