Save the Children Indonesia

Save the Children Indonesia

Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat

Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 15.559 pengikut


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Save the Children di Indonesia terdaftar dengan nama entitas Yayasan Save the Children Indonesia berdasarkan SK Kemenkumham No. AHU-0001042.AH.01.05 Tahun 2021. Save the Children Indonesia merupakan bagian dari gerakan global Save the Children Internasional yang bekerja memperjuangkan hak-hak anak di lebih dari 120 negara di dunia. Di Indonesia, misi Save the Children dilakukan sejak tahun 1976. Saat ini, Save the Children beroperasi di 9 provinsi, 79 kabupaten, 701 kecamatan dan 918 desa. Program kami fokus pada kesejahteraan anak yang mengintegrasikan lintas sektor termasuk pendidikan, kesehatan, perlindungan anak, kemiskinan dan tata kelola hak anak, serta respon situasi bencana. Detail lebih lanjut dapat mengunjungi Informasi lebih lanjut, sila kunjungi situs web kami di atau hubungi melalui telepon: (021) 7824415.

Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat
Ukuran perusahaan
201-500 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Tahun Pendirian


Karyawan di Save the Children Indonesia


  • Lihat halaman organisasi Save the Children Indonesia, grafis

    15.559 pengikut

    We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation (BISA) project. BISA is a collaborative initiative by Save the Children Indonesia and Nutrition International, launched in 2019 with aimed to combat the stunting of children under five across West Java and NTT provinces. "Our efforts over the past five years have shown positive results. This step also represents our commitment to creating sustainable change in the effort to reduce stunting in Indonesia. We believe that with the support of various parties, we can achieve a healthier and better future for Indonesian children," explained Aduma Situmorang, Head of Integrated Programming - Save the Children Indonesia. After five years of intervention, the BISA project has shown significant advancements in the nutritional status of children, adolescents, and pregnant and lactating women through enhanced dietary diversity, exclusive breastfeeding, and micronutrient supplementation. At the community level, Effective implementation of Social and Behaviour Change Communication to improve practices related to Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), and Strengthened capacity of district and provincial governments and health service providers in delivering nutrition interventions and optimizing resource use. The BISA project has laid a strong foundation for continued efforts in stunting prevention and has provided valuable insights into addressing malnutrition through integrated, community-driven approaches. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all partners, stakeholders, and community members who contributed to the success of this project. Together, we have made significant strides in improving the health and well-being of children and families in Indonesia. #BerpihakPadaAnak

  • Lihat halaman organisasi Save the Children Indonesia, grafis

    15.559 pengikut

    Empowering nearly 4,000 women-led cacao businesses in South Sulawesi! Proud to share GrowHer:Kakao learnings at GIZ's Community of Practice event in Jakarta. We appreciate all #GrowHer partners for joining together in building a brighter, more inclusive future for everyone! 🌍🍫

    Lihat halaman organisasi Grow Asia, grafis

    13.301 pengikut

    🌍 Last week, #GrowAsia traveled to Jakarta to participate in GIZ's first Community of Practice event for its Feminist and Fair Grantees in Southeast Asia! 🍫 We were proud to share learnings on GrowHer:Kakao, where we are empowering nearly 4,000 women in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, by enhancing the rights, representation, and access to valuable resources for 4,000 women-led cacao businesses in South Sulawesi. We are proud to collaborate with Mars, Save the Children Indonesia, and PISAgro on this transformative journey, supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We are grateful to all our #GrowHer partners as together, we are cultivating a brighter, more inclusive future for all! #GrowHerKakao | #InclusiveGrowth | #WomenEmpowerment Chrissa "Borj" Borja l Cherry Tadeo-Cunanan l Ranthi Whesi Umbarani

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  • Save the Children Indonesia membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Dessy Kurwiany Ukar, grafis

    Chief Executive Officer/Chairperson at Save the Children Indonesia

    It was a privilege to be part of the AXA Week for Good, witnessing firsthand the contributions and participation of AXA employees in giving back to our communities. To create the impact we aim for, we cannot do it alone. Partnerships with many stakeholders are essential. Thank you, Pak Edwin Sugianto for making this collaboration with Save the Children Indonesia possible and for your commintment on building sustainable partnerships that create a greater impact for Indonesian children.

    Lihat profil Edwin Sugianto, grafis

    Chief Operating, IT, Health, Marketing & Digital Officer

    AXA Week for Good is back! It is always great to be able to give back to the society and human progress. This year AXA Insurance Indonesia together with the other AXA Indonesia entities, focus on creating an impactful and sustainable contribution. Taking the theme of water conservation, we decided to build water filters, which serves drinking water for the students of SD Nurul Yaqin, a socially driven school located in South Jakarta Not only that, we also donated wash basins, PC computers, books, and plants, to improve the convenience of the students in their daily learning activities. As a financial institution, we also took the opportunity to deliver financial literacy sharing to the parents and teachers. Aligned with my personal motto in life 'in pursuance of a greater purpose', I am excited to take part in the entire activities, as well as, being one of the initiators of the program in partnership with Save the Children International Indonesia under the leadership of Ibu Dessy Kurwiany Ukar. #KnowYouCan #AXAWeekForGood #AXAHeartsInAction #ProudOfAXA

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Save the Children Indonesia, grafis

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    2 Minggu lalu Save the Children Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah untuk kegiatan People and Organization Meeting. Para People & Organization HR Global Leads dari berbagai negara berkunjung ke Indonesia untuk berbagi praktik terbaik untuk mencari tahu prioritas utama yang bisa di kolaborasikan bersama. Para HR Global Lead juga mengunjungi program Skills to Succeed di Bandung, untuk melihat dampak program pada anak-anak yang sudah Save the Children lakukan selama ini. Here's to leading and changing the future!  #berpihakpadaanak

  • Lihat halaman organisasi Save the Children Indonesia, grafis

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    Kiprah Save the Children untuk menangani krisis iklim dimulai sejak tahun 2022, ketika kami memperkenalkan kampanye Aksi Generasi Iklim (AGI). Kampanye ini dilakukan dengan mengedepankan partisipasi anak, tujuannya agar anak juga memahami hak-hak mereka. Kampanye ini juga menjadi salah satu media yang dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak untuk menyampaikan aspirasi dan harapan mereka terkait dampak krisis iklim bagi pemenuhan hak-hak anak. Anak-anak adalah harapan masa depan, tetapi bagaimana masa depan mereka akan terwujud jika kita tidak bertindak sekarang? Krisis iklim adalah ancaman serius bagi hak anak-anak akan lingkungan yang aman dan sehat. #SekarangSaatnya bersatu, beraksi, dalam melindungi bumi untuk generasi mendatang #48tahunsavethechildrenindonesia #berpihakpadaanak

  • Lihat halaman organisasi Save the Children Indonesia, grafis

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    Aduma Situmorang represented Save the Children to talk about the significant role of Indonesian women in ensuring the well-being of children by focusing on education, health, and protection. She highlighted the importance of gender equality investment and the belief that empowering women leads to stronger communities. #BerpihakPadaAnak

    Lihat profil Aduma Situmorang, grafis

    Head of Integrated Programming at Save the Children Indonesia

    I thankful for the privilege this morning represented Save the Children Indonesia and talked on how Indonesian women have wield significant influence for the wellbeing of children, to ensure children can access to good education, health and protection through their leadership and contribution in the decision making to build their household resilience. We introduced VSLA (Village Saving Loan Association) as our platform to empower female farmers and smallholder farming communities in financial literacy, business skills training and generating other sources and diversified of income and build their confidence and leadership in the decision making. From our experience, The VLSA has been a good approach to build the foundational financial literacy that we think credibly important to ensure no default, to ensure farmers don't end up heavily in debt and also to build savings culture among the farmers, a sense of ownership and even allocate their loan into the productive investment. This VSLA also could be considered as a gateway to accessing financial institution. I end up my key remarks this morning with the few cricital points: 1. Apart from the financial literacy and digital payment is important, we need to focusing on gender equality investment by working with men, boys, leaders to improve the environmental system and social behavior change to support women to grow and participate in the decision making  2. Talking about women empowerment is about our future. When we can empower women, we can empower the whole community.

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