
Showing posts with the label Kirobo

Kirobo Mini Can't Get You Into The HOV Lane But Will Get You Into Zen

Toyota Made a Tiny Robot To Keep You Company On Your Commute Kirobo Mini by Toyota (photo courtesy of Conde Nast Entertainment's The Scene) Toyota bills this as their "vision of a future where humans and artificial intelligence work together for a better world" Enter the $400, 10cm high, packed with tons of cuteness - Kirobo Mini. Toyota says "He can talk to you, gesture at you, and detect and respond to your emotions, but his mission as your new portable friend doesn’t end there." With people spending an average of 4.3 years of our lives in our cars (which equates to traveling to the moon and back three times) Toyota believes that much can be learnt about our behavior and emotion while driving. And that’s where Kirobo Mini could help. Thanks to  Conde Nast Entertainment and N EWSY for a peek into this cool robot driving companion.