Use aviation tax for SAF tax credit At the Employers' Day on October 22, 2024 in Berlin, both former Minister President Roland Koch and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck highlighted the benefits of tax credits, which are known to have gained lasting appeal in the USA as a result of the IRA. The form and extent to which such a measure would be suitable as an incentive for investment in Germany should be quickly put to the test, as there is a lack of incentives to support producers and airlines and to attract investors for the SAF production ramp-up in Germany, not least in view of the urgently needed defossilization of aviation. Read the complete press release below:
aireg - Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V.
Dienstleistungen für erneuerbare Energien
Berlin, Berlin 888 Follower:innen
Gemeinnützige Initiative für die Verfügbarkeit und Verwendung von Erneuerbaren Energien in der Luftfahrt
aireg – Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. wurde 2011 als Verbund von Unternehmen und Organisationen aus Industrie, Forschung und Wissenschaft gegründet. Als gemeinnützige Initiative setzt sich aireg für die Verfügbarkeit und Verwendung von Erneuerbaren Energien in der Luftfahrt ein, um die ehrgeizigen CO₂-Minderungsziele der Luftverkehrswirtschaft zu erreichen. Die Mitglieder kommen aus allen Bereichen der Wertschöpfungskette regenerativer Energien für die Luftfahrt: Dies reicht von der Forschung an Universitäten und Großforschungseinrichtungen, Anlagenherstellern und Anlagenbetreibern, Bioraffinerien, der Mineralölwirtschaft, Antriebs- und Flugzeugherstellern, Regierungsorganisationen, Nichtregierungs-organisationen und Flughäfen bis zu Fluggesellschaften. Die industriellen Mitglieder decken international die Bandbreite vom Start-up bis zu Großkonzernen ab. Impressum: Datenschutz:
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- Dienstleistungen für erneuerbare Energien
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- 2–10 Beschäftigte
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- Berlin, Berlin
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- Erneuerbare Energien, Regeneratives Kerosin, Nachhaltige Flugkraftstoffe, SAF-Produktionsanlagen, Klimafreundlich Fliegen, Klimaschutz, CO2-Minderung, Globale Emissionsminderung, Erneuerbare Rohstoffe, Luftverkehrsindustrie, Alternative Kraftstoffe, Nachhaltigkeit, Luftfahrt, Fluggesellschaften, Luftverkehr und Umweltschutz
Bundesratufer 10
Berlin, Berlin 10555 , DE
Beschäftigte von aireg - Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V.
Jürgen Ringbeck
VC investor, senior advisor and honorary professor of management
Siegfried Knecht
Chairman of the Board of Directors at Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany - aireg
Gunnar Quante
Systems Thinking for Sustainable Aviation
Dr. Joachim Buse
Project Management, Planning and Procurement
aireg at the Aviation Night At this year's Aviation Night, aireg - Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. had a fantastic presence! At this annual event, the entire aviation industry comes together to promote dialogue in German aviation with politics and with each other. We had great conversations at our incredible stand, while passionately promoting the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Our theme for the event was clear: “Let's fly SAF. Now!”. A big thank you to all members who contributed to the success of our stand: AviAlliance GmbH, bp, Deutsche Aircraft, Emirates, ENERTRAG, Griesemann Gruppe, HCS Group, Mabanaft, TotalEnergies and our cooperation partner en2x – Wirtschaftsverband Fuels und Energie e.V.. We'd also like to extend our thanks to foodloose GmbH for providing us with their delicious nut bars! #AviationNight #SAF #Sustainability #Aviation
We are delighted to be a partner of Aviation Carbon Events!
eFuel GmbH becomes a member of aireg eFuel GmbH has become a member of aireg - Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. in order to jointly promote CO2-reduced aviation, for example through the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). Synthetic fuels instead of fossil kerosene - this is the goal that the aviation initiative aireg has set itself together with its members from industry and science. As a company that wants to drive forward the development of innovative technologies to reduce new CO2 emissions in transportation, eFuel GmbH pursues the same interests and has therefore become a member of aireg. The association of ten medium-sized companies invests in technologies for the production of synthetic fuels, among other things. As its first project, eFuel GmbH acquired a stake in Caphenia GmbH in December 2021, for example, which has developed a power- and-biogas-to-liquid (PBtL) reactor for the production of SAF, among other things. The pilot plant “Germany I” in the Frankfurt-Höchst industrial park is currently under construction and is scheduled to start production in 2025. You can find more information below:
We are delighted to announce that we have partnered with AEC African Energy Week (#AEW) 2024, the premier international energy conference transforming Africa's energy landscape! At #AEW, you will: - Connect with industry leaders, innovators, and policymakers - Gain insights into sustainable energy sources, financing, and investment opportunities - Showcase your innovations, form valuable connections, and elevate your profile - Stay ahead of regulatory changes and industry trends #AEW 2024 offers: - Finance Summit Forum: Exploring innovative financing solutions for Africa's energy transition - Sector-specific dialogues, networking forums, deal-rooms, and programs - Exclusive focus on advancing Africa's hydrocarbon sector - Workshops and meetings unveiling investment opportunities across the energy value chain Hear from: - 20+ esteemed ministers from around the world - Top business executives and international CEOs Discussing: - Africa's #oil and #gas potential - Upstream project financing - Africa as a global #LNG hub - Local content, workforce development, and empowering women and youth in energy - Renewable energy financing and Africa's nuclear industry Register now:
E-Fuels-only bill is a slap in the face for aviation It is not only in politicians' Sunday speeches that it is repeatedly emphasized that sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) are essential for reducing the climate impact of aviation. However, sustainable aviation fuels are currently only available in limited quantities and are significantly more expensive than fossil kerosene. PtL SAFs, or in other words e-fuels for aviation, are the most promising from an environmental and scaling perspective. In order to achieve the national and European climate targets, the use of e-fuels is essential in aviation as a matter of priority due to the lack of alternative energy options, without neglecting the fact that the production of PtL SAF can also produce fractions for ground-based transport. It is and remains a mistake to assume that the production ramp-up of e-fuels would pave the way for the ramp-up of PtL SAF. A simple look at the technology routes shows: Aviation would lose out on this route. Read more about it below.
aireg - Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. hat dies direkt geteilt
An dieser Stelle sei zunächst noch einmal an den Koalitionsvertrag erinnert, wo es heißt: „Einnahmen aus der Luftverkehrssteuer werden wir für die Förderung von Produktion und Einsatz von CO2-neutralen strombasierten Flugkraftstoffen … einsetzen.“ Was aber macht diese Bundesregierung? Senkt die im KTF für den PtL SAF Hochlauf geplanten Mittel auf nahe Null und erhöht gleichzeitig die Luftverkehrssteuer (LuVSt)! Das alles ist für die von der Politik erwartete Transformation der Luftfahrt hin zur Klimaneutralität schon schlimm genug. Nun aber wird es zynisch, hat doch der Bundesfinanzminister Anfang dieser Woche den Entwurf eines „E-Fuels only Gesetzes“ vorgelegt, das massive Steuererleichterungen für mit E-Fuels betriebene Fahrzeuge vorsieht. Das ist doch alles irre und man könnte vereinfacht sagen, dass aus den Einnahmen der LuVSt nun mit E-Fuels betriebene Fahrzeuge subventioniert werden. Ich hoffe, es geht ein Aufschrei durch diese Republik und alle, die ein Interesse an einer nachhaltigen und wettbewerbsfähigen Luftfahrt haben, erheben ihre Stimme gegen diese widersinnige Politik. Das Mindeste, was diese für die deutsche Volkswirtschaft so wichtige Branche erwarten darf, ist, dass in den laufenden Haushaltsverhandlungen Mittel für den Start des PtL SAF Hochlaufs in Deutschland eingestellt werden. Beim Abend der Luftfahrt in der kommenden Woche hat der Bundesverkehrsminister Gelegenheit, mit einer entsprechenden Ankündigung aufzuwarten! Wir sind alle gespannt! ✈️🛢️📊
We at aireg - Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. are proud to have signed the "Declaration on Green Aviation" at today’s Hamburg Sustainability Conference—a significant step forward for the future of sustainable aviation. This Declaration underscores the urgent need for global collaboration to accelerate the defossilization of aviation. It highlights the pivotal role of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) and calls for joint efforts to meet the UN’s 2030 climate goals. Key objectives include: - Strengthening collaboration between airports, airlines, manufacturers, and SAF producers. - Developing green aviation hubs powered by synthetic fuels. - Promoting innovation and knowledge sharing. - Exploring financial mechanisms for sustainable aviation projects. At aireg, we are fully committed to driving this mission forward and believe SAF is a crucial solution to reduce aviation’s climate impact. Together, we can achieve a more sustainable future for aviation. Many thanks to Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), Deutsche Post und DHL, Sasol, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V., Griesemann Gruppe, HH2E, Hamburg Airport, HIF Global, Mabanaft, Sunfire, Zaffra #HSC #SAF #SustainableFuels #UN2030 #Defossilization #Sustainability
🌍 In times of increasing geopolitical crises, collaboration is more essential than ever. 🌍 The Hamburg Sustainability Conference (HSC) is dedicated to promoting multilateral exchange, encouraging open dialogue, and strengthening trust in international partnerships. By bringing together leaders from diverse sectors, the HSC aims to design effective political frameworks for joint action and co-create breakthroughs that drive us towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. A key focus this year is on strengthening the role and responsibility of the private sector in forming new sustainability alliances. Business has the power to be a major driver of change, and it's time we fully engage that potential for a sustainable future. We're also proud that this event will bring together leading women from around the world who share the aspiration of advancing feminist foreign and development policy and feminist financing strategies. These leaders are committed to driving progress on women’s rights, resources, and representation across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Together, we can create lasting change. The time for joint action is now. 💡✨ #HamburgSustainabilityConference #HSC #SDGs #SustainableDevelopment #FeministPolicy #SustainabilityAlliances #WomenInLeadership #TimeToAct
If all people were equal, there would be less hunger, less poverty, and more stability in the world. 🌍 Equality between women and men is not only a matter of justice—it’s simply common sense. Empowering women means empowering entire communities, and that benefits us all. We at aireg - Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. are thrilled that Melanie Form is attending the #WeTheWomen Female Leaders Reception and Dinner on Sunday, 6 October 2024 at the Historischer Speicherboden in Hamburg, Germany. This event, held on the eve of the Hamburg Sustainability Conference, is a fantastic opportunity to connect with inspiring female leaders who are making an impact on gender equality and sustainable development worldwide. The evening will begin with a welcome reception by Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, and include keynote speeches from Sima Bahous, Executive Director of UN Women, and Taban Shoresh OBE, CEO of The Lotus Flower. We are looking forward to hearing their perspectives on how female leadership can advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For those joining in person or following along online, don’t forget to engage using the hashtag #WeTheWomen. Let’s keep the conversation going and amplify the call for gender equality. Together, we can build a future where equality is the standard for everyone. 💪✨ #WeTheWomen #FemaleLeadership #GenderEquality #Empowerment #SDGs #SustainableDevelopment #WomenInLeadership #HamburgSustainabilityConference