Now Playing Tracks

Today I figured out how to make SEQ files

and then, like a clockwork, because after all I am just me, I forgot to remove the line before I lauched the CK to muck around with other stuff, and had to spend a too-long-for-my-tastes moment just staring at my screen begrudgingly while the program rendered a completely useless second SEQ file for my esp =o=

On the upside, creating dialogue is fun! The links that are supposed to make it look and be neat, however, do the thing where they just wire around half the screen instead of directly to the other box. So it looks ten times more tangled than it is. I blame Mephala.

It’s been about three months since I touched my mod last time, and the first thing I did was to not take a backup and then continue to severely mess up a cell by duplicating it with the idea that, well, if I duplicated the cell and deleted half of what was in it, that would be easier than to copy scripts and everything to a new cell (because that I tried and no work).


What happened was that mysteriously one of the props I used disappeared entirely, even from the cell I hadn’t modified. Go figure.

So I had to start out by fixing that, which made me very cranky. Then I decide to go about retouching this level a bit - exchanging the clunky-and-impossible-to-jump-on blocks with tables, so that the jumping puzzle doesn’t drive you uselessly insane.

Then I went crazy with bridges and stuff. Gotta add some more trees and surroundings to the jumping area, because as exciting as it sounds, jumping around in the blackness is not very entertaining at all.

So it turns out, if  you want to assign a whole bunch of items to an xmarker at once - like if you organized a really tidy little place and don’t feel like going through all the items idividually - you can do that by having them all selected and right clicking and choosing edit in the cell view window.

Boy, do I wish I knew that sooner :U it makes things so much easier!

I’m feeling a bit out of it lately, so here’s compilation of some old WIP screenshots that you may or may not have seen earlier.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting around with this hand drawn map, staring at it trying to muster up the ability to can. Said ability seems pretty unwilling to come out and play, which might be because it’s half past four in the morning.

Spoiler alert: I’ve got 51 platforms to place, with about as many corresponding trigger boxes and whatnot. I shouldn’t have counted them. I shouldn’t have counted them…

Then again, when it comes to building, I am native to the vast planes of minecraftia, and as such uh, placing 51 somethings is like placing less of a stack of somethings. It’s too late/early to try and practice positive thinking… I think it might be time to sleep.

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