HRP Research

HRP Research


Geneva , Switzerland 5.050 Follower:innen

UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction


The UN cosponsored Special Programme HRP was first established in 1972, following a World Health Assembly Resolution. It has a unique mandate within the UN system to conduct research and research capacity strengthening on sexual and reproductive health and rights across the globe. HRP brings together policy-makers, scientists, health care providers, clinicians, consumers and community representatives to identify and address priorities for research to improve sexual and reproductive health. HRP is based at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It supports and coordinates research on a global scale, synthesizes research through systematic reviews of literature, builds research capacity in low-income countries and develops dissemination tools to make efficient use of ever-increasing research information.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Geneva , Switzerland
Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)
Research, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Abortion, Family planning and contraception, Maternal and perinatal health, HIV linkages with sexual and reproductive health, Fertility care, Sexual health and wellbeing, Violence against women and girls, Adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, Female genital mutilation, Emergencies , Human rights, Gender equality, Health systems, Measuring and monitoring indicators, Research capacity strengthening, Cervical cancer, Self-care interventions und Digital innovations


Beschäftigte von HRP Research


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    Healthcare workers sometimes use their own mobile phones for work purposes, even when this isn’t formally organized or regulated. This helps them plug gaps in the healthcare system but it can also lead to new challenges. This Cochrane qualitative evidence synthesis provides implications for practice that could help protect the positive implications while reducing the negative effects.

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    This month marks the 30th anniversary of #ICPD. Read this commentary co-authored by World Health Organization UNICEF, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Suzanne Petroni and colleagues about how many of the adolescent-related #SDGs are off track, including those related to universal access to sexual and reproductive health #SRHR, #bodilyautonomy, girls' education, gender-based violence, and harmful practices. It is long overdue for the world to adequately address the health, rights, and wellbeing of adolescents. But it is never too late to invest in proven models and to continue exploring other promising strategies. We must do this alongside adolescents as core partners in co-creating, co-implementing, and co-evaluating these solutions.

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    Today is #WorldSepsisDay. Maternal sepsis (a life-threatening infection around the time of pregnancy and childbirth) is a leading cause of maternal death and disease. But what research is needed to understand how to better prevent, detect and manage maternal infections and maternal sepsis? Together with the University of Liverpool, HRP and World Health Organization are conducting a research prioritization exercise to determine which key research questions need answered in this area and are inviting responses from all geographical region. If you are a patient representative, healthcare provider, researcher, laboratory scientist, policymaker, research funding, donor, or non-governmental organisation we need your help. ✏️Please complete this simple 10-minute survey (in English, French, Spanish) to give us your ideas about how to end this preventable cause of maternal death. Survey ➡

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    5.050 Follower:innen

    Check out the fourth installment in our video series "HRP Statistics Portal". Have you ever wondered how to create a hypothesis to answer a specific research question? A hypothesis enables researchers to define and test their assumptions, laying the groundwork for drawing meaningful conclusions about a phenomenon. Hypothesis testing, based on careful observation or experimentation, is vital for establishing statistical and scientific significance. Knowing which type of hypothesis to use to answer a specific research question is fundamental. The video "Hypothesis Testing in Research: Navigating the Path From Theory to Discovery" highlights the key elements of hypothesis testing and showcases different types of hypotheses using real-world examples from HRP research studies in sexual and reproductive health and rights (#SRHR). You can find the complete HRP Statistics Portal YouTube Video Playlist here! ➡

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    Whether you can be there in-person or online, join us for a fascinating discussion about adolescent #SRHR. Registration is now open for the event: 'Adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights: advancing the agenda for a sustainable future,' 23 September, 8:00-10:00am ET. Today's 1.3 billion adolescents are not only the largest age group but also the most diverse the world has ever seen. They face considerable challenges to their sexual and reproductive health and rights and progress is never fast enough. As governments meet at the #SummitoftheFuture to strengthen global cooperation, this high-level event invites policy makers, researchers and practitioners into conversation with adolescents and youth to keep progress on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights high on the global agenda, as highlighted by the Agenda for Action for Adolescents launched during the Global Forum for Adolescents. At the event a special supplement of the Journal of Adolescent Health will be launched, showcasing latest evidence on health trends, gender transformative interventions, the role of laws and policies and advances in research methods. Outputs from this event will help operationalize and localize implementation of the Declaration on Future Generations, an annex to the Pact for the Future and its commitment to the inclusion of young people at all levels.  Information including how to register can be found here:

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    If you missed this discussion today about adolescents' sexual health, you can now watch the recording. As our former colleague Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli said during the live Q&A: " this is a difficult area made more difficult by a lack of discussion". So let's keep the conversation going. #SRHR

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    Today is World Sexual Health Day #WSHD2024! Sexual health is fundamental to our overall health and well-being, gender equality as well as broader social and economic development.   World Health Organization remains committed to advancing sexual health and well-being across the life course as integral components of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights (#SRHR) and fostering healthy societies in which all people experience their sexuality positively and with dignity.  Building on a track record of work in this area, WHO is strengthening research and programmatic work on elements of sexual health and well-being that have received less attention and funding to date. Find out what we're doing in this latest update ⬇, from questionnaires to research priorities in #STIs to inter-agency efforts to build support for comprehensive sexuality education (#CSE). Read our update here:

    World Sexual Health Day 2024

    World Sexual Health Day 2024

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    Read this recent interview with our colleague Dr Bela Ganatra, Unit Head, Preventing Unsafe Abortion at World Health Organization, about how important it is to continue to fight for reproductive rights everywhere. Also interviewed was Center for Reproductive Rights' Dr Andrés Constantin. In it, Dr Ganatra explains how abortion bans only push women towards dangerous methods. "The number of abortions doesn’t depend on how restrictive the legal framework is. What changes as you put restrictions in place is the ability of women to have safe abortions.” And what's most important in her view: “to trust women. To support their choices, rather than sit in judgement.” Read the full interview here in Les Glorieuses:

    The rise of DIY abortions post-Roe v Wade | Les Glorieuses

    The rise of DIY abortions post-Roe v Wade | Les Glorieuses

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    5.050 Follower:innen

    Congratulations and welcome Dr Faustine Ndugulile, nominated as the next director for the World Health Organization African Region.     Listen to his Inter-Parliamentary Union podcast episode with Pascale Allotey, recorded earlier this year, about the importance of finding common ground through evidence-based discussion on sexual and reproductive health and rights (#SRHR).     "For me, the key word is dialogue. Let's engage in dialogue with policy makers, parliamentarians, religious leaders, community leaders and not forgetting young people themselves, because we cannot be discussing issues that relate to young people without young people around the table."      🎙

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