ঈদের অনাবিল আনন্দে আসুক শান্তির জোয়ার সবাইকে ঈদ উল ফিতরের শুভেচ্ছা
RFL Pipe and Fittings
Wholesale Building Materials
Most trusted pipe & fittings manufacturer in Bangladesh
আমাদের সম্পর্কে
RFL Pipe & Fittings is one of the largest manufacturers of uPVC, cPVC, HDPE, MS and GI pipes in Bangladesh. A sister concern of RFL Group, the company has been one of the pioneers in producing innovative pipe and fittings. RFL Pipe & Fittings has two manufacturing plants, in Narshingdi and Habiganj. The Narshingdi plant has a capacity of producing 14,000 metric tons/month. It is the largest PVC pipe manufacturing plant of the country.This plant specializes in producing 15mm to 1,000mm pipes. The second plant in Habiganj is one of the largest factories in the sub-continent. This plant specializes in producing MS and GI products. Fully automated systems are used in this plant. Moreover, this plant has heavy crane facilities which increases its productivity. RFL Pipe & Fittings has pipe and fittings solutions for Agriculture, Plumbing, and Sanitation. Moreover, the company has come up with world class pipe & fittings for Electrical, Gasoline, Dredging, Civil Construction, and Telecommunication usage. For agricultural needs, RFL produces PVC pipes which are used in irrigation boring up to 1,250 feet. Moreover, there are HDPE & Metal pipes, Dripper/Sprinkler, Sprayer and Hose/Corrugated Pipe for the farmers’ convenience. RFL Pipe and Fittings produces three solutions for plumbing; uPVC threaded pipe for the normal temperature water line, PPR pipes for water lines withstanding heat up to 80 degrees celsius and cPVC pipes for up to 93 degrees. For sanitation, RFL has UV light resisting SWR pipes and uPVC Fittings. RFL Pipe & Fittings understands customer’s different needs. RFL has all kinds of pipe solution for electrical safety; for gas lines, the brand produces high pressure enduring pipes. Diversifying its product lines, RFL Pipe & Fittings has come up with pipe solutions for challenging industries like Dredging, Civil Construction, and Telecommunication.
- ওয়েবসাইট
এর জন্য বহিঃসংযোগ RFL Pipe and Fittings
- ইন্ডাস্ট্রি
- Wholesale Building Materials
- কোম্পানির আকার
- 10,001+ কর্মচারী
- সদর দপ্তর
- Dhaka
RFL Class Pipe ensures accurate thickness and perfect measurements in every inch. Our pipes provide a seamless and efficient solution for boring, meeting the highest quality standards. RLF Class Pipe can tolerate pressure even at a soil depth of 1250 feet. Choose RFL Class Pipe – The Benchmark of Quality & Accuracy!
📍 RFL Pipe & Fittings | Stall No: 733-736, Expo Zone. 17th Bangladesh International Plastics, Packaging & Printing Fair. See you there! #Fair #IPF #Packaging #Plastic #Printing #RFLPipeAndFittings
When you are so selective about buying a shirt, why not be the same with pipes? Changing pipes after building a house is a huge hassle. So, before buying pipes, measure them yourself to ensure that you are getting the size indicated on the label. RFL SWR Pipe and Fittings; If you don't buy the right pipe, you'll incur losses. #RFLSWRPipeAndFittings #SWR #Sanitary #Pipe #Fittings #Campaign #Thickness #RFLPipeAndFittings
Come visit us at Pavilion no B 4,5 and get flat 20% off on all products!! #DITF #RFLPipeAndFittings
Choosing the right pipe is just as important as selecting the perfect foundation for your home. Replacing pipes after construction can be a costly and time-consuming hassle. That's why it's crucial to ensure the correct size and thickness before making your purchase. With RFL SWR Pipes and Fittings, you can trust our commitment to quality and durability—bringing you peace of mind for years to come. #RFLSWRPipeAndFittings #SWR #Sanitary #Pipe #Fittings #Campaign #Thickness #RFLPipeAndFittings
Even a small fish makes us think, why not check the pipe? Changing pipes later is a hassle. So, measure the pipe to ensure it matches the thickness. Choose RFL SWR Pipe and Fitting to avoid losses. #RFLSWRPipeAndFittings #SWR #SewagePipe #Pipe #Fittings #RFLPipeAndFittings #Thickness #Campaign
Are you not getting cheated by buying pipes without checking? Why believe someone blindly just because they said so? RFL SWR pipes are issuing an open challenge! Measure the pipe yourself to see if the size written on it is actually what you are getting. #RFLSWRPipeAndFittings #SWR #SewagePipe #Pipe #Fittings #RFLPipeAndFittings #Thickness #Campaign