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Tarragona, Tarragona 137 seguidores

Ecosistema de Innovación Abierta del Puerto de Tarragona

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Som-Inn Port es el espacio de colaboración de la comunidad portuaria y el conjunto de nuestros/as stakeholders, para innovar en procesos, servicios y modelos de negocio del Port de Tarragona.

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De 201 a 500 empleados
Tarragona, Tarragona
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    Passeig de l'Escullera, s/n

    Tarragona, Tarragona 43004, ES

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    🌍 Port of Antwerp-Bruges is turning 88 hectares into a groundbreaking Circular Economy Innovation Hub with the Next Gen Demo project. This initiative aims to reduce waste, enhance port efficiency, and set new global standards in sustainability. 🚀 Key goals include advancing recycling technologies, lowering the environmental impact of port operations, and fostering cross-industry synergies. The project will attract startups and investments focused on sustainable solutions, positioning the port as an innovation leader. 💡 Early participants like Power to Hydrogen and TripleW are pioneering green hydrogen and biodegradable plastic technologies, highlighting the port's commitment to sustainability.  🔗 For more information you can take a look at the SOM-INN PORT Observatory of external projects through the following link:  SOM-INN PORT <> Port Tarragona"

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    🚢Port Tarragona sigue avanzando hacia la sostenibilidad y ha implementado una nueva desaladora en el muelle de Rioja, capaz de producir 8 metros cúbicos diarios de agua desalada mediante tecnología de ósmosis inversa 🌍Este proyecto permite destinar agua no potable a tareas de mantenimiento, reduciendo la dependencia de fuentes de agua dulce y promoviendo una gestión más responsable y sostenible de los recursos hídricos 🌱Además, la desaladora funciona con energía solar gracias a las placas fotovoltaicas que suministran la energía necesaria, cumpliendo con el compromiso del puerto con la sostenibilidad energética 🔗 Más información en nuestro observatorio: Port Tarragona<> SOM-INN PORT

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    👥 La Autoridad Portuaria de Tarragona y Ocean Ecostructures han instalado 8 estructuras de regeneración de biodiversidad marina (Life Boosting Units - LBU) 🔍 Estas estructuras, ubicadas en el Muelle de Costa, Muelle de la Rioja y Muelle de Andalucía, actúan como biotopos que fomentan la flora y fauna marina 📈 El sistema Bio Boosting System (BBS) permite monitorizar y hacer un seguimiento de la evolución de los beneficios ambientales 🎯 El objetivo principal es transformar las infraestructuras portuarias en agentes activos de regeneración marina, incrementando la biodiversidad y mejorando la calidad ambiental del puerto 🌟 Este proyecto forma parte del Plan de Sostenibilidad del Puerto de Tarragona y se adhiere al proyecto SEAREG, centrado en la regeneración del Mediterráneo a gran escala 🔗 Más información en nuestro observatorio: Port Tarragona<> SOM-INN PORT

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    🚢 Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts, in collaboration with HHLA Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG and Linde Engineering have developed a hydrogen supply station at the Container Terminal Tollerort (CTT) 🌍This innovative project marks a significant step towards sustainable port operations, with the station designed to supply hydrogen to heavy vehicles and terminal equipment, thereby significantly reducing CO2 emissions and improving air quality 🔋 Featuring a high-pressure ionic compressor, the station ensures efficient refueling at 450 bar. This initiative, part of the Clean Port & Logistics (CPL) cluster, aims to accelerate the transition to zero-emission logistics and port operations 🌐 The station also serves as a testing ground for hydrogen-powered equipment under real port conditions, paving the way for future technological advancements in hydrogen use within logistics and transportation 🔗 For more information you can take a look at the SOM-INN PORT Observatory of external projects through the following link: SOM-INN PORT <> Port Tarragona

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    🌊 The Port of Los Angeles, in partnership with PACECO CORP., MITSUI E&S Hydrogen Team and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) have unveiled the H2-ZE RTG, a hydrogen fuel cell-powered crane. 🚢 This mobile crane, powered entirely by hydrogen fuel cells, is now operational at Yusen Terminals LLC Inc and operates for 16 hours a day, matching diesel crane efficiency without harmful emissions, significantly improving air quality and reducing noise pollution at the port. 💡 MITSUI E&S Hydrogen Team designed the fuel cell power system, with Toyota Tsusho providing the hydrogen. This project demonstrates the feasibility and environmental benefits of hydrogen fuel cells in port operations. 🌍 By adopting this technology, the Port of Los Angeles advances its sustainability goals, particularly the Clean Air Action Plan, improving conditions for port employees and setting a new standard for green technologies. 📅 The pilot project runs until 2028, aiming to prove the efficiency and environmental benefits of hydrogen fuel cell cranes.   🔗 For more information you can take a look at SOM-INN PORT’s Observatory through the following link:   SOM-INN PORT <> Port Tarragona

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    🚢 Ports of Stockholm, in collaboration with the RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Torghatten, Zeabuz, DNV, and Vattenbussen, are pioneering the future of urban maritime transport with the "Policy Lab Urban Zjöfart" project. This innovative initiative focuses on the safety and feasibility of autonomous ferries in Stockholm. 📅 This project leverages a real-world case study in Riddarfjärden to gather crucial data on the transition from manned to autonomous ferries. It aims to improve the frequency and punctuality of ferry services, benefiting travelers, particularly cyclists and pedestrians. 🔍 The role of Ports of Stockholm is central to this project, collaborating on the testing and development of safety protocols. The findings will contribute to ongoing international policy discussions by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), positioning Stockholm as a leader in maritime innovation and sustainability. 🌍 This initiative not only aims to revolutionize urban mobility in Stockholm but also to enhance its regulatory and commercial standing in the global maritime industry. By developing safe and efficient autonomous ferry services, Stockholm Ports is setting a new standard for sustainable urban transport. 🔗 For more information you can take a look at SOM-INN PORT’s Observatory through the following link: SOM-INN PORT <> Port Tarragona

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    🔋Fortescue in collaboration with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), is focused on developing sustainable fuel alternatives for maritime activities. 🚢They successfully conducted propulsion and maneuverability trials of the Fortescue Green Pioneer vessel using liquid ammonia combined with diesel and hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) as fuel. ✅ The trials with the Fortescue Green Pioneer validated the safety and efficacy of using ammonia with other fuels, demonstrating optimal performance under real operating conditions. 🏅Fortescue and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) are also collaborating to enhance the cybersecurity resilience of vessels using alternative fuels by monitoring the operational technology systems on board. 🔗 For more information you can take a look at SOM-INN PORT’s Observatory through the following link: SOM-INN PORT <> Port Tarragona

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    🚢 The Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) and Green2x are leading an innovative project to design, establish, and operate a biofuel plant in this Swedish-Danish port. 🌍This plant will convert residual straw, an agricultural by-product, into biomethane and other green fuels. Using an innovative technology developed by Green2x, they will be able to extract over 95% of the energy content from straw, making it an efficient and sustainable energy source. 🌿 The plant's construction is scheduled for completion by 2030. Once operational, it will not only supply the Copenhagen Malmö Port with biofuels but also support local growth and promote sustainable development in the region. 🌾 This collaboration between Copenhagen Malmö Port and Green2x will develop new business prospects, strengthening cooperation with the shipping industry and other actors in the biofuels value chain. 🔗 For more information you can take a look at the SOM-INN PORT Observatory through the following link:

    Residual straw converted into biofuel: Project at the Port of Copenhagen Malmö - SOM-INNPORT

    Residual straw converted into biofuel: Project at the Port of Copenhagen Malmö - SOM-INNPORT

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    📢 Som-Inn Port se presenta al Cónsul de Reino Unido 📅 El pasado 27 de mayo, Lloyd Milen, Cónsul General de Reino Unido, y Patrick Jodar Hart, Trade&Investment Advisor, visitaron Port Tarragona 🚢 El encuentro sirvió para dar conocer todos los proyectos relacionados con cruceros, innovación, transición energética y descarbonización que tienen lugar en el Puerto. También se les explicó el funcionamiento y los resultados obtenidos con el Ecosistema de Innovación Abierta del Puerto, los proyectos de innovación que se están llevando a cabo y la oportunidad que representa Ports 4.0 para acelerar proyectos de innovación del sector logístico-portuario. 👥 Fruto de esta reunión se explorarán las posibilidades de colaboración con entidades de Reino Unido. 🔍 Para más información sobre esta noticia puedes visitar la plataforma de SOM-INN PORT: SOM-INN PORT<> Port Tarragona

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    🚢 The "Digital Port Call" initiative, led by the The Port of Gothenburg in collaboration with Inter Terminals, aims to revolutionize port operations by digitalizing the port call process. 🌐 "Digital Port Call" addresses logistical challenges and environmental impact through advanced digital technologies, enabling real-time communication and coordination among up to 120 actors, including shipping companies, terminals, tugboats, pilots, and transport companies. 🔍 The primary objective is to enhance operational efficiency, optimize resource utilization, and significantly reduce CO2 emissions. The project facilitates Just-In-Time arrivals, minimizing waiting times and allowing ships to travel at more eco-friendly speeds, thus reducing anchoring and berthing times, leading to an annual CO2 reduction of approximately 6,000 tons. 💡 This initiative aligns with the Port of Gothenburg Green Connection goal to cut port-related emissions by up to 70% by 2030. With the project in an advanced implementation stage, the Port Authority reports significant improvements in efficiency and emissions reduction. 🔗 For more information you can take a look at SOM-INN PORT Observatory through the following link: SOM-INN PORT <> Port Tarragona

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