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🔍 Exciting news from the iMonitor project: our innovative Reporting Template is fully up and running and empowering civic monitors in gathering actionable information on high-risk contracts across Catalonia (Spain), Italy, Romania, and Lithuania! 🌟 Key features of our reporting tool: Three-step structure: 1️⃣ Desk Analysis: Gathering essential contract information 2️⃣ Implementation Monitoring: On-site inspections and interviews 3️⃣ Results and Impact: Documenting outcomes and dissemination Collaborative development with anti-fraud and anti-corruption agencies including Oficina Antifrau de Catalunya, National Integrity Agency, Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione and Specialiųjų tyrimų tarnyba (STT) in iMonitor countries. Accessible via or seamlessly integrated with 💡 This tool is revolutionising how we: ✓ Conduct thorough fieldwork and site inspections ✓ Assess contract compliance, quality of delivered goods/services, and potential irregularities ✓ Evaluate risks such as implementation delays or unjustified payments ✓ Measure the impact of monitoring activities on improving contract implementation 🤝 We're proud to collaborate with law enforcement and oversight agencies to enhance public procurement transparency. Our reporting process ensures that significant findings are promptly forwarded to authorities for further investigation. 🔗 Find out more about the iMonitor reporting template and other project features on our webpage: #iMonitor #PublicProcurement #Transparency #CivicMonitoring #AntiCorruption Government Transparency Institute Monithon Europe ETS Transparency International Lithuania Societatea Academică din România // Romanian Academic Society Col·legi de Professionals de la Ciència Política i de la Sociologia de Catalunya (COLPIS)