Showing posts with label Forgeries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgeries. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 December 2017

F is for fake – revisited

What can I say?
Someone paid $200 for this genuine fake on eBay this week. 

If the buyer want to do another investment just like the above: just follow this LINK.

Monday 7 August 2017

The real deal?

This drawing was auctioned yesterday. (Heritage Auctions)
Fetched $836.50 (Incl. BP).
Now, it doesn't look like Barks of 1982 vintage at all to me.
Never seen a Barks sketch that looked like this. Even the signature is off.

I'd have to say fake, when it comes to this piece.

The drawing below was withdrawn from the August - September ComicConnect auction. A rather crude fake. Happy it was pulled.

Thursday 6 April 2017

FC 275

I was quite surprised when this piece turned up on Comicartfans recently. Carl Barks original cover to FC 275! Long thought lost and gone forever. Wow!

Here's what the owner wrote on the CAF site:
"This belonged to a California artist who sold at Art Shows along with Carl and Gare Barks. After becoming friends, Carl gave him some items-----including a 1970 landscape and this piece. When I saw it displayed on his wall, I asked if he would sell it, and he responded with a price. I accepted without any attempt to negotiate."

Now, let's take a closer look and compare this piece with the printed cover.

And I could go on.
The more I look at it the more differences I see. Even the line weight doesn't match the published cover. Enlarge the image of the ink drawing and compare to your own copy of FC 275 and try to spot the differences.

So, unfortunately this is not the real deal. The piece is still on CAF and can be found by clicking HERE.

Monday 6 March 2017

WDC 405

Recently this piece turned up:
Looks like an alternate version of the cover to WDC 405. But is it by Barks?

Here's  a screenshot of the original listing:

Some people said it was a trace and a fake.
Take a close look. What do you think?

Now, let's see what the *evidence* says.

1. The paper.
See the stamped image in the top left corner? Schoeller Durex was the paper used by Western publishing. The back has preprinted borders. (See image.) So this is done on a genuine Western Publishing board.

2. The stamp
It's stamped with the proper early (1970s) "WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS" stamp, lacking the (c) in the stamp. (Notice it's not stamped with the later stamp that says "(C) THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY")

On to what can be seen and judged:

3. The no-match
The drawing doesn't match the published cover or the painting. Stuff has been drawn differently. (If it had been a forgery/a trace why not try to make it as close as possible?) It's actually closer to the printed cover. I'd say this pre-dates the painting, but this version was used as a basis for the later cover.

See here how the drawing doesn't match the painting. So it's not a tracing. 

4. The handwriting.
The "To Denver Carl Barks" is written by Carl. No doubt about it. (If not this is the best Barks handwriting forgery I've ever seen.)

5. The nephews
Compare the nephews to the printed cover. You can tell that they have been cleaned up by someone else on the cover. (Possibly Larry Mayer.) What we see here is the real deal. You can't forge stuff like this. Barks quick sketches are extremely hard to fake. It's like handwriting.

Now, the tricky thing with this piece is the inking and the double signatures. Why sign a piece twice?

After having looked at this piece I'd say it's by Barks. At least the pencils. It might have been inked by Carl by the request of the fan. Remember that this was done in the mid 70s or later. Barks had not been inking regularely with a nib for many years. And he was in his mid 70s or older. Look at this inked piece from 1977.  Not exactly up to par with what he did in the late 60's.

Carl Barks 1977

Or... the inking and the extra signature might have been added at a later date by someone else to "enhance" the piece. I have to see the piece in person to judge that.

My conclusion:
The paper, the first signature, the stamp and the pencils is the real deal.
The inking I have to examine in person to judge it. To be really, really sure I'd probably have to see a photo with Barks holding the inked piece.


Here's the printed cover and the original art to WDC 405. (Courtesy of Inducks and Heritage Comics.)

Saturday 9 July 2016

Carl Barks art

How can Hake's believe that these forgeries are by Carl Barks? Sigh...

Will be interesting to see if these gets sold. 

Tuesday 27 January 2015

The Housemaid's Knee

This piece was auctioned last sunday on Heritage.

 The description reads: " Donald Duck Partially Inked Daily Comic Strip Original Art (King Features Syndicate, undated)"

It's quite obvious that this is a badly traced strip, partially inked by an amateur. Not an unfinished KFS strip. Still, someone paid ca $155 for it!
Not a forgery, but not the real deal and practiacally worthless. 

The real February 4, 1955 daily can be seen here:

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Snow Fake

Just caught this on-line. Its estimated to fetch 1 200,00 - 1 600,00 USD. The auction house has just closed it's website bidding so it's too late to do something about it, besides posting the image below. 

"Original Concept Art for Christmas Card, 1938 titled "Snow White, The Seven Dwarfs and Forest Animals. Image approx. 9" x 6". Comes with COA from Great American Ink"

Just compare with the real deal, drawn by Fred Moore.  (Image taken from Andreas Deja's site: Deja View.)

Sunday 29 December 2013

F is for Fake

Time for some Barks forgeries again.
This time they turned up in the Barks cataloge produced by Karl Heinz Richard.
(He's the guy that makes Barks oils rare...)
Click HERE to see the online version of the cataloge.

First we have this piece that was sold by Profiles in History July 29, 2012
So obviously not by Barks I'm amazed that it can fool anyone. But... obviously it can, so I thought I'd better post the image here, to make people aware of this piece. This one should be destroyed by the police to avoid it entering the market again. Two close ups for those of you still in doubt.

The second one is what appears to be a study for the cover of Donald Duck 77. To me it looks like a rather crude tracing. Not by Barks. 

The third piece from the Barks cataloge is not a forgery.
But it's not by Barks... Sorry.
(The cover art is from Uncle Scrooge 189, 1981.)

To end this post on a happy note the catalog contained one piece that was new to me!
A pencil "rough" for the money salad cover! Enjoy!

Saturday 31 August 2013

Fake $crooge

Fake Barks art can be found in the oddest of places. This piece was found on the Carl Barks Fanclub website! 

Compare it to the drawing on the cover to Uncle Scrooge in Color and you can easily see that the above piece is a rather clumsy tracing with a fake signature.

BTW: Where is this Scrooge image taken from?

Speaking of drawings that are not by Barks: The seller hailtotheseahawks recently *sold* two of the forgeries that "redwoodangels13" tried to sell some time ago on eBay. Be aware of this seller!

Monday 6 May 2013

Jamaal Hill - again

Yep, the guy is back selling forgeries.
This time it's a fake based one of the last drawings of Uncle Scrooge that Carl Barks did.

The above drawing is based on the 1997 Barks piece "Last Call for the clan McDuck". However this tracing is so poorly done that the only one he's attracted as a bidder yet is "cosmogirl". But, hey, that's one of his aliases! Check out the auction HERE

Will he ever stop? Nah, not as long as there are people falling for this kind of stuff. 

Sunday 14 October 2012


Update: Both these listings were ended early. "This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available." Either the seller saw this post or found a buyer who forked up a large amount of money...
His account (jnhcollectibles) at has been closed. Seems that he sold mostly Peanuts forgeries there.
But he's still active at with his Barks and Schulz forgeries. Check 'em out!

"Redwoodangels13" continue to amaze me with his bad forgeries on eBay. And this time is no exception.
Take a look at this "Barks" piece.
I guess you see the same as I do?
This time he's trying to auction something as a Barks sketch that wasn't even drawn by Barks to begin with. Redwoodangels13 probably browsed Heritage auctions and found lot 44042, the poster from Walt Disney's Comics and stories #357, drawn by Larry Mayer. It's a version of the cover to  Uncle Scrooge 19.
Ho and hum.
The Mayer version sold for $2629 at Heritage. Let's see how much this one goes for. 
(You can find a post about the Heritage mistake HERE. )
Currently 4 bids $ 60.89

PS. Redwoodangels13 is most likely the same person as solixirgreen aka sohocollectibles2012 aka Jamaal Hill aka J.N.H. Collectibles. (Probably also: blenheim, hollyschweiger, chickensoup, oichechiuin, nodogsallowed, Bpmsgog and cosmogirl. Aliases used to raise bids.)  
And read the "Our Sales Practice" on the JNH website...
BTW:  HERE he sold the above Scrooge image to himself...

Update: The seller is showing more and more greed. Here's his latest auction.  
Currently 7 bids $112.50 

Looks like our redwoodangel found lot 92039 in the Heritage archive ...

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Want to buy a piece of art?

Update Oct 10: Added two more fakes below the first three!

Well, then stay away from these...

Fake 1
The above "Carl Barks signed Scrooge McDuck sketch" sold for $501.99 on eBay. 
Money that could have been spent wiser...

Fake 2

Fake 3

Fake 4

The above drawing is currently on eBay.
4 bids at $3.25. Will it reach $4? :)
Update: Sold for US $224.50.

Well, blow me down!
Just saw that the same seller,  redwoodangels13,  sold the drawing below for $183.50!!!
There sure are suckers out there...

(The sites where these items are sold can be reached by clicking "Fake 1" etc)

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Batly done duo

The drawings sold for US $1,111.
I'm tempted to make a few Kanes myself, to pay next months rent...
 (But of course I'd never do it.)

These drawings are for sale on eBay right now.
Take a close look at them. 

In case you wonder: they are fakes.
Current price is $405 and are listed as beeing bought for $3500.
Besides from obviously being fakes just take a look where they are coming from.

It's good ol' Greco of Gallery on Baum again. Sigh...

The price is now $750.
And take a look at the Q&A section...

For Gallery on Baum "fans" the Sparkle Pony blog is a must. Check it out!

Saturday 8 May 2010

F is for Fake, G is for Greco.

Oh, my... Remember the drawings from The Gallery on Baum that I featured here last year? The guy behind it all, Tony Greco is still in the business of selling his fake "art". Check out an article from the Post-Gazette HERE.
Thanks to Mike Lynch's blog for the link!

Hmmm... would you buy this orignal Fake ... eh... I mean Frank Thomas drawing?
If so, don't forget to check out the new, hilarious fake drawings that are bound to fool at least some unfortunate collectors on eBay... Click HERE.
The most amazing thing is that he's got 100% positive feedback!!!


PS. Don't miss the hilarious "Chasing the "Kaufmann" article that Mike links to in his Tony Greco post. It's pure entertainment. :)

Friday 7 May 2010


My friend Karl-Erik just sent me two images from
his collection of original art.
Now, here's a (maybe not so tricky) question:
What's veeeery wrong with one of these pieces?
Feel free to use comment field for your thoughts.

Sunday 1 November 2009

eBay oddities

Some people are just begging for the cops to knock on their doors.
Like The Gallery on Baum. They are continuing to sell forgeries on eBay for loads of cash. The Krazy Kat drawing I showed some time ago sold for $769.99! And the "Larson" cartoon went for $1035. They are really drawing their own money!
I wonder how much this "Caniff" will fetch...
[Edit: It went for $76. For a piece of worthless paper! Wooha! There are sooo many suckers out there!]

From the item description: "Any monetary refunds after initial 7 day return policy must include a signed letter by a noted authority stating item is not as described and what is wrong with item. We do not accept opinions." That pretty much says it all.

And while I'm on thew subject of odd eBay objects. What's this? "Carl Barks, Scrooge and Christmas".

Thursday 15 October 2009

Well, well...

As you probably guessed the drawings in the last post are most likely done by the same person.
Same pen but different colors.

Here's what the seller wrote to me regarding the Krazy Kat drawing:
"Been in my possession since 1967 when I bought it from Kaufmanns Department store fine arts department. The Kaufmann family commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to build Fallingwater. It is absolutely authentic original and comes with a 100% moneyback guarantee!"

Same seller has Watterson, Wyeth, Dali etc for sale in his gallery...
Well, well...
Here are some more:

And here's that same pen again...

Apparently some people are falling for this.
The Krazy Kat image has already recieved bids.
Luckily the fakes are so poorly done that real collectors will stay away from these fakes. This just shows you gotta be aware of what you are buying.