think-cell Software

think-cell Software


PowerPoint Charting Done Right!


think-cell is the world’s leading productivity software for creating data-driven presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint, enabling users to generate sophisticated charts with ease while saving substantial time (based on a study, users save as much as 70% of their time compared to using native PowerPoint functionality). think-cell also offers layout functions for automatically arranging text, graphic elements and images while scaling and aligning their content accordingly. Our software has more than a million users across 25,000+ organizations globally. think-cell is used by 8 out of the 10 top global consulting firms, 80% of the Fortune 100, the entire DAX 40, and taught at 9 of the top 10 US business schools.

51–200 Beschäftigte
C++, Software Development, Computer Graphics, Algorithms, Reverse Engineering, C++11, C++14, C++17, Boost und PowerPoint



Beschäftigte von think-cell Software


  • Unternehmensseite von think-cell Software anzeigen, Grafik

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    In the middle of this summer, think-cell will be present at the IT Career Fair in Heidelberg University for the very first time. The event will be held from 10:00 to 16:00 at Chemistry Lecture Hall Center of the Heidelberg University. Heidelberg University, founded in 1386, is Germany’s oldest university and one of the strongest research universities in all of Europe. A key unique selling point of Computer Science in Heidelberg is the strong interdisciplinary orientation, reflected in a large number of research projects and teaching. With over 1600 computer science, mathematics and natural sciences students and alumni expected at the event, the IT Career Fair will be a perfect opportunity for think-cell to showcase our prominent C++ Development internship and full-time positions with an option to write your academic thesis with us. We will have a booth at the fair, ready to meet the participants talk about the benefits we provide for the team members – such as a flat structure, no meetings or overtime, flexible working hours, relocation assistance, and our dedication to excellent code. Our team will also bring the raffle, offering branded prizes such as beach balls, socks, reusable straws, and others to participants. Be sure to stop by our booth, get your gift, and have a chat with the team – our software developer Jonathan and HR representatives Julia and Anastasia. We look forward to networking with Heidelberg University students and graduates!

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    Unternehmensseite von C++ on Sea anzeigen, Grafik

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    🤖 We've had the honour of having Sebastian Theophil deliver his talk on "Reuseable code, reusable data structures" which centred on one of the core principles of software engineering: DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)🧑💻 Repetitive code can be a nightmare, leading to errors and maintenance headaches. In this session, we dove into #C++ tools and patterns that help us avoid repetition and choose the best approach for sharing code and data. We covered everything from template functions and classes to exploring programming patterns like CRTP and templated base classes. The goal was to develop an intuition for when to use each tool effectively. 🪅 Speaker fun fact: Sebastian has been with think-cell Software since 2002 and has done incredible work, including porting think-cell to macOS and maintaining the typescripten project. When he’s not coding, you can find him sharing his knowledge at international C++ conferences (psst, like this one!) #BestPractice #GenericProgramming #SoftwareEngineering #Templates #Cpp #DRY #Coding #TechTalk #Programming #SoftwareDevelopment #cpponsea

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  • Unternehmensseite von think-cell Software anzeigen, Grafik

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    At the beginning of July, we'll be participating in the C++ on Sea conference for the fifth consecutive year. The event takes place in the beautiful Leas Cliff Hall, located by the sea in Folkestone, Kent, UK. The conference will feature four tracks over three full days, showcasing speakers from around the world. We're pleased to announce that we once again will be the video sponsors for the conference! All presentations will be available on YouTube after the conference, so check out the channel for more content. Two of our team members will be presenting in the main hall. On Thursday, July 4th at 14:00, Senior Software Engineer Sebastian Theophil will give his talk “Reusable code, reusable data structures” where he explores the software engineering principle DRY -- don't repeat yourself. Jonathan Müller will deliver two presentations at the conference. His first talk, "An (In-)Complete Guide to C++ Object Lifetimes" is scheduled for Thursday, July 4th at 11:00. In this session the audience will learn about the rules for object creation and destruction, and when it is safe to form pointers and references to object. They will also learn about advanced functions like std::launder, std::bit_cast, and std::start_lifetime_as. Jonathan’s second talk “Overengineering max(a, b): Mixed comparison functions, common references, and Rust's lifetime annotations” will take place on Friday, July 5th at 11:00. We hope you enjoy the talks and wish everyone a happy conference!

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  • Unternehmensseite von think-cell Software anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are pleased to announce that our Software Engineer, Jonathan Müller, will be attending the C++ standardization committee meeting in St. Louis this June. This meeting marks the final opportunity to make significant changes before the feature freeze for C++26. The committee will focus on refining reflection, pattern matching, contracts, and senders/receivers. We will keep you informed with a detailed report on the discussions and decisions made during the meeting, particularly regarding the final refinements of these critical features. Stay tuned for updates on our Dev Blog (

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  • Unternehmensseite von think-cell Software anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are happy to share our participation in the IKOM Career Forum on June 25 this year at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)! We are no strangers to TUM, as we have been there previously with our EAT++ lecture and at Summer Parties, but this will be think-cell’s first time at the IKOM Fair. TUM has again been named a University of Excellence and is thus the only technical university in Germany to continuously retain this status since 2006. Their Department of Computer Science in the School of Computation, Information and Technology is one of the largest teaching and research institutions for Informatics in the country. Our own team, with HR team members and Software Developers, will be present with a booth at IKOM to discuss with the participants the exciting career opportunities available at think-cell, including our C++ Developer position and C++ Internship with an option to write your academic thesis with us. Make sure to stop by to network with C++ experts and learn more about the benefits think-cell offers, such as our competitive salaries, flexible working hours, relocation assistance, and the chance to collaborate with an international team of brilliant minds. We will be also organizing a raffle with an array of useful branded gifts and snacks so no one will leave think-cell’s booth empty-handed. We are looking forward to meeting you on June 25, 2024!

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  • Unternehmensseite von think-cell Software anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our Senior Software Engineer, Sebastian Theophil, was a guest lecturer at Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin), one of Germany’s top-ranking universities and currently ranked 98th worldwide. He presented "Nobody Can Program Correctly: A Practical and Interactive Guide to Debugging C++ Code". We were happy to see that participants expressed a keen interest in learning more about debugging and asked many questions after the talk. Follow this link to find out more:

    C++ Lecture at FU Berlin, Germany | think-cell

    C++ Lecture at FU Berlin, Germany | think-cell

  • Unternehmensseite von think-cell Software anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are glad to report the successful return of Berlin C++ Meetup in mid-March! The attendance was impressive, with over 80 people present, including 60 who were attending for the first time. Our Senior Software Engineer, Sebastian Theophil, delivered a talk "Nobody Can Program Correctly: A Practical and Interactive Guide to Debugging C++ Code". Follow the link to find out more:

    C++ Meetup Berlin, Germany 2024 | think-cell

    C++ Meetup Berlin, Germany 2024 | think-cell

  • Unternehmensseite von think-cell Software anzeigen, Grafik

    32.310 Follower:innen

    In mid-March, our Software Engineer, Jonathan Müller, attended the spring 2024 meeting of the ISO C++ standardization committee in Tokyo, Japan. This was the third meeting for the upcoming C++26 standard and his first meeting as assistant chair of SG 9, the study group for ranges. A big congratulations to Jonathan on his new role! Follow the link to read more about Jonathan's trip to Tokyo:

    Spring ISO C++ Meeting in Tokyo, Japan 2024 | think-cell

    Spring ISO C++ Meeting in Tokyo, Japan 2024 | think-cell

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