Intel Needs to Say Something? (Foundary Issue / Gamers Nexus)

I was watching the video and he did mention something I was thinking of (but technically more specific). I could not see how the suggestion earlier of heat being the cause of degradation because I believe the 100C limit typically is well below the limits of I silicon – so it going slightly above should not cause them to degrade so quickly. However a foundry issue would cause the silicon to degrade over time… and was it not a problem for all chips. I really hope it is not a foundry issue that would set back Intel in that area — since the world needs at least some competition when it comes to foundries. The upside is, if it is a foundry issue – the Lunar Lake chips would not be affected since that was already outsourced to TSMC (maybe they know it is a foundry issue and they are trying to hide it until they have a solution?).

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