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Yara leistet einen Beitrag zum Wissensfortschritt, um die Welt verantwortungsvoll zu ernähren und den Planeten zu schützen, um unsere Vision einer Gesellschaft, die zusammenarbeitet, einer Welt ohne Hunger und eines respektierten Planeten zu erfüllen. Um diesen Verpflichtungen nachzukommen, haben wir eine Vorreiterrolle bei der Entwicklung digitaler Produkte für die Präzisionslandwirtschaft übernommen. Gleichzeitig arbeiten wir eng mit Partnern in der gesamten Lebensmittel-Wertschöpfungskette zusammen, um klimafreundlichere Lösungen in der Pflanzenernährung zu entwickeln. Darüber hinaus engagieren wir uns für eine nachhaltige Mineraldüngerproduktion. Wir fördern eine offene Kultur der Vielfalt und Inklusion, die die Sicherheit und Integrität unserer Mitarbeiter, Auftragnehmer, Geschäftspartner und der Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen fördert. Yara wurde 1905 gegründet, um die aufkommende Hungersnot in Europa abzuwenden, und ist weltweit präsent mit rund 17.000 Mitarbeitern und Niederlassungen in über 60 Ländern. Im Jahr 2018 erzielte Yara einen Umsatz von 11,8 Milliarden Euro.

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Mineral fertilizer, Environmental solutions that prevent air pollution, agriculture und food security


Beschäftigte von Yara International


  • Three years have passed since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, inflicting devastating suffering on the Ukrainian people. With Russia and Ukraine being world superpowers in fertilizer and food, the war has had far-reaching implications for the entire world. It has also exposed how fragile our global food systems are and the crucial role fertilizers play. Known as the breadbasket of Europe, Ukraine is one of the world's largest wheat and barley exporters - accounting for nine percent of global wheat exports in 2020 alone. Yara has stood proudly alongside Ukraine's farmers before the war and throughout, in their efforts to keep growing the food the world depends on. Since day one, Yara’s Security and Emergency Preparedness Director in Europe, Aleksander Jankov, has been in daily contact with our Ukrainian colleagues, supporting them with practical preparedness advice, and by sharing timely, reliable, and relevant information about the state of security on the ground. "The Ukrainian people continue to make monumental efforts to defend their country and maintain food production. We have 11 dedicated colleagues in Ukraine who are an integral part of Ukrainian defense. Farmers risk their lives in the fields and our colleagues in Ukraine are doing everything they can to support them. Their work is crucial in safeguarding their country and ensuring food security in the world," shares Aleksander. As the conflict continues to disrupt global food security, our commitment to supporting Ukrainian farmers remains unwavering. We stand with our colleagues and farmers in Ukraine who are showing remarkable strength and perseverance.

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  • Yara International hat dies direkt geteilt

    Yara’s CEO Svein Tore Holsether met with Ms. Nivruti Rai, CEO of Invest India, and Dr. Acquino Vimal, Ambassador of India to Norway.💡 The fruitful discussion in Oslo focused on strengthening business relations between Norway and India. “The new free trade agreement between our countries should encourage more trade,” said Svein Tore. 🤝  Committed to empowering Indian farmers to grow a Nature-Positive Food Future, this meeting was continuation of his engagement with Invest India, an agency dedicated to investment and facilitation, to explore possible areas of partnership. 🌱 Collaboration is key for transformative solutions to address food insecurity, climate impact, and the green transition. 🗝️ #NaturePositive Sanjiv Kanwar

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  • Yara International hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Mónica Andrés Enríquez anzeigen

    Executive Vice President @Yara Europe / Madrid-based | Shaping sustainable agriculture in Europe | Passionate about responsibly feeding the world while protecting our planet. 🌍

    I welcome the European Commission recognition of fertilizers as a cornerstone of food security and its commitment to strengthening domestic production in its "Vision on the Future of Agriculture" published today.   Fertilizers are vital—not just for ensuring food security, but also for making Europe's food system more resilient and self-sufficient.   At Yara, we are working with several partners across the entire food value chain to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture and drive the transition to a decarbonized future. Low-carbon fertilizers and precision farming practices can be game-changers for both farmers and the planet.   But we can’t achieve this goal alone. Transforming agriculture requires the right policies and incentives.   That’s why a strong Common Agricultural Policy (#CAP) within the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) is essential to scaling low-carbon fertilizers, precision farming and digital innovation. The time to act is now.

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    We're advancing regenerative agriculture in Europe thanks to our Yara Regeneration Knowledge Centres! 🧑🌾   Established to increase regenerative agriculture knowledge, this initiative aims to showcase how our products and tools can contribute to:   🌱 Maintaining soil health 💧 Improving water quality 📉 Mitigating emissions  💪 Improving crop resilience 🚀 Increasing nutrient use efficiency   And we're thrilled to share that within the first year, the Yara Europe team have already seen results! For example, in Italy, after a year of trials, they recorded a higher yield and quality of tomatoes using reg ag practices compared to conventional farming! 🍅   In addition to supporting farmers, the knowledge hubs are also an arena to foster relationships with researchers and food chain companies to further the evolution of regenerative agricultural practices. 🤝   "Seeing is believing and the centres are an important tool to demonstrate our reg ag solutions. Collaboration is key to also promote our offerings and we now have a dynamic platform to showcase our value propositions and to keep developing the right reg ag solutions for our farmers,” shared SVP BU South, Marion Martinez.   Keep up all the great work, BU South and YARD! Together, we can grow a nature-positive food future! 💚 Yara Italia Yara Hellas Yara Iberian #KnowledgeGrows

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  • Yara International hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Svein Tore Holsether anzeigen

    President & CEO at Yara International

    EØS-avtalen er avgjørende for norsk næringsliv. Den har vært Norges viktigste handelsavtale i 30 år, og om lag 70 prosent av Norges eksport går til EU/EØS.    Som et lite land med åpen økonomi, er Norge særlig utsatt i en tid med økt geopolitisk spenning. Sikkerhetspolitikk, handelspolitikk og næringspolitikk virker tettere sammen enn før. Og politikkutviklingen i Brussel favner bredt og dypt, og går raskt, på strategisk viktige felt for Norge, som for eksempel helse, forsvar og handel. Det gjør det mer krevende å være på utsiden av EU, og det blir desto viktigere at Norge er en konstruktiv og pålitelig partner og opprettholder vår del av EØS-avtalen.    Derfor er det bra at regjeringen nå intensiverer arbeidet med å redusere etterslep på EØS-direktiver. Samtidig er de fem resterende direktivene i Ren energi-pakken fredet ut neste stortingsperiode. Jeg er bekymret for hva slags presedens dette skaper, og for de langsiktige konsekvensene for Norges forhold til Europa. Norge står på utsiden av EUs tollunion og handelspolitikk. Vi risikerer å havne i kryssilden i en handelskrig, i tillegg til å utelates fra initiativer for å styrke europeisk konkurransekraft.   Jeg frykter at de siste ukers uro i norsk politikk sender uheldige signaler til Brussel og svekker Norges good will. Og good will trenger vi mye av. Nå trengs en snuoperasjon fra norske myndigheter. Vi må ta unna etterslepet på direktiver, komme tidligere inn i politikkutviklingen i Brussel for å sikre norske interesser, og være en forutsigbar samarbeidspartner gjennom EØS. Mer om dette her: https://lnkd.in/dSGmCSSm

    Yara-sjefen med EØS-advarsel: – Veldig farlig

    Yara-sjefen med EØS-advarsel: – Veldig farlig


  • Yara International hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Svein Tore Holsether anzeigen

    President & CEO at Yara International

    At this year’s Oslo Energy Forum, discussions centered on accelerating the energy transition amid the worst economic conditions European industry has faced in a decade.    Rising energy costs, market volatility, and stronger decarbonization requirements, compared to international competitors, are straining Europe’s competitiveness.    The Draghi report states clearly that energy-intensive industries are crucial to avoid strategic dependencies in critical industries, like the fertilizer industry. 50 percent of the food produced in the world is produced thanks to mineral fertilizers. However, Russian fertilizers are flowing into Europe at record levels, at a higher rate than before the war. This is a major threat to global food security and for European food sovereignty.    In this new geopolitical reality, both business leaders and policymakers have a job to do:   Business leaders must prepare to raise their voices and secure their business interests and, in turn, their ability to operate profitably.  As politics and business are becoming more interlinked, businesses must get involved in processes early and ensure decision-makers are aware of how changes in critical conditions will affect our industry. Reduced European competitiveness, with lower productivity growth and increased reliance on imports, is problematic not only for businesses' market conditions; it also threatens Europe’s strategic autonomy by creating new, structural dependencies.      Policymakers must provide business with the predictability needed to invest and operate. Political ambitions and goals must be accompanied by political will and action. New investments will only materialize with a strong and viable business case, built on the right combination of market demand, skills, affordable inputs, and predictability. Predictability in framework conditions is more important than ever.    Now is the time to move from targets to incentives. Bold action is needed to restore European competitiveness.

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  • This Valentine's Day, we're spreading our love for what nourishes life on Earth. ❤️   🌱 Since 1905, mineral fertilizer has played a crucial role in helping feed the world.   🤔 But #DYK that mineral fertilizer is one of the world's most life-saving innovations and is responsible for growing half of the food on our planet?   This is a legacy near and dear to us, and continues driving us forward every day in Yara! 👏 Learn more 👉 https://lnkd.in/eEMFTAne #ValentinesDay

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    This International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we're celebrating a successful project that's improving production at Yara Pilbara, thanks to Process Engineer Aditi Malik's initiation! 👩💻 🤔 When the Yara Pilbara Nitrates team discovered the correlation for production limitations, Aditi was determined to find the root cause. Springing into action, she conducted in-depth studies, analyses, and bench-testing with a cross-functional team. 📉 As a result, the team in Pilbara was able to implement significant improvements in the production rate of technical ammonium nitrates (TAN) while reducing 30% in steam and power consumption. 🗨️ Reflecting on her achievements and being a woman in STEM, Aditi shared, "Science has always been my passion, and this field gives me the opportunity to solve real-world problems and drive innovation. I strive to motivate young females as much as I can, showing them that they belong in STEM and can achieve great things." We applaud Aditi and the team for initiating efforts to improve plant production rates, demonstrating not only a framework of continuous improvement but also showcasing the true essence of Yara’s entrepreneurial spirit! 👏 Learn more 👉 https://lnkd.in/dwaaEb8S #WomenInScience

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    Yara's CEO, Svein Tore Holsether joined CNBC to talk about our fourth quarter results.   🎯 Here, he shared that Yara’s strong operational performance resulted in record-high production and safety performance - a significant milestone in our continuous work to improve safety and resilience.    🌱 This quarter was also a milestone for the European fertilizer industry, as the European Commission proposed tariffs on Russian fertilizers. Stressing this is crucial to level the playing field for European fertilizer producers, he urged for more to be done to reduce Europe’s dependency on Russia.   Watch the full interview 👇

    Yara is facing high energy costs, CEO says

    Yara is facing high energy costs, CEO says


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