
Showing posts with the label memory

Introducing Crusoe, the #mobile #application that gives you the ability to recall everything you’ve ever wanted to remember.

"Introducing Crusoe, the mobile application that gives you the ability to recall everything you’ve ever wanted to remember. On average our minds can recall only about 10% of what we’ve read.  We built Crusoe for recalling the other 90%.   Crusoe is a note-taking Evernote app for researchers, writers, students, professionals, and thoughtful readers that not only lets you create two-way links between notes but actually lets you navigate your notes along these connection-pathways.  In Crusoe, you can never lose your train of thought because that’s exactly what Crusoe saves.   What would it take for your mobile device to replicate what Eddie did in  Limitless ? Just saving thousands of notes to a service such as Evernote or OneNote wouldn’t do it. Eddie’s genius mind didn’t churn out search results.  Google can do that. Instead, Eddie could  connect the dots  between the problem he’s facing at any given moment, and the best answer is drawn from everything he’s ever seen or

How To Improve Your Memory - Sergio Gonzales

We interview Sergio Gonzales, is the Head of Innovation Programs at eBay, he created the eBay memory club to inspire others in the highly competitive world of Silicon Valley to take up memory training as a way to expand their abilities. A long time lifehacker, Sergio is always looking for different strategies to improve life and is responsible for Farrow Memory's mission statement, 'to make practical memory available to the masses.'. On 4/15/17 Sergio is helping to host the FREE  US Memory Tournament  at eBay Main Street, 2025 East Hamilton Ave., San Jose, California 95125. On April 15, students, professionals, memory amateurs, and memory record holders from all over the country will come together in San Jose to learn the secrets to a record-breaking memory and then join the competition! Moments of Progression With Moments of Celebration There will be five events in this game, cash prizes, and the winner will be ranked internationally! Refreshments provided. The

The Nerd Stalker Tech Week Update - Brainwaves, Lightwaves and Aging

Adolfo & Greg Talk About Trending Weekly Tech News Adolfo Foronda and Greg Viloria discuss the weekly tech news in their mind's eye. Check it out!

Evernote - Nerd Stalker #31

(8mins) At a standing-room only SF New Tech event, I spoke with Phil Libin, CEO of Evernote, a software application that allows users to easily capture information in any environment using whatever device or platform you find most convenient. It makes this information accessible and searchable at any time, from anywhere. We discussed history, humor, and the future of Evernote.