IMST GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
Off we go ! X-TREME 6G has ofificially started, as the project's kick-off meeting recently took place in Grenoble, where all partners were reunited at the invitation of STMicroelectronics, our coordinator. For the next three and half years, X-TREME 6G's 17 partners, spread between 7 European countries, will join strength, efforts, creativity and brains to create and design key disruptive next generation chiplets and chipsets for 6G use cases; empowering European Industry at large; towards a network-centric democratized and open 6G ecosystem. Being financed by the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU), a public/private partnership designed to boost innovation and cooperation in Europe and ensure industrial leadership for the continent in 5G and 6G; X-TREME 6G will subtstantially contribute to the realization of the SNS „Microelectronic Lighthouse“ visionary initiative, which aims to guarantee the availability of an evolvable 6G experimental infrastructure for the duration of the SNS programme and beyond. More information to come, on this linkedIn page, and on the project's website - Stay tuned :) X-TREME 6G project has received fundings from the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) under the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement NO 101192681 #6G #SNSJU #EU #horizoneurope #microelectronics #telecommunications #EUcooperation Nokia III-V Lab Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Fraunhofer IZM CEA-Leti DTU - Technical University of Denmark IMS Laboratory University of Patras p-NET Emerging Networks & Vertical Applications Orange Polska IMST GmbH ETH Zürich Politecnico di Milano AMIRES