Showing posts with label Duckburg Art Gallery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duckburg Art Gallery. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Duckburg Art Gallery 2

Apparently the first issue of Duckburg Art Gallery sold out before it was even printed. (Or at least that's what the seller claims, as the first issue was supposed to be printed April 1.)

 On eBay you can find the second issue listed. If you have trouble finding it, it might be because it's listed under Uncanny X-Men ...
The price this time is $1250 compared to the $100 the first issue sold for.

The same seller also got two original Barks paintings for sale.
One of them contains "9 Disney characters" ... Hmm ...
Now I get it. Donald, Daisy, the three nephews, the car and the three characters on the license plate.

And the second is the "first appearence and the origin of Bark's Uncle Scrooge" ...

I wonder what the seller have up his sleeve for his next auctions?
(He also claims to have his name in the Fine Art of Donald Duck book. Who is this guy???)

Sunday 27 February 2011

Duckburg Art Gallery

Just saw this on eBay:

"The first Duckburg Art Gallery Catalogue . ship to Europe, China, Austrula, New York, Vietnam, all over the world.  There will be over $501,000 worth of Carl Barks Painting pictured in this Catalogue.  I will accept offers of $100 for each catalogue  First Printing due out April 1st 2011  Printing limited to only 1000 each will be certifited and signed by me not  Carl Barks" 

Hmm ... 