
Showing posts from March, 2020

Simplest and lowest cost automated Alternative for Ventilator

In this video we look at the most simplest automated AMBU bag machine or a automated Bag Valve Mask that can made easily within a few hours with parts that can be sourced almost anywhere. This machine does not require user to know about electronics or computer programming. The driving component is the wiper motor assembley.

PSA Safe Grocery Shopping in COVID-19 Pandemic – UPDATED!!!

PSA Safe Grocery Shopping in COVID-19 Pandemic – UPDATED!!! IMPORTANT EDIT FROM NIH DATA: COVID-19 LIVES ON CARDBOARD FOR 1 DAY. SEE SOURCES BELOW. This is the most current video for New CDC data, safe takeout food practices, and an updated practice for safe grocery shopping/handling.

Mythbusters Contamination Video


Cyberpunk’s aesthetic is no longer the future. Cyberpunk is now.

Tales From The Dork Web #4 Cyberpunk is both a genre and a culture. As a genre, cyberpunk was born out of early 20th century noir and fuelled through the drugs, sex and tech of 60s and 70s counterculture movements. As a culture, Cyberpunk represents a tech-savvy identity associated with anti-authoritarianism and anti-consumerism.

Father creates suit to protect baby from corona virus, Covid-19

A father from Shanghai designed a safety cabin to protect his child from coronavirus, as footage filmed on Friday shows. The special suit, inspired by the popular action game 'Death Stranding', is made of a cabin with a filter inside and a screen showing the air quality. A special entry with gloves allows the parents to reach the baby anytime. "Because I like scientific movies and games, the structure of the safety cabin is similar to the game Death Stranding, I checked the character in the game," explained the father. Cao Junjie also said he developed the pod to carry his baby outside, and that the special suit allows him and the whole family to take a stroll outside despite the outbreak of coronavirus. As many in China are taking precautions against COVID-19, the special Death Stranding suit, that he will reportedly attempt to patent, is for the creative father a way to navigate the coronavirus-hit outside world.

Share This Video With Anyone Who Trains BJJ and Grappling

At the time of this video 40% of the profits of is going to go towards academies struggling due to their businesses being shut down from the Coronavirus outbreak. Thank you for your support!

Zoom CEO Eric Yuan Is Giving K-12 Schools His Videoconferencing Tools For Free

Zoom CEO Eric Yuan Is Giving K-12 Schools His Videoconferencing Tools For Free O n Thursday, on the heels of Zoom's biggest day ever for downloads the day before, CEO Eric Yuan was taking the time to remotely sign up schools to free accounts of his videoconferencing software. First was a prestigious school in Silicon Valley, then two schools in the Austin, Texas area.

A Coronavirus Covid-19 JRE Must Watch

Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota. Look for his book "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Deadly Germs" for more info.

Beyond Self-Organization: How To Energize People & Teams - Michael Sahota

In this hands-on workshop with Michael Sahota, you will learn how employee disengagement is a common challenge. We outline practical steps to diagnose and create experiments to foster a higher performance work environment.