
List of Activities - how we live our digital responsibility

We are constantly inspired to develop in order to live up to our aspiration of responsible digitization. We look forward to informing you regularly about new or expanded activities and measures in the fields of digital ethics, digital participation, future of work, climate & resource protection. 

ActivityBrief description


Deutsche Telekom wants to make it easier for people with disabilities to have access to the knowledge and information society. To that end, we offer them specially tailored services. We also review our products for accessibility and adapt them when necessary.

AI guidelines in our Supplier Code of Conduct

The AI guidelines are integrated in Deutsche Telekom’s Supplier Code of Conduct. They highlight our high expectations for suppliers, including in matters of digital ethics and integrity, based on Deutsche Telekom’s values.


“AwareNessi – The cyberactivity book” is a children’s book on the subject of cybercrime. It helps to promote social, business, and political understanding for everyone.

Binding Corporate Rules (for) Privacy

Deutsche Telekom has binding corporate rules for privacy (Binding Corporate Rules Privacy) that regulate how personal data is handled in such a way as to protect personal rights.

Bitkom digital conference

Deutsche Telekom is a regular partner to the support network for the digital conference and takes part in a variety of activities related to digitalization.

Carbon neutral events

Events are planned to be carbon neutral and emissions are offset (hosting partners and the like are selected according to these criteria). Our Event Policy specifies how we offset emissions generated by events.

Certifications, controls, and audits in the area of data privacy

To strengthen data privacy and data security in the group, Deutsche Telekom regularly conducts appropriate internal controls, audits, and certifications of its business units. For this purpose, the company uses a system of controls, audits, and certifications by external and internal experts. We are pioneers in this field: so far, certifications of individual business units are a rarity in the telecommunications sector.

Charter for digital networking

Deutsche Telekom holds the chair and helps shape the “Charta Digitale Vernetzung” (charter for digital networking), i.e., a code of conduct for the responsible design of the digital society. Its principles were formulated for all enterprises, industries, and associations in 2014, as part of the German government’s National IT Summit (now: Digital Summit) and signed by more than 80 institutions.

Civic participation

Civic participation is a must for us when developing digital strategies for cities and regions. We involve citizens the development of the strategy and thus of the community through both analog and digital means, thus ensuring participation.

CR report

Deutsche Telekom has been committed to CR reporting for more than 20 years. Now, every year we publish both an annual CR Report and, in our Annual Report, a non-financial statement. To identify the key reporting topics for our company and stakeholders, we regularly carry out a comprehensive materiality process. Our reporting is supplemented by updates in the Corporate Responsibility section of our website and by our We Care magazine.

Cyber Defense Center

With the new integrated Cyber Defense and Security Operations Center, Deutsche Telekom is setting new standards in terms of security for our customers and our own processes.

Cyber Security Sharing & Analytics

CSSA was founded in November 2014 by Deutsche Telekom and six other major German companies as an alliance to work together on creating better protection against cyberattacks and threats.

Data Privacy Advisory Board

The Data Privacy Advisory Board is an independent advisory body to Deutsche Telekom AG’s Board of Management. It provides a forum for sharing knowledge constructively with leading data privacy experts from academia, business, government, and independent organizations. It advises on important data privacy and data security issues. The remit also covers aspects of digitalization, societal developments, and ethical issues.

Data protection tips

Tips on data protection for consumers which are basic, concise, easy to understand, and quick to implement The series was launched in 2018 and has now been completely revised. We have consolidated all of these tips in our guide book “Digitally secure.”

Data transparency

Customers provide data in order to use products from Deutsche Telekom. In our customer center, they can get an overview and take control of their personal data. In addition, on the web page “Your data at Deutsche Telekom,” we transparently explain what data we use and for what purposes. What’s more, our customers can, of course, request information about their personal data pursuant to Article 15 GDPR and have it sent to them. Furthermore, Deutsche Telekom follows the principle of privacy by design (see PSA process) during the product development phase, as well as our internal guidelines on the ethical use of AI, big data, and the IoT.


More than 600 Telekom employees across Germany are involved in the Digital@School volunteer initiative. Their aim is to equip children for the future and help them become active, self-determined participants in the digital world.

Digital education and school

As a trusted partner, Deutsche Telekom ensures that schools can participate in digitalization. In addition to a special Telekom@School offer for fast internet connections, we offer cloud solutions for virtual collaboration and knowledge management, and equip schools with laptops, monitors, and digital smart boards.

Digital Ethics – 
The video

Deutsche Telekom produced a video about digital ethics in the Al domain . The video explains the facets of our life where we already deal with AI and talks about the benefits that AI can contribute to our everyday lives.

Digital Ethics consulting

Deutsche Telekom offers a variety of services on the subject of digital ethics: an initial workshop, consulting services, assessment of the level of AI maturity, and granting of an AI test seal.

Digitale Ethik Sales Training

Digitalization is pervading more and more areas of our everyday lives, making ethical issues regarding data protection and privacy increasingly relevant. That’s why now is the right time to develop an ethical mindset within the company and secure long-term competitive advantages.

Digital responsibility

Our website on digital responsibility contains many interviews and further information on this topic.

Digital media literacy

Media literacy is key to being able to use digital media with confidence and skill. Yet media literacy alone is not enough. We want to ensure that everyone can take part on the web. As we see it, this means the internet has to be a space in which everyone can feel equally safe and where we coexist on the basis of democratic principles.

Digital road trip

Pilot project, supply of iPad class sets including training. THE CLASSROOM BECOMES A DIGITAL LAB! Learn, test, try things out, and develop valuable skills for using digital media – all in a single workshop. This project is a joint initiative of the program, the Center for Teacher Training at the University of Leipzig, and the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, funded by the Saxon State Office for Schools and Education.

Digital sovereignty 

SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) lets people keep control over their personal identity data. SSI makes it possible to manage one’s identity in a decentralized way. It is a part of our digital ethics approach and ensures digital sovereignty. A deep dive on the added value behind Self Sovereign Identity is available in Deutsche Telekom’s science podcast “Skilling me softly” (German only).

Digital Summit by the German government (2017-2021)

Deutsche Telekom provides input and serves as a co-designer of the Digital Summit organized by the German government. 


DIGITAL@School is a voluntary employee initiative: More than 500 employees at Deutsche Telekom share their knowledge, with the vision of enabling children to take responsibility and shape the digital world. They present STEM subjects and AI hands-on and introduce children and teachers to programming and technology. They teach that programming is not rocket science. Every child can communicate intuitively with machines. We teach media literacy that is needed to use digital media responsibly.


digital@work is an internal initiative at Deutsche Telekom that is seizing the digitalization of the work environment as an opportunity to simplify employees’ everyday lives and simplify collaboration with others. Numerous digital tools enable employees to be more flexible in terms of working hours and their workplace and to collaborate with colleagues, external partners, and service providers even more efficiently between units and across national borders.

DTAG “Statement on Extractives”

In this document, Deutsche Telekom describes the raw materials that are used for our digital products that are ecologically and socially critical. The Statement on Extractives confirms our commitment to support initiatives for improving the transparency of our own supply chains and to reduce the negative impacts of the extraction of raw materials. It also lays down what we expect from our suppliers in terms of responsible procurement of raw materials.

Ethics guidelines on AI

Nine AI guidelines for AI processes and products and how to use them. They define a clear framework for Deutsche Telekom and also encourage public debate on AI-related ethics issues. These guidelines serve as a basis for Deutsche Telekom’s  measures.

EU Code Week in cooperation with Apple

As an Apple Authorized Education Specialist, Deutsche Telekom invited students to participate in the EU Code Week in October 2021. In flagship stores in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Munich, and Stuttgart and at the University of Applied Sciences in Leipzig, they had the opportunity to dive into the world of programming and app development.


Brief description

Forum Digital Ethics

Deutsche Telekom’s Digital Ethics Forum presents digital ethics activities and campaigns to visitors based on a virtual tour.


A campaign to enable Generation Z to devote their passions to their future work and career planning.


A campaign to enable Generation Z to devote their passions to their future work and career planning.

Generation Together (Hravatski Telekom)

Hravatski Telekom helps older people to bridge the digital gap and get digitalized, by donating tablets to retirement homes throughout Croatia as part of a national program for digital literacy. The employees of HT and the members of the volunteer club actively teach older people how to use these digital tools, opening up a new digital world that connects them with their friends and families.
#GoodMagentaReplacing the current “we care” label, #GreenMagenta and #GoodMagenta will appear on selected sustainable offerings and initiatives to be launched by Deutsche Telekom in future. #GoodMagenta describes projects, actions, and initiatives that make a positive contribution to overcoming social challenges in the digital world. In this context, for example, we define our commitment to a safer, more tolerant internet.
#Green MagentaReplacing the current “we care” label, #GreenMagenta and #GoodMagenta will appear on selected sustainable products and services from Deutsche Telekom in future. #GreenMagenta encompasses Deutsche Telekom products and services that make a positive contribution to climate protection and the more responsible use of resources. We emphasize renewable energies, for example, and promote reuse of used smartphones.
“Green” blockchainThrough its cooperation with Celo, Deutsche Telekom is contributing to the “green” blockchain. The green focus aims to connect people (in developing countries, for example: not everyone has a bank account, but everyone has a smartphone) and achieve carbon neutrality.
Group policy on diversity, equity, and inclusionWith the introduction of the new Group policy, work and decision-making processes within the legal guardrails for diversity, equity, and inclusion have been implemented throughout the Group, providing the prerequisites for a fair, diverse environment.
#GrowYourBusiness (OTE/COSMOTEL)Free online seminars for training VSEs/SMEs on a variety of digital topics on COSMOTE’s YouTube channel and live sessions with questions and answers, where a variety of experts provide tips and solutions for the participants.
Guideline for the design of AI-supported business models, services, and products at Deutsche Telekom in compliance with data privacy regulationsGuideline for the design of AI-supported business models, services, and products at Deutsche Telekom in compliance with data privacy regulations.


Deutsche Telekom is committed to enabling people with and without disabilities to work together. With our action plan Experience Diversity – Inclusion@DT, the company has created a further building block for inclusion.


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Learning from Experts: LEX is an international employee network with some 18,000 members who share their knowledge with other colleagues.

Living culture

Our culture and our values – that’s what we stand for. We not only provide society with infrastructure. We are a trustworthy companion in all situations – privately and professionally. Always and everywhere. Simplifying and enriching people’s lives in a sustainable way – that is our mission.

Magenta Silver Ager Challenge

Addressing the challenges that older people face in the digital transformation. Support with the development of solutions that enable older people to lead a self-determined, independent life at home.

More sustainable packaging

Deutsche Telekom has defined a number of requirements for sustainable packaging that apply to both the design and development of our own products and to procurement from external suppliers. These sustainability criteria are codified in packaging guidelines as part of our Standard Design Specifications. It promotes the use of recyclable and biodegradable materials, for example, as well as post-consumer fiber.

Deutsche Telekom supports the “” ( association, a skills platform for sustainability and digitalization
and helps SMEs to use digitalization as a tool for sustainable business.

Network Sustainability Award initiative with hub:raum

The Network Sustainability Award recognizes solutions developed by startups, company representatives, or individuals that focus on network sustainability and is assessed based on specific criteria.

New Work

Our working world will be entirely different once the pandemic is over. The “new normal” has accelerated this development. Now it’s all about designing New Work successfully.

Nummer gegen Kummer

Deutsche Telekom has been supporting the efforts of the Nummer gegen Kummer youth counseling line both financially and with technological expertise for more than 30 years. Deutsche Telekom bears the costs of all calls and technical routing and guarantees the anonymity of calls and of advice given over the internet.

Participation in and member of BVDW CDR Building Bloxx

Share and enlighten – we are contributing to the discussion within society: defining a public framework and co-shaping the public discourse. Internal: Framework, embedding of CDR in the company. External: Public CDR involvement.

Participation in and member of CDR Code BMJV

Share and enlighten – we are contributing to the discussion within society and co-shaping the public discourse. The aim of the initiative is to make digital responsibility a matter of course for companies across all industries.

Participation in and member of Deutschland sicher im Netz

DT is a long-standing member of the association “Deutschland sicher im Netz” which strives for greater IT security, once again providing the association chair, Thomas Tschersich. Dr. Thomas Kremer (Board member responsible for Data Privacy, Legal Affairs and Compliance Board department) was the previous chair. Daniel Hoff (DT Security) will contribute additional content. 

Participation in and member of econsense CDR blueprint

Co-shaping the public discourse: The members of econsense want this blueprint to build a bridge between the existing, more abstract guidelines on digital responsibility and the specific steps needed to implement it at companies.

Partnership with United Nations to enable measurement of the sustainability of cities based on the SDGs

A co-creation toolbox for cities/towns and municipalities, developed in cooperation with the United Nations, to assist them with their own sustainable digital transformation.

Plaudernetz chat network (Magenta – Austria)

In collaboration with the humanitarian organization Caritas, Magenta connects people to chat and fight isolation through its free chat network.

Principles on big data and IoT

We have formulated data protection principles on IoT and Industry 4.0. They are part of the data protection strategy.

Privacy and Security Assessment

The Privacy and Security Assessment (PSA) process is a core element in safeguarding security and data privacy. For Deutsche Telekom, data privacy and security are crucial because our services are built on our customers’ trust in security. DT has identified the challenges that result from this and developed and implemented the Privacy and Security Assessment (PSA) in response. This procedure guarantees that all projects involving the development and launch of new technologies and products meet the high demands for technical security and privacy. The key terms here are privacy by design, privacy by default, security by design, and security by default. One important step involves identifying the relevant data privacy and security requirements. These requirements, which were developed by data privacy and security experts at Deutsche Telekom based on vendor recommendations, industry standards, and applicable laws and regulations, have been agreed and are valid throughout Deutsche Telekom Group. In the next step of the PSA process, the requirements must be implemented, verified, and documented. If requirements are not met, a risk assessment is issued automatically based on the sensitivity of the individual systems and, if necessary, an action plan is developed together with the project. The PSA process guarantees that the Group’s security standards are implemented for every relevant project and system and approved by data privacy and security experts before commissioning. 

Products for digital participation

Specific products from Telekom Deutschland and the service include smart watches for senior citizens and the home service.

Professional Ethics at DTAG on AI Engineering and Use

A voluntary commitment, represented as a guide for employees with best practices, methods, and tips for implementing the AI guidelines in development processes.

Project 10Million (TMUS)

The Project 10Million was initiated last year with the aim of closing the homework gap. T-Mobile US is building on the momentum from the previous year by providing high schoolers with free internet, free mobile hotspots, and inexpensive devices for learning on the internet and in the classroom.

Protecting children and young people

Telekom has been committed to the protection of minors in the digital space for years and provides appropriate tools for families. These can be in the form of specific services and products, technical security measures, or information options.


Brief description

“reif” youth magazine

“reif” is the magazine for young people from Deutsche Telekom. It features the latest news from the world of technology and IT. It talks about today’s lifestyle, with multimedia insights into the wide world of Deutsche Telekom.

Return program for used mobile phones

Deutsche Telekom refurbishes used mobile phones – free of charge, reliably, and without hassle. Valuable metallic resources are recycled. Around 10-15% of all returned devices can be reused after their data has been erased. Revenue from resales and recycling is donated to charitable organizations, which cooperate with the phone collection center.

Robust AI Assessment

Deutsche Telekom incorporates ethical aspects in the development process of new AI systems to achieve “robustness by design”  and to live up to our societal responsibility in the digital age and give our customers a trustworthy foundation.

Scroller (media magazine for kids)

Scroller is an initiative by Deutsche Telekom to promote the competent, safe use of digital media. “Media, sure! But secure.” serves as the umbrella for the initiatives. The interactive children’s magazine contains material for school lessons and additional information for teachers, among other content.


Since 2020, Deutsche Telekom’s Servicemobil truck has supported customers in rural regions throughout Germany, solving their service issues directly on site.

Smart City

Deutsche Telekom supports the digital transformation of cities throughout Europe. The digitalization of administration is an essential component for promoting digital participation.

Social Media Guidelines

This document is intended for employees, but is also available to the general public. It describes expectations and values that employees are expected to follow in their social media activities. It applies to official Deutsche Telekom accounts and personal accounts that reference the company. A list of nine rules for social media interaction and private posts.

STEM funding

Deutsche Telekom supports the “STEM — creating the future!” initiative in the form of presentations, events, and panel discussions. The initiative focuses on inspiring high school students for STEM subjects and motivating, supporting, and recognizing schools in the STEM area.

TAKEPART stories

TAKEPART stories provide materials on digital topics for multipliers in relevant target audiences from young adults to senior citizens – for workshops of different lengths, in English, German, and simplified German – without requiring anyone to be an expert. A facilitator’s guide provides all the background information.


An initiative by Deutsche Telekom to promote the competent, safe use of digital media – as part of “Media, sure! But secure.” Teachtoday is intended for teachers and parents and contains a toolbox for 9-16-year-olds with over 120 formats – from “learning snacks” to project weeks.

TelCo: Energy efficiency and sustainability in the network

Technology/networks: Strategic programs and supplemental line responsibilities regarding (a) the development and operation of energy-efficient networks (modernization, use of AI, etc.) and (b) sustainable production (energy supply (production and storage), vendor management, R&D partners). Close collaboration and linking of DT activities with a focus on technology innovations (VTI/TESLA program) and a focus on operational measures in Germany (PLASMA program at Technology in Germany and PASM GmbH in the role for the German market) and for the European national companies (DARWIN/Energy program). Contributes to sustainability goals (carbon neutrality and energy efficiency), since the majority of our electricity consumption results from our networks – as the foundation of our business.


Since the year 2000, Deutsche Telekom has offered internet access to all general and vocational schools throughout Germany as part of its telekom@school project. Schools gain access at a significantly reduced price. The lines are provided strictly for teaching purposes. Use of Telekom@School lines for administrative tasks or technical processes for school operations is expressly excluded.

The campaign #TAKEPART – No hate speech

The “#TAKEPART – No hate speech” campaign has set its sights on reaching as many people as possible and showing them that hate and exclusion must not become the norm, while enabling them to consider their own conduct and attitudes and explore alternatives. Civil courage online is one of its focus areas.

The Manifesto on the new Way of Working

Deutsche Telekom Group Works Council has agreed on a Manifesto on the new Way of Working with Deutsche Telekom that defines the basis of our relationship and how we deal with one another. This involves, for example, transparency and a working environment built on trust.

The T-Share in sustainability ratings and indexes 

As part of its CR strategy, Deutsche Telekom has taken part successfully for many years in ESG ratings, which are selected based on reputation, relevance, and independence.

Transparency Report – assisting security authorities

Telecommunications companies are legally obliged to support security authorities, for example, in surveillance measures by which telecommunications connections can be traced or recorded. Deutsche Telekom has now published its international transparency report for the year 2020.

Trustworthy AI

Together with our technology partner Cognigy, Deutsche Telekom offers an AI-based solution for business customers. Smart voice bots and chatbots largely automate customer contact management. Deutsche Telekom is one of the first companies to have its solution verified in accordance with the BSI’s criteria catalog for trustworthy AI (AIC4).


Brief description
Understanding digital participationMore and more facets of life are managed digitally. That’s why digital participation also means societal participation. It is Deutsche Telekom’s belief that in an equitable digital society, everyone has access to the necessary technology and offerings that match their financial possibilities. However, digital participation also requires empowerment and willingness to participate and act responsibility online.
We Care magazine from Deutsche Telekom We Care magazine from Deutsche Telekom: the magazine for sustainability and other topics like people, environment, and network. It emphasizes Deutsche Telekom is taking responsibility. The magazine leverages digitalization to break the link between growth and consumption of resources, save energy, and slow down climate change.
Women’s STEM AwardFor the eighth time, Deutsche Telekom awarded prizes for the final papers of talented female graduates. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Family at the beach taking selfies

Corporate Digital Responsibility

We are creating transparency as to how we at Deutsche Telekom are helping to get society more connected in the long term – every person in all of their individuality.
