🔋 Built for the future The automotive industry is undergoing rapid change – and we are ready. Since pioneering the BMW i3, we have continuously evolved our production network. Today, we are integrating electric vehicle production into our existing, highly flexible plants. With agile manufacturing and new all-electric plants, we are shaping the mobility of tomorrow. We don’t predict the future – we build it. Learn more: https://b.mw/DYSlm #BMWGroup #BMWiFACTORY
BMW Group
We make individual mobility more human, more intelligent and more responsible.
Die BMW Group ist mit ihren Marken BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce und BMW Motorrad der weltweit führende Pre-mium-Hersteller von Automobilen und Motorrädern und Anbieter von Premium-Finanzdienstleistungen. Das BMW Group Produktionsnetzwerk umfasst über 30 Produktionsstandorte weltweit; das Unternehmen verfügt über ein globales Vertriebsnetzwerk mit Vertretungen in über 140 Ländern. Im Jahr 2024 erzielte die BMW Group einen weltweiten Absatz von 2,45 Mio. Automobilen und über 210.000 Motorrädern. Das Ergebnis vor Steuern im Geschäftsjahr 2024 belief sich auf 11,0 Mrd. €, der Um-satz auf 142,4 Mrd. €. Zum 31. Dezember 2024 beschäftigte das Unternehmen weltweit 159.104 Mitarbei-terinnen und Mitarbeiter. Seit jeher sind langfristiges Denken und verantwortungsvolles Handeln die Grundlage des wirtschaftlichen Erfolges der BMW Group. Nachhaltigkeit ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Unternehmensstrategie der BMW Group, von der Lieferkette über die Produktion bis zum Ende der Nutzungsphase aller Produkte.
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Externer Link zu BMW Group
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- 10.001+ Beschäftigte
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- Munich
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- Spezialgebiete
- Automotive, Information Technology, Data Science, Software Development, Artificial Intelligence, Data Security, Motorcycles, Financial Services, Mobility Services, Digital Services, IoT, Future of Mobilty, Autonomous Driving, Connectivity und Sheer Driving Pleasure
Petuelring 130
Munich, 80788, DE
Beschäftigte von BMW Group
‼️📢 Hey students and graduates! We’ve got exciting news! The application period for our 18-month trainee programme AcceleratiON is now open! The programme is packed with a wide range of opportunities – from global assignments to coaching and team projects. It’s designed to equip you with skills and knowledge to thrive in a career at the BMW Group, whether that’s in a management position or a specialist role. If you’re studying or have recently graduated in IT, Engineering, Production, or a related field, don’t miss out on this opportunity. Head to our careers page to explore the programme in detail and apply now: https://bmw.jobs/N9ELI9NH #bmwgroupcareers #bmwgrouplife #shareyourpassion #bmwtrainee
United against racism 💙🤍 We believe that different perspectives are the foundation of a strong and innovative society. As a global company, we are committed to creating an inclusive work environment free from prejudice. On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we stand up for intercultural understanding, respect and openness. Because only together can we drive change. Learn more about our commitment here: https://b.mw/z1Qu2IO #BMWGroup #InternationalDayAgainstRacism
Meet a few of our Legal Talents at BMW! 🚘⚖️ Did you know how incredibly diverse our legal department at BMW is? Our team covers nine different areas, not just product-related rights but also other crucial legal aspects such as intellectual property and compliance. A professional legal representation contributes to protecting the economic and legal interests, operational freedom, and reputation of the BMW Group – ultimately ensuring the company's long-term success. This is only possible with passion, sharpness, and expertise. Our legal experts are deeply interested in technical and economic contexts and have a passion for our products. We are proud to have such a talented and dedicated legal team that drives the success of BMW with their expertise and passion for excellence.✨ And guess what? We currently have open positions in our legal department! https://bmw.jobs/t3BLts9K #BMWGroupCareers #ShareYourPassion #CorporateLaw
Electrifying growth ⚡ In 2024, we reached a significant milestone with a +13.5% increase in sales of fully-electric vehicles. This strong growth underscores our commitment to innovation and excellence in the automotive industry. 💡 Learn more: https://b.mw/zA3W2fN #BMWGroup
Introducing the new BMW iX3 🚀 As the first production vehicle of the Neue Klasse, it marks the beginning of a new era of BMW. Starting at Plant Debrecen, this model integrates cutting-edge technology that will shape the future of all BMW vehicles. #BMWGroup #BMWiX3 #NeueKlasse
Welcome to the BMW Group in Italy. 🇮🇹 Did you know that about 850 employees work enthusiastically in our 9 facilities in San Donato Milanese, Volargne, Trento and Rome? 👀 The BMW Group in Italy is represented by four entities – BMW Italia, BMW Bank GmbH (Italian branch), Alphabet Italia and BMW Italia Retail – operating in synergy to offer a unique and engaging mobility experience to customers. If you want to find out more about the locations #wherewework and what we do there, click the link https://bmw.jobs/uWko79vu #linkinbio #bmwgroupcareers #shareyourpassion #bmwgroupworldwide
In 2024, we achieved a reduction in CO2 emissions for our European fleet. This achievement highlights our commitment to advancing mobility. With our expanding range of electric vehicles, we are driving progress and efficiency. 🔍 Discover more: https://b.mw/zA3W2fN #BMWGroup
TRUST. We trust and rely on each other. We are a team that sticks and grows together. This is essential if we are to act swiftly and achieve our goals which takes us further.💙 We are excited to share our Belonging at BMW Group South Africa series - an initiative dedicated to celebrating the love, trust and meaningful connections that make our organisation a place where we can all thrive and grow as one.🌐 In this edition, we're highlighting our core value of trust, as it truly forms the foundation of how we rely on each other, work together as a team and strengthen our collective progress. ✨ Watch the complete series here: https://bmw.jobs/yj6iN05x #bmwgroupcareers #shareyourpassion #BMWGroupSouthAfrica