Foto di copertina di Cino Zucchi Architetti
Cino Zucchi Architetti

Cino Zucchi Architetti

Architettura e pianificazione

CZA is constantly searching new spatial solutions in the diverse and layered character of contemporary human territories

Chi siamo

CZA Cino Zucchi Architetti, one of the leading European studios in the fields of architecture, landscape and urban design, is constantly searching new spatial solutions in the diverse and layered character of contemporary human territories. Its goal is to combine innovation and research with a professional completeness, capable of responding to complex programs at any scale; employing its articulated expertise and, when needed, a well-established net of specialised consultants (structural and mechanical engineering, traffic, economics, landscape design, graphics, light design). The studio has designed and realised many commercial, public, industrial and residential buildings, public spaces, renewal plans and master plans for agricultural, industrial and historical areas; it has participated to many national and international competitions and it is active in the field of interior and exhibition design. The works of the studio have been displayed in several exhibitions and published in Italian and international magazines. The urban design projects of the studio include the master plans for Keski Pasila in Helsinki (Finland), North Lugano (Switzerland), Ewald Coal mines in Herten (Germany), and the proposals for areas in Lugano, Andermatt and Geneva (Switzerland), Herten and Münich (Germany), Vienna and Salzburg (Austria), Deventer, Utrecht and Groningen (Holland), Rennes, Perpignan and Paris (France), Tirana (Albania), St. Petersburg and Moscow (Russia). Architectural realisations include the Group M Headquarters in Assago (Milan), Salewa Headquarters in Bozen, the Lavazza Headquarters and the National Automobile Museum in Turin as well as housing complexes in Milan, Parma, Ancona, Ravenna, Laveno and Bologna. Landscape design projects include via Paride in Cerea, Park in S. Donà, Square in Gratosoglio, Cascina Merlata public spaces and the entrance of the Vedeggio-Cassarate tunnel in Lugano.

Architettura e pianificazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata


Dipendenti presso Cino Zucchi Architetti


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