Now Playing Tracks

Okay so this is maybe a more private build, in the sense that I built it as a memorial for a friend of mine who died in a traffic accident (he was a biker, bikers are squishy, be careful out there). It’s not a recent loss, but it’s one of those deaths that you just don’t get over - you just forget, bury the memory in your subconscious, until something happens that makes you remember, and bam. It hits you in the face like it was there and then.

I can’t believe I’m actually older than him now. And that I’ll continue to get older and he… won’t. It’s very unfair. He was such a positive, life loving, intelligent and empathic guy too (and he loved bees! He was actually doing research on bees, and if you got him started he’d literally talk your ears off about it - hence the beehives in there, and the flowers to make the bees happy, he would’ve really loved that). Some people drain you of energy, and then there are people that give you energy, and he was one of the latter.

And of course this memorial it’s going in my project, it’ll be tucked away in a place the player can choose to investigate or not, it’s not essential to the story at all, but I want it to be there. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to upload screenshots or not, but then I decided I wanted to.

As for work progress on the actual project:

Everything I made previously was made in aaamarkers (don’t look at me like that, I literally haven’t modded for even a month, and I’ve got like 85 measly hours logged in the CK, I’m noob and am therefore excused) so I had to spend a rather derpy while trying to research how to reset thing and move cell.

The thing I did was to create a new esp, empty, and open my previous esp as inactive, and then make sure that every last thing I was using in it was marked as modified. It was a lot. The fact that some stuff bugged out (textures on the blackreach lichen ceiling was one thing, I am still not sure why that happened, and it bugs me when I don’t understand things) made me very distressed, and I’m still worried something might’ve transferred wrong, though I’ve tested through the thing several times and it works.

Ah, but I digress; Just letting the world know I’m still doing things (even when I was trying to take a break after that massive cell-moveover).

To Tumblr, Love Pixel Union