


Hamburg, Hamburg 33.666 Follower:innen

Metals for Progress


Die Aurubis AG ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Nichteisenmetallen und einer der größten Kupferrecycler der Welt. Das Unternehmen verarbeitet komplexe Metallkonzentrate, Altmetalle, organische und anorganische metallhaltige Recyclingstoffe und industrielle Rückstände zu Metallen mit höchster Qualität. Aurubis produziert jährlich mehr als 1 Mio. Tonnen Kupferkathoden und daraus diverse Produkte aus Kupfer oder Kupferlegierungen wie Gießwalzdraht, Stranggussformate, Profile oder Flachwalzprodukte. Darüber hinaus erzeugt Aurubis viele andere Metalle wie Edelmetalle, Selen, Blei, Nickel, Zinn oder Zink. Zum Portfolio gehören auch weitere Produkte wie Schwefelsäure oder Eisensilikat. Nachhaltigkeit ist elementarer Bestandteil der Aurubis-Strategie. „Aurubis schafft aus Rohstoffen verantwortungsvoll Werte“ – dieser Maxime folgend integriert das Unternehmen nachhaltiges Handeln und Wirtschaften in die Unternehmenskultur. Dies beinhaltet den sorgsamen Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen, ein verantwortungsvolles soziales und ökologisches Handeln im operativen Geschäft und ein Wachstum in sinnvollem und gesundem Maß. Aurubis beschäftigt rund 6.900 Mitarbeiter, verfügt über Produktionsstandorte in Europa und den USA sowie über ein weltweit ausgedehntes Vertriebsnetz. Die Aurubis-Aktie gehört dem Prime Standard-Segment der Deutschen Börse an und ist im MDAX, dem Global Challenges Index (GCX) sowie dem Stoxx Europe 600 gelistet.

5.001–10.000 Beschäftigte
Hamburg, Hamburg
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Kupferherstellung, Recycling, Kupfer, Selen, Gold, Schwefelsäure, Nichteisenmetalle, Multimetall, Nachhaltigkeit, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Kathoden, Gießwalzdraht, Copper, Sustainability, CircularEconomy, Nonferrous, Metals und Metalle


Beschäftigte von Aurubis


  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    Yesterday, Aurubis successfully wrapped up the largest maintenance shutdown in company history at its Hamburg site. 🏗️ With roughly 500 individual tasks and an around € 95 million budget for plant maintenance and technical upgrades, we made important investments in the Hamburg plant’s efficiency and environmental protection. 💬 “We executed all the shutdown tasks with the highest quality – a technical and logistical tour de force, given the extreme complexity of the shutdown,” Aurubis Chief Transformation Officer Prof. Dr. Markus Kramer said. 👷 Around 2,000 people were involved in the large-scale project including 1,500 workers from partner companies, suppliers and service providers. ♨️ Along with the comprehensive maintenance and renewal work, we also executed two strategic projects during the shutdown that further expand Aurubis’ pioneering role in sustainability: The installation of hydrogen-ready anode furnaces and the expansion of our carbon-free industrial heat project. 💬 “This strategic investment represents another milestone along our path towards carbon neutrality, and demonstrates at the Hamburg site that as an industry, we are an important part of the solution for accelerating decarbonization,” Aurubis CEO Roland Harings emphasized. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this shutdown! 🙏 #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #TomorrowMetals #Hamburg #Decarbonization

  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    Announcing Aurubis’s participation at Electronica China 2024 in Shanghai!  ℹ️ Electronica China is one of Asia's premier trade fairs for electronic components, systems, and applications. It serves as a platform where industry leaders, innovators, and decision-makers gather to showcase the latest advancements in electronics and explore future trends. 💚 At Aurubis, it is an honor showcase our sustainable copper solutions, which play a pivotal role in advancing the electronics industry towards greener technologies. Our participation allows us to engage in insightful discussions on enhancing supply chain sustainability, promoting circular economy principles, and advancing responsible sourcing practices. 🙏 Thank you to everyone who plans to visit our booth (E4.4151) and contribute to meaningful conversations. Your interest and support are crucial as we continue to pioneer sustainable solutions in electronics manufacturing!    #Aurubis #TomorrowMetals #ElectronicaChina2024 #Sustainability #CircularEconomy  

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    It is with deep regret that Aurubis confirms the occurrence of a fatal industrial accident.  During the loading of scaffolding parts near the Continuous Casting Plant at the Hamburg Plant, a worker employed by a contractor incurred a serious head wound today at around 10:15 a.m.  Rescue services were immediately mobilized. The Aurubis Plant Fire Department arrived at the site almost immediately and rendered the person first aid. The injured party was transported by ambulance to a close hospital where he later succumbed to his injuries.  The responsible authorities are currently investigating the accident. Aurubis is cooperating fully with the responsible authorities to clarify the circumstances and causes of the accident. More information will be provided as soon as new findings are available.  "We are deeply saddened by this tragic accident and the resulting fatality," Aurubis Executive Board member and Director of Industrial Relations Markus Kramer emphasized. "We would like to express our deepest condolences to the relatives of the deceased and mourn this terrible loss." Full press release:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    Aurubis is a proud sponsor of the MetalsDays, underway at Montanuniversität Leoben now. 🎓 MetalDays give students from local schools the opportunity to experience the Metallurgy study program and get to know the Department für Metallurgie, Montanuniversität Leoben. 🔥Participants gain insight into the world of metals and handle innovative materials and exiting products. Even hands-on metal melting is on the program. 💡 Talking to university students and metallurgists about their careers and everyday work, insights into research trends, and a campus tour help attendees gain deeper, firsthand knowledge about the field of metallurgy. We’re sure participants will come away with exciting insights and have lots of fun during the MetalDays 2024! #Aurubis #MetallsforProgress #Tomorrowmetals #Metallurgy #Career

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    The support for the Antwerp Declaration since its release on 20 February 2024 has been incredible. More than 1,200 organizations have signed the call for a European Industrial Deal which is essential for successful delivery on the EU’s Green Deal and safeguard quality jobs in Europe. 🇪🇺 Now more than ever is the time to unite for a competitive and resilient Europe. 📝 This is why Aurubis has signed the Antwerp Declaration and will continue to promote a competitive, sustainable, and stable industrial landscape in Europe. 💬 "There is an urgent need for clarity, predictability, and confidence in Europe and its industrial policy," our COO Multimetal Recycling Inge Hofkens said. "As Aurubis, we walk the talk when it comes to decarbonization – with projects like our H2-ready anode furnace in Hamburg, Germany, our large solar plant for industrial use at our Bulgarian plant or the renewable power deal to secure 90 % of the externally generated power for our Olen site in Belgium." #Aurubis #TomorrowMetals #AntwerpDeclaration #IndustrialDeal #EUGreenDeal

    Unternehmensseite von Cefic anzeigen, Grafik

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    Competitiveness is back on Europe’s agenda 🎯. A competitive #EUindustry, based on a European #IndustrialDeal as outlined in the #AntwerpDeclaration, is essential for the successful delivery of the EU #GreenDeal and keeping high quality jobs in Europe 🌍🏆.   Marking the end of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2024 #EU2024BE, we would like to thank Prime Minister Alexander De Croo for his leadership and for listening to the voices of industry 📢   We look forward to working with the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union #HU24EU in the coming term🙏 .   Check out our upgraded website to find out what’s next for the Antwerp Declaration: #competitiveness

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    Hasta la vista in Chile! ✈️ Pablo Urzúa and Victor Chavez Martinez, the first participants in the bilateral employee exchange program between Aurubis and CODELCO – Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, are on their way back to Chile after ten weeks. 🔄 With the exchange program, Aurubis and Codelco want to learn from each other and jointly raise the international standards for a sustainable copper production. The program takes place as part of the comprehensive cooperation agreement between both companies, which had been signed in February 2024. 💡Whether in Hamburg, at Aurubis Bulgaria or Aurubis Lünen: The two engineers gained interesting insights from the Aurubis colleagues they interacted with at all the sites visited during the carefully structured program. ⛵Outside of work, Pablo and Victor also enjoyed sailing with the company sailing team and attended a few concerts, where they got to know some colleagues and German culture a bit better. After all, personal exchange is important in establishing trust and working together successfully. 🙏 Thanks to Pablo and Viktor for their interest in Aurubis and for the exciting look into the world of Codelco! Now our colleagues are looking forward to visited Codelco in Chile this fall. #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #TomorroMetals #Codelco

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are pleased that TIME and Statista have included Aurubis as one of the World’s Most Sustainable Companies 2024. 📊 The World’s Most Sustainable Companies list rewards the leading companies in corporate social responsibility and evaluates over 20 indicators relating to sustainability, compliance with international reporting standards, analysis of emissions, and commitments and targets set in this area. 💚 Making the list is a great honor and highlights our dedication to integrating sustainability into everything we do. 🎯 We have set ourselves ambitious goals and are striving to achieve carbon-neutrality well before 2050. Today, Aurubis is already producing many of its metals with less than half the global average CO2 emissions. #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #TomorrowMetals #CSR #Sustainability

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    Don’t miss the chance and meet Aurubis at E-Waste World Conference & Expo in Frankfurt!   ℹ️ The e-waste world is an international conference and exhibition dedicated to discussing the latest recycling technology, materials recovery solutions and sustainable materials, as well as regulatory and business models to help reduce the environmental impact of all forms of consumer and industrial e-waste.   👉 Aurubis is presenting its sustainable recycling and metal product solutions at the fair.   📍 If you are at the e-waste World Conference & Expo, come and meet our team at booth A35.   #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #TomorrowMetals #EMB0224 #EWaste

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    Aurubis took part in the "Green Transition Forum 4.0 – New perspectives for Central and Eastern Europe", happening in Sofia, Bulgaria, these days.    ℹ️ Green Transition is the largest forum of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe and brings together policymakers, business representatives and dedicated visionaries who catalyze the net zero transformation. Increasing the competitiveness of Central and Eastern Europe through a sustainable green transformation, the future of energy and energy transformation are focus topics of the forum.    🗣️ Jennifer Howe, Representative Aurubis AG, took part in an ESG panel discussion with Boyan RashevBriseida GjozaDemian Pintos LabanderaKonstantin Delisivkov and Elena Vasilina: "We are setting new standards in sustainable copper production. Copper production is electro-intensive. Our understanding of sustainability integrates sustainable energy supply and investments in net zero solutions", Jennifer Howe said.   🗨️ "The investment of EUR 40 M for hydrogen ready anode furnaces at our Aurubis’ site in Hamburg and the same amount for expanding our solar PV parks and implementing efficiencysolutions at Aurubis Bulgaria are just two examples. We walk the talk", she continued.    🇪🇺 Alongside the conference, we had the chance to meet Kurt Vandenberghe, Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General Climate Action (DG CLIMA), and discuss challenges and opportunities for the competitiveness of the European and Bulgarian industry, which the transition to zero net emissions brings. Thank you for the valuable exchange!   Photo copyright: Bulphoto Agency, Aurubis #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #TomorrowMetals #GreenTransition #Bulgaria

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  • Unternehmensseite von Aurubis anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today the Aurubis Sales Copper Products team is at the CRU Wire & Cable Conference in Amsterdam. The CRU Conferences bring the international wire and cable industry together, feature trends and developments, and represent the entire value chain. Aurubis is a proud sponsor of this year’s Wire & Cable. 💡This morning, Thomas P. Samson shared his expertise on sustainability and decarbonization along the value chain and talked about the "powerful duo" being refined at Aurubis from primary and recycling secondary raw materials to provide the market with sustainable copper products in a keynote speech. 🔌 Right after this, Tanja Winter, moderated keynotes on the trend topics decarbonization, offshore wind and AI. Fellow participants were Michael Weiss from Siemens, Feng Zhao from the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and Maria Vittoria Giancola from Prysmian. 🔎 Key finding of the discussions: Especially on sustainability topics, the entire supply-chain should work together and discuss how to succeed together. 🤝 Also at the conference: a booth representing our Women4Metals industry branding initiative for which CRU is a strong supporter. Women4Metals is a grassroots initiative that was launched by Aurubis employees. Its primary objective is to enhance the representation of women in the metals industry and ensure fair conditions and equal opportunities for individuals of all genders. Don’t miss out on this chance to talk and connect with our experts at the conference. #Aurubis #MetalsforProgress #TomorrowMetals #CRUwirecable

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