Corporate Responsibility

Ariane Elena Fuchs

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Telekom is the best European telco in the S&P Assessment

In 2023, Deutsche Telekom once again qualified for the most prestigious sustainability indices, the “Dow Jones Sustainability Index World” and the “Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe” (DJSI) - for the ninth time in a row. In Europe, the Group took first place in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment of the telecommunications industry.

Only the best in each sector are included in these indices. The basis for inclusion is a very good overall environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating in the Standard & Poors Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment. It is considered a top investment recommendation for sustainability-oriented investors and fund managers.

 Dow Jones Sustainability Index World” and the “Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe” (DJSI)

Deutsche Telekom once again qualified for the most renowned sustainability indices, the “Dow Jones Sustainability Index World” and the “Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe” (DJSI) - for the ninth time in a row. © iStock / FG Trade Latin

In the assessment of sustainability performance in the overarching telecommunications sector, mobile communications and fixed network, Deutsche Telekom achieved 89 out of 100 points, taking first place among the European telecommunications companies assessed and making it onto the winners' podium worldwide. In the three core dimensions of Economic, Environmental and Social, Deutsche Telekom once again achieved very good scores. 

Evaluation system more demanding every year

The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment has once again become significantly more demanding this year: new topics, greater depth of detail, stronger influence of controversies and a steadily increasing focus on quantitative targets and performance. High priority is given to transparency in public reporting, performance in peer comparisons and the Group-wide anchoring and implementation of strategies and processes.

More than 3,400 companies worldwide across all sectors took part in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment in 2023. Of all the participants in the “Telecommunication Services” sector, only seven telecommunications companies were included in the DJSI World this year. Telekom is the only European telecommunications provider to make it into this index.

“We are delighted with the excellent rating and our renewed inclusion in the DJSI World and Europe. The positive result reaffirms us in our constantly evolving sustainability strategy and our integrated approach to environmental and social sustainability and governance. It is confirmation that we are on the right track with our progress and initiatives.,” says Melanie Kubin-Hardewig, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Deutsche Telekom, commenting on the result.

Efforts have paid off

Deutsche Telekom's efforts were particularly worthwhile in the following areas, in which the Group received the highest possible score of 100 points and “Best in Class” status: “Tax Strategy”, “Innovation Management”, “Customer Relationship Management”, “Environmental Policy & Management System”, “Resource Efficiency & Circularity” and “Water”.

The following areas also achieved very good grades: “Business Ethics”, “Policy Influence”, “Climate Strategy”, “Emissions”, “Human Rights”, “Information Security/Cybersecurity”, “Labor Practice Indicators”, “Occupational Health & Safety”, “Privacy Protection”, “Stakeholder Engagement” and “Human Capital Development”. 

In addition to the DJSI the T-Share is proud to be listed in other important sustainability indices and is ranked in the top quartile in many of these ESG ratings. Further details here.

DISCLAIMER: S&P Global may change a company's score(s) from time to time in accordance with its methodologies, policies and procedures. As a result of a change in a company's score(s), a company's relative position in the relevant industry may also change.
