


Hamburg, Hamburg 37.822 Follower:innen

Metals for Progress


Die Aurubis AG ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Nichteisenmetallen und einer der größten Kupferrecycler der Welt. Das Unternehmen verarbeitet komplexe Metallkonzentrate, Altmetalle, organische und anorganische metallhaltige Recyclingstoffe und industrielle Rückstände zu Metallen mit höchster Qualität. Aurubis produziert jährlich mehr als 1 Mio. Tonnen Kupferkathoden und daraus diverse Produkte aus Kupfer oder Kupferlegierungen wie Gießwalzdraht, Stranggussformate, Profile oder Flachwalzprodukte. Darüber hinaus erzeugt Aurubis viele andere Metalle wie Edelmetalle, Selen, Blei, Nickel, Zinn oder Zink. Zum Portfolio gehören auch weitere Produkte wie Schwefelsäure oder Eisensilikat. Nachhaltigkeit ist elementarer Bestandteil der Aurubis-Strategie. „Aurubis schafft aus Rohstoffen verantwortungsvoll Werte“ – dieser Maxime folgend integriert das Unternehmen nachhaltiges Handeln und Wirtschaften in die Unternehmenskultur. Dies beinhaltet den sorgsamen Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen, ein verantwortungsvolles soziales und ökologisches Handeln im operativen Geschäft und ein Wachstum in sinnvollem und gesundem Maß. Aurubis beschäftigt rund 6.900 Mitarbeiter, verfügt über Produktionsstandorte in Europa und den USA sowie über ein weltweit ausgedehntes Vertriebsnetz. Die Aurubis-Aktie gehört dem Prime Standard-Segment der Deutschen Börse an und ist im MDAX, dem Global Challenges Index (GCX) sowie dem Stoxx Europe 600 gelistet.

5.001–10.000 Beschäftigte
Hamburg, Hamburg
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Kupferherstellung, Recycling, Kupfer, Selen, Gold, Schwefelsäure, Nichteisenmetalle, Multimetall, Nachhaltigkeit, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Kathoden, Gießwalzdraht, Copper, Sustainability, CircularEconomy, Nonferrous, Metals und Metalle


Beschäftigte von Aurubis


  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

    37.822 Follower:innen

    Das NE Drahtforum in Bad Sassendorf steht vor der Tür! 🗓️ Am 24. und 25. März treffen sich erneut Expertinnen und Experten aus der Nichteisen-#Draht-Industrie bei BECHEM zum Dialog rund um aktuelle Themen und Trends zu Werkstoffen, Werkzeuge, Ziehmedien, Filtration und Maschinenbau. 💡 Das #NEDrahtforum vereint die geballte Expertise seiner Partner – #Aurubis, BALLOFFET, Bechem, dem Kupferverband e.V. und Maschinenfabrik NIEHOFF GmbH & Co. KG und ist das ideale Dialogforum für alle Markteilnehmer. 👇 Seien Sie dabei! Details zur Anmeldung in den Kommentaren.  #Ballofet #Bechem #Kupferverband #Niehoff 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    Aurubis is proud to be part of the H4Cu project "Natural gas substitution with hydrogen in the production of semi-finished copper products" – a major step forward in decarbonizing our industry. 🤝 Together with partners like KME, SMS group, and leading academic institutions like TUBAF | Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Verfahrens- und Energietechnik with its institutes (INEMET (Institut für Nichteisen-Metallurgie und Reinststoffe), IKFVW, and MTK), we aim to significantly reduce CO₂ emissions by replacing natural gas with hydrogen in copper manufacturing processes. 🏭 Aurubis plays a key role in advancing hydrogen-powered solutions through the support of development of H₂-compatible shaft furnaces, analysis of hydrogen’s impact on copper quality, and preparation of practical trials at the Hamburg site with an H₂-driven burner in a shaft furnace.  🔬 Over the next three years, we’ll combine experimental research, advanced modeling, and practical trials to lay the foundation for industrial-scale hydrogen applications in copper manufacturing. The H4Cu project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz) and supported by Projektträger Jülich (PtJ).    Marie Bolay, Torben Edens #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #CommittedtoDeliver #TomorrowMetals #Hydrogen #Copper #Decarbonization

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    In an increasingly digital world, the evaluation and optimization of existing processes through innovative technology is no longer just a competitive advantage; it is a business necessity. At Aurubis, we are facing up to these challenges with the Digital Factory. 🥇 The Digital Factory is an in-house innovation program making a significant contribution to creating the safest, most sustainable and most efficient multimetal smelter network. 💡The Digital Factory team identifies various projects at the Aurubis plants and, together with the employees on site, determines optimization potential, which is then developed and implemented in concrete solutions. 👇 Get a quick overview of the Digital Factory in our video below. In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing insights from the Digital Factory right here on LinkedIn — stay tuned! #Aurubis #CommittedtoDeliver #DigitalFactory #Industry #Digitalization #Innovation

  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

    37.822 Follower:innen

    15 years of innovation, growth, and sustainability – celebrating BARS+PROFILES at Aurubis Olen! 🎂 This January, we’re proud to celebrate the 15th anniversary of our Aurubis BARS+PROFILES product segment at our Olen site. From its beginnings in 2010 with the installation of the first conform and cold-drawing lines to becoming a major supplier of copper bars and profiles in Europe, the journey has been remarkable. 🥇 Today, Aurubis BARS+PROFILES produces around 16,000 tons annually, with a strong focus on delivering high-quality, sustainable copper solutions. This dedication has made us a reliable partner for Europe’s electrification and energy transition. ♻️ “It’s the combination of service orientation, flexibility, quality, and sustainability. Our clients come to us because we offer tailored solutions that fit their exact needs.”, says Thomas P. Samson, Head of Sales Aurubis Bars & Profiles and Copper on Account at Aurubis. “Sustainability is central to everything we do. Aligned with our 'Tomorrow Metals' customer promise, we are dedicated to setting new benchmarks in sustainability, transparency, and long-term impact. Through the Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of our products, we provide clear evidence.” ⚡Aurubis BARS+PROFILES provides key components for switchgear, substations, generators, and distribution systems – supporting infrastructure projects across Europe. As demand grows, our processes and sustainable practices make us a trusted partner. 💬 Steven Otten, Director Operations Aurubis Olen, reflects: “The development of Aurubis BARS+PROFILES in Olen has been a combination of strategic investments, innovation, and collaboration. We’ve established ourselves as a key supplier of high-quality copper products while focusing on sustainability — crucial for our clients in high-energy and industrial sectors.” A big thank you to our team, partners, and customers who have contributed to this success! #Aurubis #TomorrowMetals #MetalsforProgress #Copper #Sustainability #Olen

  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

    37.822 Follower:innen

    We are pleased to announce that Tore Prang has joined Aurubis as new Vice President for Corporate Communications, Eventmanagement, Social Engagement and External Affairs. “I look forward to collaborating with a highly motivated team to further enhance Aurubis' presence and engagement, contributing to the sustainable development of an essential industry.”, he says.  With more than a decade of experience at the technology group Heraeus, where Tore led global communications, marketing, and public affairs, and previous leadership roles at Airbus in Germany and France, he brings extensive expertise to his new position.  Welcome aboard, Tore! #Aurubis #MetalsForProgress #Communications #Leadership

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, together with Hamburger Energiewerke GmbH (HEnW), we reached an important step for Hamburg’s energy transition with the symbolic start of heat feed-in to the city network through our industrial heat project. ♨️ First Mayor of the City of Hamburg, Dr. Peter Tschentscher, and German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action representative, Christian Maaß, were joined by Aurubis AG CEO, Dr. Toralf Haag, and Hamburger Energiewerke GmbH Managing Director, Michael Prinz, inaugurating the thermal storage system. 🏘️ By utilizing waste heat from our copper production, HEnW we’ll be able to supply up to 20,000 Hamburg households with carbon-neutral heat, avoiding up to 100,000 t of CO₂ emissions — a best-practice example for climate-friendly heat solutions in Germany. We are proud to be part of this forward-looking initiative and to drive Hamburg’s climate targets forward. 👇 For more details at a glance see our carousel or read our press release (link in comments). #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #CommittedtoDeliver #IndustrialHeat #EnergyTransition #Decarbonization #Sustainability

  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

    37.822 Follower:innen

    “Moin” from Chile! Jan Dewenter and Andre Marcel Carevic, the first European participants in the bilateral employee exchange program between Aurubis and CODELCO – Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, are right back from their Chile visit. 🔄 Through this exchange program, Aurubis and Codelco aim to jointly enhance international standards for sustainable copper production. The initiative is part of the comprehensive cooperation agreement between both organizations signed in February 2024. 💡 Whether in Chuquicamata, Santiago de Chile, or El Teniente: Jan and Andre are gaining valuable insights from their Codelco colleagues at all the sites they visit during this well-structured program. 🏞️ Outside of their professional responsibilities, Jan and Andre are exploring the varied landscapes of Chile, ranging from deserts to glaciers, while immersing themselves in the local culture. Personal interactions are essential for fostering trust and achieving successful collaboration. 🙏 Thanks to Jan and Andre for their enthusiasm and for sharing their experiences with us. We look forward to welcoming our Codelco colleagues to Aurubis soon! #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #TomorrowMetals #Codelco #YouAreOurMostValuableElement

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

    37.822 Follower:innen

    Today, Aurubis marks a significant milestone in sustainable metal recycling in Europe. At Aurubis Olen, Belgium, we inaugurated a state-of-the-art recycling plant that will recover valuable metals such as nickel and copper, further strengthening our commitment to innovation and the circular economy. ♻️ The new hydrometallurgical bleed treatment plant, BOB (Bleed treatment Olen Beerse), is a groundbreaking addition to Aurubis international smelter network. With an investment of € 85 million and the creation of over 30 new jobs, BOB enables us to process electrolyte streams from our tankhouses in Beerse and Olen, keeping more strategically important metals in the European production cycle. Fully aligned with the highest environmental standards, this facility sets new benchmarks in energy efficiency and resource responsibility. 💬 Inge Hofkens, Aurubis COO Multimetal Recycling, highlights the broader significance of the plant: “BOB clearly demonstrates our commitment to innovation and a circular economy. With this facility, we are taking recycling to the next level, as it allows us to optimally process valuable metals from dynamic and continuously changing input materials and recycling markets. We are committed to expanding our leading role in sustainability in line with our Tomorrow Metals promise and we continuously strive to use resources even more responsibly.” 🙏 This achievement was only possible thanks to the dedication of the Aurubis team. Hans Van de Water, Managing Director Aurubis Olen, expressed his pride: “Today marks a significant point in our company's history: The new recycling plant now enables us to cover the full production cycle in-house — a true milestone for the Olen plant. This is the result of the collective efforts of our entire team. It makes me proud to see that everyone played their part, from the design and construction phase to commissioning.” With BOB, Aurubis continues to deliver on its strategic roadmap, reinforcing its leadership in multimetal recycling and contributing to a more sustainable and circular future for Europe. #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #CommittedtoDeliver #TomorrowMetals #Recycling #CircularEconomy 

  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

    37.822 Follower:innen

    The importance of strategic partnerships in securing raw material supplies is becoming increasingly evident — especially for critical raw materials (CRMs) essential to Europe's economic future and the green transition. 🐉 As part of the EU-Argentina mission, Aurubis had the honor of welcoming a delegation from Argentina, led by the Luis E. Lucero, Secretary of State for Mining, and Marcelo Orrego, Governor of San Juan Province, accompanied by the Argentine Ambassador to Germany, Fernando Brun, today in Hamburg. 🔍 The meeting focused on exchanging ideas about the challenges and opportunities for a diversified and sustainable supply of raw materials. We also took the opportunity to present our comprehensive environmental protection measures, showcasing our commitment to sustainable practices in raw material processing and supply chains. 🇦🇷 Argentina is driving ambitious investment plans to strengthen its mining and resource sectors. These developments offer potential for future collaboration. 🇪🇺 Agreements such as the EU-Mercosur pact can play a pivotal role in fostering stronger economic ties and facilitating the trade of essential resources between the regions. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the EU for facilitating this visit and to Secretary Lucero, Governor Orrego, ambassador Brun, and the entire delegation for the productive exchange. #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #Argentina #EU #CriticalRawMaterials #Mercosur | Jennifer Howe

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