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🌱 Restoration d'écosystèmes forestiers natifs à grande échelle. 💌 Recevez notre newsletter :

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🌱 MORFO développe une solution de restauration des écosystèmes forestiers natifs à grande échelle. 💌 Recevez notre newsletter : 💡 Suivez #MORFOLETSGROW Nous adressons une problématique essentielle au maintien de conditions de vie acceptables pour l’espèce humaine puisque : - 75 % de la surface terrestre a été altérée par l’activité humaine, obligeant la faune et la flore à se replier dans des espaces de plus en plus restreints (source : Nations Unies, ODD n°15) - 80 millions d'hectares devraient être reforestés par an, alors que seulement 8 millions le sont actuellement, le plus souvent avec de la mono-culture créant des espaces pauvres en faune et flore : “75% des sols sont artificialisés et ont perdu leur potentiel en termes de rendu de services écosystémiques” (Robin Duponnois, Directeur de l’IRD) - en 2030, les forêts doivent représenter 35% de la captation de carbone dans le monde (source GIEC) Nous restaurons des écosystèmes forestiers natifs et diversifiés. Concrètement, nos équipes analysent de très grands espaces à l'abandon, travaillent avec des réseaux locaux de semenciers pour sélectionner et identifier les essences à replanter, déterminent les conditions optimales de plantation, revitalisent jusqu’à 50 hectares par jour et par drone et suivent la progression pendant plusieurs années.

Site web
Services de conseil en environnement
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Drones, Machine Learning, Reforestation, Réhabilitation d'écosystèmes, Biodiversity, Environnement, Biodiversité et Biodiversity


Employés chez MORFO


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    🌳 Discover our new reforestation project in the North of Rio! This very promising project is one of the first examples of combining large-scale reforestation technology with the skills of local actors. To achieve the goal of 35% forest carbon absorption capacity by 2030 (IPCC), 8️⃣0️⃣ million hectares of new forests would need to be planted each year. However, only 8️⃣ million hectares are reforested annually (UN). To accelerate planting, MORFO’s drone technique must be supported by the knowledge and work of local populations. That's why @MORFO work with Instituto Terra de Preservação Ambiental - ITPA. In this 50-hectare project, 75% of the area is replanted by drones and 25% with the help of local populations who are already working there. ITPA provides MORFO with knowledge of the Mata Atlantica biome, access to a nursery for manual planting, and local workers to carry out the planting. This Brazilian organization has more than 20 years of experience in tree planting and has restored one million hectares of the degraded Atlantic forest. By planting seeds and restoring the ecosystem, this project helps regenerate this critical area that supplies 80% of Rio's water and 30% of its energy through the Guandu basin. #reforestation #forest #climatechange #climateaction #foret #reflorestamento #floresta #brasil #brazil #naturelovers #nature #RiodeJaneiro

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    11 953  abonnés

    🌴🦜 Ever wonder why MORFO is focusing on tropical areas? Currently, we're dedicated to restoring tropical and subtropical regions. We focus on these regions for several compelling reasons: 🦋 They host 50% of the world's biodiversity. 🌬️ They play a critical role as carbon sinks. 🛤️ 360 million hectares of forests are ripe for reforestation in these areas. 🔬 The global scientific community possesses deep knowledge of these ecosystems. Curious about non-tropical regions? Swipe to learn their pros and cons! #tropicalforest #forestrestoration #reforestation

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour MORFO, visuel

    11 953  abonnés

    🌳🛠️ Happy Forest Engineer Day! If you: ...judge books by their cover and the type of paper they’re printed on, ...have a favorite chainsaw brand and can discuss its merits at length, ...maintain a bucket list of all the protected areas you want to visit in the world, ...get emotional about the results of a plantation, ...are extremely proud of your degree and believe you will change the world, ...always carry a pocket knife or multi-tool with you, ...own multiple pairs of boots, each for different terrains, ...and have a room filled with veeeery interesting rocks and leaves. Congratulations, you're a true forest engineer! And a big thank you to our forest engineers here at MORFO. Without you, the forests wouldn't be the same! #forestengineer #forestengineerday

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    ☀️ On a day so fine, a flight in kind! In the video, we see our operations team in French Guiana, performing a flight to disperse 25 kg of seeds. And that's not even its full capacity; this drone can carry up to 30 kg with just two operators in the field! Technology, science, and human efforts are essential for the recovery of a forest ecosystem! 🦋 Let's grow! #tropicalforest #restoration #biodiversity

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour MORFO, visuel

    11 953  abonnés

    💚 Rio de Janeiro looks even more beautiful in green! Trees play a crucial role in reducing urban temperatures, capable of lowering the perceived temperature by up to 4°C in green areas... ...That's why Rio de Janeiro, which faced extremes with a perceived temperature of 62°C in March, is at the forefront of combating high temperatures! 🇧🇷 MORFO + Rio City: In partnership with our technology and the ReflorestaRio program, the Rio de Janeiro City Hall is restoring hard-to-reach areas like Serra de Inhoaíba in Campo Grande. Using our drones, we've begun planting native species, a crucial step in our short, medium, and long-term efforts to tackle the challenges of climate change. This enables us to plant up to 100 times faster than traditional methods, saving costs and resources while accelerating our positive environmental impact. FOR THE FUTURE: The initiative will increase green coverage in the city, mitigating the effects of heatwaves and enhancing local biodiversity, while protecting the population from natural disasters like floods and landslides. 🌱 Forest restoration is just beginning in Rio, and we will all reap the benefits of this transformation! Let's grow! #forestrestoration #climateaction #riodejaneiro

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour MORFO, visuel

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    🚨 Only 3 days left to subscribe to our webinar! It's your last opportunity to hear from the best experts in forest restoration! Besides Pascal, Mick, and Damien, you will also meet our incredible moderator, Andy Haigh, Director of Climate Positive Solutions at Grosvenor Property UK. He is setting the standard for responding to the latest climate science and implementing effective carbon offset strategies for Grosvenor UK. 🗓️ July 11th… register now! 🙋 See you there! #forestrestoration #climateaction #carbonoffset #webinar

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    🌴 Defining quality criteria for forest restoration is a critical topic. Damien Kuhn, VP of Forestry Partnerships & Development at Terraformation, will share his insights with you on July 11th. 🗓️ Meet him during our 9th webinar: "How to Identify High-Quality Forest Restoration Projects?" Damien combines his roles as a social entrepreneur and strategic advisor, working with governments, international organizations, and companies on forestry, climate, and sustainability policies. He has a strong background in agronomy, water, and forest engineering. He has developed global partnerships and managed forestry projects, positively impacting over 1.8 million people in 33 countries! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from one of the top experts in high-quality restoration! 😎 See you there. #highqualityrestoration #forestrestoration #webinar #regeneration

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    11 953  abonnés

    💙 "When we are collecting seeds, we are creating life." Crispim, one of our seed collection partners in the state of Bahia, shares the experience of working with seed collection. With an incredible story and a passion, Crispim exemplifies the importance of partnering with local communities in restoration projects. This theme, which was also addressed in our recent webinar, is essential for us at MORFO. Partnerships with local participants allow us to promote local labor, which is crucial for: 🔬 Soil analysis: Conducting diagnostics before planting and long-term monitoring after planting. 🌱 Soil preparation: Ensuring the soil is ready for planting. 📍 Local seed collection: Ensuring genetic diversity and environmental adaptation. 🪴 Nursery management: Conducting traditional manual planting efficiently. To watch Crispim's full interview and learn about our projects, webinars, interviews, and news, visit our YouTube channel "MORFO Brasil". #localcommunities #restoration #forestrestoration #seeds

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