Wahana Visi Indonesia

Wahana Visi Indonesia

Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat

Tangerang Selatan, Banten 16.377 pengikut

Visi kami untuk setiap anak, hidup utuh sepenuhnya. Doa kami untuk setiap hati, tekad untuk mewujudkannya.

Tentang kami

Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) adalah Yayasan Sosial kemanusiaan Kristen yang bekerja untuk membuat perubahan yang berkesinambungan pada kehidupan anak, keluarga, dan masyarakat yang hidup dalam kemiskinan. WVI mendedikasikan diri untuk bekerjasama dengan masyarakat yang paling rentan tanpa membedakan agama, ras, etnis, dan jenis kelamin. Sejak tahun 1998, Yayasan Wahana Visi Indonesia telah menjalankan program pengembangan masyarakat yang berfokus pada anak. Ratusan ribu anak di Indonesia telah merasakan manfaat program pendampingan WVI.

Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat
Ukuran perusahaan
501-1.000 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Tahun Pendirian
Humanitarian, Community Development, Children Welfare, Education, Advocacy, Sustainable Change, Child Protection, Child Participation, Non Profit Organization, Health, Emergency Response, Children, NGO, Youth, Community Empowerment


  • Utama

    Jl. Graha Raya Bintaro Blok GB/GK No.9

    Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan

    Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15228, ID

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  • Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim No.33 RT.16/RW.6, Kebon Sirih, Menteng

    Gedung 33

    Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10340, ID

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Karyawan di Wahana Visi Indonesia


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    ⚠️#SahabatWVI, Wahana Visi Indonesia menghimbau sahabat untuk bisa berhati-hati dan mewaspadai segala bentuk penggalangan dana yang mengatasnamakan WVI⚠️ Cek terlebih dahulu kebenaran informasi melalui saluran komunikasi resmi WVI terlampir. Terpenting, jangan ragu untuk melaporkan temuan ke hotline/akun resmi media sosial WVI. Terus waspada, dan mari terus semangat berjuang bagi kesejahteraan hidup anak-anak Indonesia! #WahanaVisiIndonesia #UntukAnakIndonesia #AwasModus

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    A significant transformation has occurred at an elementary school in Jayawijaya Regency, Papua. The classrooms are now filled with books, reading corners, and educational displays, creating an inspiring learning atmosphere. "The class has changed. The children are more eager to learn," said Alpius, the Vice Principal. Support from Wahana Visi Indonesia and Tokio Marine Group facilitated the Classroom Renovation program, enhancing the teaching and learning process. Children like Jelda, Nando, and Chiko are now more enthusiastic about reading their new books. This change also includes teacher training and collaboration between schools in Papua. Let's open the window of literacy for children in Papua together! 🌟📚 #WahanaVisiIndonesia #UntukAnakIndonesia #LiterasiPapua #PendidikanUntukSemua #TokioMarine

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    Thank you to our partners, PT Pancious Tirta Jaya and the RIOT Chapter Jakarta Running Community for running together and becoming #PewujudHARAPAN to support better educational facilities for the children in Papua through Kampung Literasi. Through #RunForTheEast, the Pancious Team and the RIOT Jakarta Team conducted a 7KM charity fun run as a show of their care and commitment to the quality of education for our children in the easternmost region of Indonesia, supported by Wahana Visi Indonesia. LET'S RUN FOR THE EAST! #RunForTheEast #WahanaVisiIndonesia #CorporatePartnership #SocialImpact #CharityRun #ForTheChildrenOfIndonesia

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    From birth to the age of three, children experience rapid growth and development. Children who suffer from malnutrition during this stage of life will not develop optimally. Malnutrition at an early age will affect the child's physical, mental, and emotional capacity throughout their life. To support the government's program to accelerate the reduction of stunting, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) implements various nutrition programs targeting children aged 0-5 years (toddlers). One of the programs currently being run by WVI is the Nutrition Post with the Positive Deviance Hearth (PD Hearth) approach. Read Arzelia Yorika Lienando (Health Manager of Wahana Visi Indonesia) full explanation on Positive Deviance, its design, and implementation strategies at https://lnkd.in/g7pYsbRM #WahanaVisiIndonesia #UntukAnakIndonesia #Gizi #ENOUGH #Nutrisi #Malnutrisi #Opini

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    Wahana Visi Indonesia has officially launched the ENOUGH campaign, which aims to address the issue of child malnutrition in Indonesia. This campaign is strengthened by the Child-led Research conducted by children supported by WVI from December 2023 to June 2024, focusing on "Adolescent Situations Related to Nutrition, Health, and Child Marriage." 📊 This child-led research involved 6,969 children from 34 provinces in Indonesia, from Aceh to South Papua. The findings show that:  👉🏽 44% of children do not have dinner 👉🏽 32% of children do not have breakfast before school 👉🏽 18% of children have felt hungry but found no food at home The research was conducted by 60 girls and 33 boys from 11 provinces and 28 regencies/cities who are part of the National Child Research Team. These results reflect the 2023 Global Hunger Index (GHI), placing Indonesia 77th out of 125 countries. The prevalence of malnutrition also increased from 7.7% in 2022 to 8.5% in 2023 (Data from the Indonesia Health Survey, 2023). 🎯 Angel Theodora, National Director of WVI, explained that the ENOUGH campaign will run until 2026 with two main approaches: Improving Food Security and Child Nutrition. These efforts target not only the direct fulfillment of nutrition for children in the first 1,000 days of life but also the prevention of stunting in adolescent girls, advocacy for policies, and government funding for the issue of malnutrition and food security. The #ENOUGH campaign aims for malnourished children to be SEEN, HEARD, and PRIORITIZED in national policies and funding, and to provide better access to food, nutrition, and food security. Let's work together to improve the nutrition of Indonesian children! You can participate directly at wahanavisi.org/enough. Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak RI, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Badan Pangan Nasional #WahanaVisiIndonesia #ENOUGH #UntukAnakIndonesia #GiziAnak #CegahStunting #AnakSehat #IndonesiaEmas

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    Stunting is a condition of impaired growth in toddlers caused by chronic malnutrition, primarily occurring during the first 1,000 Days of Life. According to the 2023 Indonesian Health Survey (SKI), 21.5% of children aged 0-59 months (toddlers) are classified as stunted or severely stunted. Besides nutritional issues, stunting is also related to child marriage. Women who marry at a young age are more likely to give birth to low birth weight (LBW) babies. UNICEF states that LBW babies are at a higher risk of death, illness, stunting, cognitive impairment, and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. Preventing stunting requires the involvement of various parties, including children. Adolescent girls and boys, as future parents, play a crucial role in preventing stunting in Indonesia. This infographic on Child Research on Adolescent Situations Related to Nutrition, Health, and Child Marriage serves as a summary that can spark collaboration among parties to realize Golden Indonesia 2045. Child protection is no longer just about preventing violence against children but also about fulfilling children's rights, including the right to live healthily and develop to their full potential. Let’s join WVI through the #ENOUGH campaign, together we can improve the nutrition of Indonesian children! Access and read the full version of the child-led research here: https://lnkd.in/gJQnbcuN #WahanaVisiIndonesia #UntukAnakIndonesia #ENOUGH #ChildLedResearch #PenelitianAnak

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    Implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum has not truly liberated the children of Papua. Unique solutions tailored to the local context are needed. Since the Independent Learning Curriculum was launched in 2022, one big question has been on my mind: What will the concept of independent learning look like for the children of Papua? Ideally, every curriculum should be applied as actions in the teaching and learning process at school. Specifically for children in Papua and other remote areas, implementing the Independent Learning concept should focus on child-friendly learning that aligns with the real conditions on the ground. Read our OpEd on "Independent Learning for Papuan Children" in TEMPO MEDIA by Marthen S. Sambo (WVI's Education Manager) at https://lnkd.in/gCFiCZPf. #WahanaVisiIndonesia #UntukAnakIndonesia #OpEd #opinion #education #childeducation #Papua

    Merdeka Belajar untuk Anak Papua

    Merdeka Belajar untuk Anak Papua


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    🎉You Are Invited to the Launch of the ENOUGH Campaign🙌 Wahana Visi Indonesia is committed to creating an Indonesia where every child enjoys sufficient and nutritious food. To achieve this vision, we will launch the ENOUGH Campaign with the goals of: 👉🏽 Ensuring children are seen, heard, and prioritized in food security and nutrition policies. 👉🏽 Providing children with better access to nutritious food. 👉🏽 Promoting nutrition literacy education to the community. Swipe left to see the information and speakers at the #ENOUGH launch. Join us in improving the nutrition of Indonesian children! Visit us for more info on wahanavisi.org/enough #WahanaVisiIndonesia #ENOUGH #FoodSecurity #ChildNutrition #ForIndonesianChildren

  • Lihat halaman organisasi Wahana Visi Indonesia, grafis

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    In celebration of National Children's Day 2024, 45 children from 28 districts presented their Child-Led Research on stunting and child marriage to representatives from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) and the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI). This event, facilitated by WVI, allowed children to voice their concerns and issues from their regions. Della from West Manggarai stated, "Many Indonesian children are stunted because their parents are still children themselves. We can't care for a child if we are still children." These children emphasized the need for proper guidance to address child marriage, which is still seen as a tradition in some areas. Endah Sri Rejeki, a representative from the Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak RI, stressed the importance of village regulations and collective efforts to tackle child-related issues, urging children to be active reporters and advocates. Besides presenting their findings, the children also visited national media outlets like Harian Kompas and SEA Today, gaining firsthand experience in journalism. Through such activities, children better understand the importance of their participation in nation-building. The 2024 Child-Led Research revealed that 66% of teenagers are unaware of the link between child marriage and stunting, and 57% said their local governments haven't educated them on this issue. Highlighting these health and protection concerns is crucial, and the children have stepped up to advocate for their rights. What role can we play in addressing these issues? It's time to take action for Protected Children and a Progressive Indonesia. #WahanaVisiIndonesia #UntukAnakIndonesia #HariAnakNasional #HariAnakNasional2024 #HAN2024 #NationalChildrensDay2024 #AnakTerlindungi #IndonesiaMaju

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